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完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分) A farmer went...

完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

A farmer went to town to sell his vegetable. But it was snowing that afternoon, and there_21_ few people in the street. So when his vegetable was sold out, it was dark. _22_ his way home, he saw a man _23_ in the snow. He put his basket _24_ and was going to _25  the man to get up. At that time he found  26  was a dead man _27_ that there was _28  blood on the ground. He was _29_ frightened that he ran away _30 ,  _31_ his basket away.

  The next _32_ the farmer was sent to the police station. After showing him the basket, an officer asked, “Is this yours?” “Yes,sir.” the farmer answered_33_.

  “When did you see the dead man?”

  “At about seven yesterday evening.”

  “Did you see who _34 him?” the officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” “No, sir.”

  The officer became angry and told the policeman _35_ him up and _36_ him in prison.

  That afternoon the officer went on 37_ the farmer._38 the knife, the officer asked him again, “Now, listen to me! Did you see it yet?” “Yes,sir.”

  “Well,” the officer became _39_ and asked, “but when and where?”

  “I saw it _40  this morning, sir.”

1. A. had          B. was            C. would have      D. were

2. A. On          B. By             C. In              D. At

3. A. lying        B. lay             C. lied             D. laying

4.A. in the snow   B. on his shoulder   C. on his back    D. on the ground

5.A. make        B. help            C. let              D. hope

6.A. him         B. him just         C. it               D. himself

7. A. even        B. so              C. and             D. /

8. A. a lot        B. much            C. quite a few       D. many

9. A. very        B. much            C. so              D. very much

10. A. in time         B. slowly        C. happily          D. quickly

11.A. without taking   B. not took       C. and took         D. taking

12.A. afternoon       B. morning      C. night            D. evening

13. A. loudly          B. friendly      C. nervously        D. proudly

14. A. killed          B. asked         C. sent            D. helped

15.A. beating         B. beat          C. of beating       D. to beat

16. A. put            B. sent          C. took            D. send

17. A. ask            B. to ask        C. trying           D. to try

18. A. Pointed        B. To point to    C. Pointed to       D. Pointing to

19. A. grey           B. happy         C. angry again     D. silly

20. A. in my basket    B. here       C. near my basket     D. in the snow


1.D2.A3.A4.D5.B     6.C7.C8.B9.C10.D  11.A12.B13.C14.A15.D    16.A17.C18.D19.B20.B 【解析】略

_____ the boy is determined to do something , no one can stop him.

A. Even if        B. Now that        C. Once       D. However




Don’t ________ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.

A. look at             B. look down upon

C. look out for         D. look forward to




Only after the woman had her own child ________ how difficult it was to be a mother.

A. she realized         B. had she realized 

C. she had realized      D. did she realize




Mary, together with his classmates, _____ going to watch the game.

A. is           B. are           C. will be          D. will




They went off and left me ______ there all by myself.

A. sit          B. sat           C. sitting          D. to sit




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