满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Generally speaking, the culture and cust...

Generally speaking, the culture and customs of America are like _____ of Canada.

   A. that         B. the one        C. those       D. ones



C 【解析】略

---- Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.

   ---- _______.

  A.I couldn’t agree with you more.     B. I’d love to

  C. That’s all right                  D. It’s my pleasure.




The Human Development Report shows that we are making progress in many different aspects but ______we need to make great efforts.

A. which          B. that          C. what        D. /




Coal was formed out of dead forests through a long _____ of chemical changes.

  A. stage          B. access       C. order       D. process




The reason _____ the president of Czech is widely discussed recently is _______ he was seen “to steal” a pen at a press conference in Chile.

  A. why, because      B. that, that      C. why, that      D. why, why




The expert warns the Internet users not to ______ their personal information to strangers.

  A. put out        B. carry out       C. take out       D. give out




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