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书面表达(满分30分) 你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“P...


你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post-90’s Generation”为题,用第一人称给《二十一世纪英文报》写一篇文章,内容包括:












      2.为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容; 3.词数:120-150左右。



Post-90’s Generation     We, post-90’s generation, are living in a society full of fiercer competition, and developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern. It’s true that the post-90’s generation have some weaknesses. Some of us, for example, rely on our parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives. Some are even selfish and care little for others. At the same time, the post-90’s generation desire to learn more about the world around us, and we are independent in thinking. We always keep up with modern science and technology and have many new ideas. I think the post-90’s generation should carry forward our strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that we are a hopeful generation. 【解析】略


While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.

• Try physical activity

When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.

• Take care of yourself

You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.

• Make time for yourself

Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don’t forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.

• Make a list of things to do

Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there’s so much to do, and not enough time”. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then ______________________, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important tasks first.




1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

You might feel stressed as a result of bad temper, poor quality of sleep or diet.


3. Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4. Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)



5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.






Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) --- Torrential (倾泻的) rains that troubled southern China for days have killed 66 people and resulted in 12 missing by 6:00 p.m. (Beijing time) on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. “Floods caused by heavy rains have affected about 294,800 hectares of crops, completely destroying 53,000 hectares of them,” said an official with the ministry. The floods have torn down 48,000 and damaged 94,000 houses in southern China, and forced about 591,000 people to move from their homes, the official said.

From Wednesday to Saturday, continuous torrential rains, mudslides and floods hit Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Fujian, affecting more than 8.97 million people. The disasters have caused an overall economic loss of more than 2.9 billion yuan, according to the ministry. The ministry has sent rescue teams to the disaster areas to assist relief work. In Guangdong, heavy rains have killed 18 people and left four missing by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, according to local authorities. A total of 1.72 million people were affected in the province.

Floods have damaged 49 roads in the seriously affected Meizhou City, of which 29 remained closed to traffic by 7:00 p.m. The number of people who died in floods in Guangxi has reached 13 and one remained missing by Sunday, according to local civil affairs authority. More than 1.97 million people have been affected after the floods caused by continuous heavy rains hit some 40 counties since Wednesday.

According to the local civil affairs bureau, 9,200 houses were knocked down and 75,181 hectares of crops were affected, resulting in 529 million yuan in direct economic losses. There are fewer rainstorms and the rain belt is moving out of Guangxi, but the water levels in major rivers will keep rising in next few days, according to the latest forecast of the region’s meteorological bureau on Sunday afternoon.

1. The underlined phrase “torn down” (para. 1) is closest in meaning to _______.

    A. knocked down     B. placed down      C. set down     D. torn open

2. In Meizhou city, 49 roads were damaged and by 7:00 p.m. only _______ roads can be used again after the repair work.

   A. 66     B. 29    C. 20     D. 19

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the news?

   A. Hubei is one of the provinces struck by the torrential rains.

   B. The floods have caused a total loss of nearly 3 billion yuan.

C. 13 people died in Guangdong province as a result of the floods.

D. The rain belt will remain in Guangxi in the next few days.

4. What’s the best title for this news story?

   A. A Disaster.   B. Heavy rains.    C. A Flood. D. Heavy rains in Southern China.

5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

   A. The rainstorms are becoming stronger.

   B. The water levels in major rivers are to go down soon.

   C. The rainstorms are becoming less powerful.

   D. In the next few days, rainstorms will stay in Guangxi.




Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic(身心的) Society. Researchers in the United States studied 100,000 women during an eight-year period, beginning in 1994. All of the women were fifty or older. The study was part of the Women’s Health Initiative organized by the National Institutes of Health.

The women were asked questions measuring their beliefs or ideas about the future. The researchers attempted to identify each woman’s personality eight years after gathering the information.

The study found that hopeful individuals were 14% less likely than other women to have died from any cause. The hopeful women were also 30% less likely to have died from heart disease after the eight years.

Hilary Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report. She said the study confirmed earlier research that linked optimistic feelings to longer life.

The researchers also gathered information about people’s education, financial earnings, physical activity and use of alcohol or cigarettes. Independent of those things, the findings still showed that optimists had less of a chance of dying during the eight-year period.

Some women who answered the questions were found to be hostile (怀敌意的), or highly untrusting of others. These women were 16% more likely to die than the others. They also were 23% more likely to die of cancer.

The study also found women who were not optimistic were more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes. They were also more likely not to exercise.

Tindle says the study did not confirm whether optimism leads to healthier choices, or if it actually affects a person’s physical health. She also says the study does not prove that negative (消极的) emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet there does appear to be a link that calls for more research.

1. In which part of a newspaper can you read the above passage?

   A. Nation     B. Opinion   C. Science    D. Business

2.Researchers carry out the study to ________.

A. decide who is more likely to enjoy a happier life

B. find out the link between personality and health

C. gather information for the National Institutes of Health

D. compare each woman’s personality changes

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. Negative emotions cause a shorter life indeed.

B. There may be some link between personality and health.

C. It’s uncertain whether optimism affects one’s health.

D. The more optimistic you are, the longer life you may enjoy.

4.Who is more likely to die of cancer according to the text?

A. A woman who always doubts what others say.    B. A woman who doesn’t exercise.

C. A woman with high blood pressure.            D. A woman with poor physical health.

5. What’s Hilary Tindle’s opinion of the study?

A. Unfair.       B. Useless.      C. Necessary.     D. Reliable.




  All schoolchildren should have "happiness" lessons up to the age of 18 to combat(fight) growing levels of depression, according to a senior Government adviser.

   Pupils should study subjects such as how to manage feelings, attitudes to work and money, channeling (引导) negative emotions and even how to take a critical view of the media, said Lord Layard, a professor of economics at the London School of Economics.

   The proposal comes only days after the Government said that lessons in manners—including respect for the elderly and how to say "please" and "thank you" should be taught in secondary schools to combat bad behavior.

   Lord Layard said, "Learning hard things takes an enormous amount of practice. To play the violin well takes10,000 hours of practice. How can we expect people to learn to be happy without massive amounts of practice and repetition?"

   It is believed that at least two percent of British children under 12 now struggle with significant depression. Among teenagers, the figure rises to five percent. AUNICEF study involving 21 developed countries showed that British children were the least satisfied with their lives, while the World Health Organization predicts that childhood psychiatric (精神)disorders will rise by 50 percent by 2020.

   In a speech at Cambridge University, Lord Layard said the Government's lessons in manners did not go far enough. "We need a commitment to producing a major specialism in this area, with a serious teacher training program," he said.

   However, happiness lessons have been criticized by academics. Frank Furedi, a sociology professor at Kent University and author of Therapy Culture, said, "In pushing emotional literacy, what some teachers are really doing is abandoning teaching. They are giving up and talking about emotions instead, so that children value all this non-discipline-led activity more than math, English or science. What is amazing about this is that time and time again, research says that it does not work. "

1. Frank Furedi believes that ______.

A. happiness lessons should be taught to children

B. happiness lessons are just a waste of time

C. formal teaching can go side by side with happiness lessons

D. formal teaching should not give way to happiness lessons

2. We can conclude from the passage that _______.

A. the British Government hasn't fully realized the problems with British students

B. Lord Layard thinks little of the Government's lessons in manners

   C. British students are not well-behaved enough

   D. lessons in manners have brought about positive changes in British students

3. Which of the following methods does Lord Layard use to show learning to be happy takes practice?

A. Comparison.    B. Description.     C. Argument.   D. Analysis.

4. What does Lord Layard think of the Government's lessons in manners?

A. They are quite enough to solve the present problem.

B. They can hardly meet the special demands of education.

C. They are only focused on a major specialism.

D. They will probably end up in failure.

5.What do we know about British children from the passage? 

A. They are the least happy among 21 developed countries.

B. They suffer depression at an earlier age.

C. They are the easiest to suffer childhood psychiatric disorders.

D. Their standard of living is the lowest among 21 developed countries.




JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Walking with long steps and his smile lighting up a rainy afternoon, Barack Obama seems to have arrived to visit a school he attended as a boy. But wait. He's not real Obama. The US president is back in Washington, D. C.

    So who is this guy? He's llham Anas, 34, a magazine photographer who has taken advantage of his perfect resemblance(相像) to Obama and turned it into his own wealth.

    When his sister first mentioned the resemblance, Anas dismissed it. Then a friend asked him to pose as Obama in front of a US flag. He also refused. "I'm a photographer, not an object for the camera," he said.

    However, as soon as he accepted the idea, his career took off. Recently a group of reporters followed him on a tour of the school Obama once attended. Anas sat in the classroom where the present US president once studied. He spoke a few lines in English. The moment he opened his mouth, however, the differences became clear. “Obama is a baritone (男中音) ,” Anas said.  “I'm not. I sound like a little boy.” He is also shorter than the president, but he makes up for that by practicing Obama's actions.    

    He says he has made a request to meet President Obama when he arrives, but he hasn't heard back from the president' s schedules. Now he no longer sees an average guy. Now he sees a superstar.

   Now, Anas hopes that Obama will win a second term in the White House. “The longer he's in office, the longer my fame will last,” he said.

1. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Anas also thought he looked like Obama.   

B. Anas was satisfied with his sister's comment.

C. Anas didn't think about the resemblance seriously.

D. Anas didn' t understand what his sister talked about.

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Obama has met Anas once in Indonesia.

B. Anas didn't become rich until he got to know Obama.

C. Obama studied in Indonesia when he was young.

D. Anas is a baritone but he can sound like a little boy.

3. We can learn from the passage that Anas now ______ .

A. longs for a simple life             B. is proud of his appearance

C. keeps in touch with Obama         D. wants to become a politician

4. Why does Anas hope Obama will be president in the next term?

A. He is a supporter of Obama.         B. He hopes Obama will see him.

C. He wants to be famous for longer.     D. He thinks Obama is a great politician.

5. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An Obama Lookalike Becomes Popular in Asia

B. Obama Visits His Old School in Indonesia   

C. A Man Practices Obama’s Typical Actions

D. Obama’s Face and Smile to Be Seen on TV



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