满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He became _________ his parents because ...

He became _________ his parents because he could make a living by selling newspapers.

A. tired of   B. independent of  C. accustomed to  D. accessible to



B 【解析】略

—Hello, Jane. I come to say goodbye to you. I’ll start a new job in another company.


A. Oh, no problem         B. Oh, enjoy yourself

C. Oh, all the best          D. Oh, have a happy day







【注意】  字数100-120




[1]Compared to people with bad attitudes,people         are less likely to suffer from

colds.It’s possible that being positive helps the body fight il1nesses.

[2]In a previous study,people who tended to be cheerful and lively were least likely to

develop coughs and other cold symptoms.People who showed positive feelings were also less likely to mention symptoms to their doctors,even when medical tests detected those symptoms.

[3]Those findings were interesting,but they didn’t prove that a person’s attitude affects

whether he or she gets sickInstead,it was still possible that a person’s underlying personality is what matters.

[4]Evidence suggests,for instance,that certain people are naturally more likely to be outgoing

and optimistic,with high self-esteem and a sense of control over life.This would mean that who we are,not how we feel,ultimately decides our chances of catching colds.

[5]To figure out which mattered more,personality or emotions,the researchers interviewed

193 healthy adults.The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get infected.Their symptoms,however,differed depending on the types of emotions that they had reported over the previous fortnight.

[6]Among those who reported good moods and had been infected with the flu virus,for example, 28 percent developed coughs and stuffy noses.On the other hand,those symptoms struck 41 percent of people who had been less positive.

[7]Scientists argue about whether negative emotions or positive emotions have a stronger effect on how healthy we are.For now,it can’t hurt to look on the bright side more often than not !

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words)

2.Fill in the blank with proper words in first paragraph.(Please answer within 10 words)

3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

But,their symptoms were closely related to the emotions they had claimed to have in the last two weeks.

4.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into proper Chinese.

5.Suppose one of your friends had got infected with the H1N1 flu,give him/her at least

three pieces of advice.(Please answer within 30 words)






Many parents who welcome the idea of turning off the TV and spending more time with the family are still worried that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children. They remember thinking up all sorts of things to do when they were kids. But their own kids seem different, less resourceful, somehow. When there’s nothing to do, these parents observe regretfully, their kids seem unable to come up with anything to do besides turning on the TV.

    One father, for example, says, “When I was a kid, we were always thinking up things to do, projects and games. We certainly never complained in an annoying way to our parents. ‘I have nothing to do’.” He compares this with his own children today: “They’re simply lazy. If someone doesn’t entertain them, they’ll happily sit there watching TV all day.”

    There is one word for this father’s disappointment: unfair. It is as if he were disappointed in them for not reading Greek though they have never studied the language. He deplores (哀叹) his children’s lack of inventiveness, as if the ability to play were something born that his children are missing. In fact, while the tendency to play is built into the human species, the actual ability to play – to imagine, to invent, to elaborate on reality in a playful way –and the ability to gain fulfillment from it, these are skills that have to be learned and developed.

    Such disappointment, however, is not only unjust, it is also destructive. Sensing their parents’ disappointment, children come to believe that they are, indeed, lacking something, and that this makes them less worthy of admiration and respect. Giving children the opportunity to develop new resources, to enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasure of doing things on their own is, on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and interesting people.

1. According to many parents, if there’s nothing to do, the children would        .

    A. turn on the TV                           B. complain to their parents

    C. ask their parents to play with them          D. do all of the above

2. Many parents think that, instead of watching a lot of TV their children should       .

    A. sit silently studying Greek                  B. think up things to entertain themselves

    C. find chances to talk with parents            D. enjoy themselves outdoors

3.The father often blames their children for not being able to entertain themselves. This is unfair because        .

    A. the children are not really lazy, but there’s nothing for them to do

    B. they do not lack the ability to play

    C. they have to learn and develop their playing ability gradually

    D. the father have done nothing to help the children

4. When parents show constant disappointment in their children, the children will         .

    A. lose their confidence and respectability

    B. be much more disappointed

    C. refuse to learn new things

    D. discover the pleasures of doing things on their own

5.What is the author’s main idea?

    A. Today’s children are becoming less capable and independent than before.

    B. Parents should give children more help on how to be creative.

    C. Turning off the TV will help us solve a lot of family problems.

    D. It’s not just for parents and children to complain each other.



Step to Discovering Your Passion

By Julie Jordan Scott

    Even before the first tip, you simply must get out a notebook, journal, piece of paper, napkin … SOMETHING to write on to save your discoveries! These tips will only help if you pursue them, so please either take a moment to find writing tools NOW or print this out and promise yourself to complete this exercise later. It may take you some thinking time to get it done . . . and now . . . here are your tips . . . . .

1. Find Your Joy Factor

    Look at the whole of your life history. When did you experience the most sustained period of Joy? What were you doing then? Where were you? Who were you with? How did it feel?

2. What Are Your 3 Most Favorite things to do?

    If you had a free day with NO commitments, where would you be found? What would you be doing with whom?

3. In what area do you excel? (NO MODESTY ALLOWED HERE!)

    Truly, what are you complimented on a lot? This could be ANYTHING.

4. What do you most want to be remembered for?

    If you were designing your epitaph(墓者铭), what would you want it to say? (NOT what your Mom wants, or your SPOUSE(配偶的一方) wants or your third cousin twice removed, but what do YOU want your headstone to say?)

5. If you had a magic wand(魔杖), what would you change about your life TODAY?

    How would it look compared to how it looks now? which aspects of your life ARE changeable, both short term and long term?

6. How does your Joy factor overlap with your favorite things and the areas in which you excel? Do the areas in which you excel bring YOU joy, or are they really for someone else . . . . . do you see which are obvious matches, and which do not fit? Those that overlap, that bring YOU the most Joy, are most likely the things that would bring you into Passionate Living.

7. What is the first even teeny tiny step you can take to living out your Passion as you have defined in #6?

    Take some time to really think this one through . . . . . . concentrate and focus, and then you will be able to start the the next step . . . BUILDING YOUR ROAD MAP.

1.The purpose of the first paragraph is        .

    A. to arouse the readers’ interest and show them what to do

    B. to find the piece of paper that is useful for the tips   C. to print the tips out and show them to others

    D. to copy the tips and read them

2.The underlined word “commitment” has the closest meaning to          .

    A. time             B. exercise             C. work             D. joy

3. The underlined word “compliment” means        .

    A. scold                B. praise                   C. criticize            D. question

4.Of the following,           would probably give the correct evaluation of you.

    A. You Mom          B. Your spouse          C. Your children        D. You yourself

5.        are most likely to bring into passionate living.

    A. Your favorite things                         B. The areas in which you excel

    C. Your joy factor                              D. The things that overlap



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