满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I came to live here where I am now betwe...

I came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Greek and Grass Greek. Others came too, and we made these little grey houses of logs that you see, and they are square, It is a bad way to live, for there can be no power in a square.

You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were a strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the respectful circle of the nation, and so long as the circle was unbroken, the people were getting rich. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle, and the circle of the four quarters nursed it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and strong wind gave strength and continuous power. This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our brief. Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. Birds make their nests in circle, for theirs are the same as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our places were like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation’s circle, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to nurse our children.

But the Wasichus (Indian word for “white people”) have put us in these square boxes. Our power is gone and we are dying, for the power is not in us any more. You can look at our boys and see how it is with us. Where we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should, boys were men at twelve or thirteen years of age. But now it takes them very much longer to be full - grown.


According to the passage, the Indians _______.

A.don’t have modern instruments in their homes

B.refused to move from round places

C.lived in round places, but were forced to live in square houses

D.lived in round places, but then decided to move into square houses


Two things being compared in the passage are _______.

A.the Indians’ past and present living conditions

B.the Indians’ past and modern beliefs

C.the Indians’ old and new power

D.people and nature


. In the second paragraph “the four quarters” refers to _______.

A.the four rooms of the Indian’s house

B.the four kinds of natural power

C.the four seasons

D.the four directions


According to the author, once the Indians moved into square houses, ______________.

A.they had to move to other houses

B.boys took more time to grow into men

C.they forgot the old way of life

D.everyone was not happy


1..C 2..A 3..D 4..B 【解析】 略


Listen carefully, working people, we would like to tell you something that could save your precious time and money! Best of all, it is free!

It’s “no”.

What do you ask? We’ll say it again: “No”.

Sweet and simple “no”.

Say “no” at your office and see how quickly that pile of work on your desk disappears.

“Saying ‘no’ to others means you are saying ‘yes’ to yourself, ” said Leslie Charles, a professional speaker from East Lansing, Michigan.

“Time is precious. People are spending money buying time. And yet we are willing to give up our time because we can’t say ‘no’.”

Susie Watson, a famous writer, said people who always say “yes” need to say “no” without guilt(内疚)or fear of punishment. “I would rather have someone give me a loving ‘no’ than an obligated(强制的) ‘yes’, ” she said.

Susie Watson says she feels “no” obligation to give an explanation when she says “no” either socially or professionally. Does she feel guilty about it? “Not at all, ” said Watson, who is director of advertising and public relations at Timex Corp in Middlebury, Connecticut. “Most people are afraid of saying ‘no’advice is to say ‘yes’ only if you don’t mean ‘no’.” Watson said “no” is the most effective weapon against wasting time. “Every year there are more demands on your time… Other people are happy to use up your time, ” Watson said. Time saving appears to be “no’s” greatest friend.

“No” can be your new friend, a powerful tool to take back your life. “No” may even take you further in the business world than “yes”.

“No” is power and strength. “No” now seems completely correct. “Saying ‘no’ isn’t easy. But finally it’s greatly liberating,” Charles said. But, he added, a “no” project needs to be worked on every day because it is hard to change long-term habit.

But, he also warns: “Don’t go to extremes. Don’t find yourself saying ‘no’ to everything. In return you should learn to hear ‘no’.”


The sentence “Saying ‘yes’ to yourself” means _______.

A.you can have more time to play with others

B.you needn’t care about other’s feeling if you are happy

C.you are selfish and treat others rudely

D.you can deal with your business as you have planned


When you say “no” to others you should say it in a _______.

A.secret way  

B.polite way

C.proud way

D.guilty way


. In Watson’s opinion, people can save much time on condition that _______.

A.they say “no” at a suitable time

B.they say “no” as much as possible

C.they are afraid of saying “no”

D.they make others angry at them


. If a person says “no” to everything, the result he or she receive may be that he or she _______.

A.enjoys a wonderful life

B.makes a lot of money

C.faces difficulty in life  

D.forgets to say “yes” in the end



It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈) from a(n)_________(21) injury. I had_________(22) whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was,__________(23) for the 3,000-metre run.

“Ready… set…”. The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed________(24) me. I felt_________(25) as I fell farther and farther behind.

“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest________(26) I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈))ahead of me when she

crossed the finish line.

“Maybe I should________(27).” I thought as I moved on. _______(28), I

decided to to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran _______(29) and decided not to_______(30) in track next year.It wouldn’t be worth it, ______(31) my foot did heal.

When I finished, I heard a cheer--- ________(32) than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around, _________(33) the boys were preparing for theirs.  “They must be cheering for the boys.”

I was leaving________(34) several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.

“Courage? I just __________(35) a race!” I thought.

“I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”

Suddenly I regained _________(36). I decided to ________(37) track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always__________(38) in medals and victories, but in the _________(39) we overcome. The strongest people are not always the people who win, _________(40) the people who don’t give up when they lose.




















A.from behind

B.ahead of

C.next to

D.close to













A.slow down

B.drop out

C.go on

D.speed up







A.with delight

B.with fear

C.in pain

D.in advance







A.even if

B.only if











A.well enough

B.sure enough

C.surprising enough

D.strangely enough

















A.hold on

B.turn to

C.begin with

D.stick with




















You might say that Barack Obama was elected President of the US because he knows how to give a good speech. In 2004, the little-known Obama gave a speech at the Democratic national Convention(民主党全国会议). It was a great speech---poetic, and inspiring. The people who heard it would remember it for a long time.

  Since 2004, Obama has written and delivered thousands of speeches. These are usually praised for two reasons: he treats the audiences like intelligent adults, and he is able to express difficult ideas in a straightforward, natural way.

  Before becoming President, Obama was a lawyer, a college professor, and a successful writer---his two memoirs have become best-sellers. The skills he needed to succeed in his previous jobs have also contributed to his success as a speechmaker.

  As a lawyer, Obama learned how to make strong, convincing arguments. As a professor, he learned how to explain complex subjects in ways that helped students understand without boring them. As a writer, he learned how to use language to have a powerful influence on his audience.

     Secret weapons of Obama 

     Writing team: Obama has a team of people who write his speeches. The writers chat with Obama for hours about what he wants to say. They listen to recordings of past presidential addresses and seek advice from advisers. Obama usually edits and rewrites the drafts several times.

     Make fun of the guests: Obama starts his speech by gently making fun of his guests. His opening lines attract the audiences’ attention while giving them an opportunity to relax and laugh at themselves and each other.

     Making fun of himself: Obama laughs at his past mistakes and is never afraid of showing them to the public.

     Obama delivers speeches to audiences large and small. He can make his audiences laugh or cry. His speeches are always thoughtful, well written, and just right for each occasion.

 1... The third and fourth paragraphs mainly talk about _____.

     A. why Obama’s speeches are praised       B. how Obama acquired his speaking ability     C. what subjects Obama’s speeches about    D. Obama’s success as a writer and a lawyer

  2.. When delivering a speech, Obama ______.

     A. usually starts with some famous sayings    B. sometimes turns his speech into a song

     C. sometimes shares a joke with the audience  D. is very strict most of the time

 3.. What is the main idea of the passage?

     A. Obama won the election campaign.       B. Obama is a brilliant speechmaker

     C. Obama had taken a couple of jobs.        D. Obama is good at writing.



A group of students in Japan have created a realistic robot baby to motivate young people to start planning a family so as to increase the country’s birth rate. The automated (自动化的)doll developed at the University of Tsukuba, called Yotara, laughs and “wakes up” when a rattle is shaken.

He can become angry and sleep like a real baby and he smiles when his stomach is pressed. The robot can also sneeze and have a runny nose, thanks to a heated water pump system. The students of the Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Science at the university created the robot last year with touch sensors. A projector sends the facial features onto a warm silicon balloon which makes up Yotara’s face. The robot’s facial expression and body movements change according to pressure applied to different parts of its body.

The information collected through touch sensors(传感器)under the silicon skin is processed by a special programme. It then changes the baby’s expression projected onto the balloon-face from behind. There is a hat on the robot’s head and a colorful blanket covering the robot’s limbs which simulate wiggling(摆动) with the help of a geared motor. “We wanted to create a new type of robot that is soft, cuddly and cute,” said project leader Hiroki Kunimura.

 “We’d like people to experience the innocent, joyful expressions typical of small babies. Through this experience, it would be great if some people started feeling that they wanted to have their own baby, if they started feeling that work is not everything.”

Japan’s birth rate is among the lowest in the developed world at 1.37%, compared to 2.12% in the United States and l.84%in Britain. Japan is facing serious economic consequences with over a quarter of its citizens expected to be aged over 65 by 20l5.The population is expected to reduce by a third within 50 years if the birth rate does not increase.

1.. What is the students’ purpose of creating such a baby?

   A. To help old people who live alone. B. To give small children some pleasure

   C. To comfort lonely young people.   D. To increase the population of Japan.

2. What’s the new type of robot like in Hiroki Kunimura’s mind?

A. It can do everything for humans.   B. It is clever, humorous and loyal.

C. It is gentle, lovely and smart.      D. It makes humans unhappy.

3.. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Many young people in Japan don’t want to get married.

B. There may be a lack of workers in Japan in the future.

C. The lifespan(寿命)of Japanese people will decrease in the future.

D. The birth rate in Japan will start to increase slowly soon.



If you are looking for a summer camp job opportunity, the following are some summer camp jobs available for 2011 summer.

 1. Fishing

   Male 21----Teach fishing and fly-tying(飞钓) techniques. Live with 6-8 campers and instructors, teach basic outdoor skills, lead backpacking trips and assist with canoe trips.

  Salary:$2,400.00一$3,000.00           Roaring Brook Camp Camp for Boys

  480 Roaring Brook Road

  Bradford, Vermont 05033, USA     Contact: Dr. Candice Raines at (800) 802-747-0282

 2. Athletic Trainer

 International Sports Training Camp is a specialized sports camp located on a private 100- acre lake in the scenic Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. We are renowned for our outstanding facilities, innovative programs and friendly staff.

We are looking for both students and certified athletic trainers. Great working environment caring for kids sports injuries.

  Salary: $2,500.00- $2,500.00

  International Sports Training Camp

  1100 Twin Lake Road

  Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360,USA   Contact: Kara Klaus Major at(570)6202267

 3. Head Cook

 Will manage kitchen staff of 4,order food and prepare meals and snacks for 50-60 campers and staff daily, during sessions and training periods.

 Salary: $3,000.00-$4,000.00

    Burgundy Center for wildlife Studies

 HC 83.Box 38DD

 Capon Bridge, West Virginia 26711, USA     Contact: Vini Schoene at(540)465-1516

 4. Drama Department Head

  Spend an unforgettable summer doing what you love in the outdoor setting! Work with talented staff and children on exciting plays, musicals and improv!

Camp Airy (for boys)is seeking an experienced individual with a theater background and experience in directing children’s productions.Supervise counselor staff and direct two major productions in our 600 seat Outdoor Theatre.

Our summer season runs from June 17 to August 18. Be sure to visit our outstanding web site at www.airylouise.org.

 Salary: Depends on Experience

 Camp Airy &Camp Louise

 14938 Old Camp Airy Road

 Thurmont, Maryland 21788,USA   Contact: Steve Goldklang at (410)466-9010

1. Who would be most interested in the text?

A. College students.   B. General readers.    C. Holiday goers.    D. Job seekers.

2. Mr. Smith always finds pleasure in fly fishing, which telephone might he dial?

A. (570)6202267     B. (570)6202267  C. (800)802-747-0282  D. (410)466—9010

3. The underlined word “improv” probably means _______.

A. formal performance   B. unprepared performance

C. normal practice      D. dancing and singing

4.. Which of the following statements about athletic trainers is TRUE?

A. College graduates are preferred.   B. Only professional athletes can apply

C. They can earn as much as $3,500.00  

D. Their job includes taking care of the injured kids

5.. Which of the following organizations offers a flexible salary?

A. Camp Airy &Camp Louise.         B. International Sports Training Camp.

C. Roaring Brook Camp Camp for Boys. D. Burgundy Center for wildlife Studies



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