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When you have a question about somethin...

  When you have a question about something, where do you go? For many people the answer is simple as they can go online to a search engine like Google or Yahoo. But what about people in rural or underdeveloped areas who may have no way to get on the Internet?

  A business and international development professor in California, Rose Shuman, found an answer for them: Question Box. Question Box is a service that provides answers---free of charge--- for people who cannot search the Internet directly. The users of Questions Box might be those who might not be able to read, or simply have no access to the Internet.

  Question Box began three years ago in India. People used a metal call box with a push-to-talk button to connect a live operator. Rose Schuman explained,” You just need to push a big green button on the box which will connect you directly to our operators who are sitting in front of computers, and speak your language. You can ask them any sort of question you want, and they’ll look it up in English or in Hindi, or whatever the main language is, and translate the answer back for you.”

  The service is currently offered in two villages. The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology, and solar panels in case the electrical power fails. Rose Shuman says the aim was to make the box as easy as possible for users, “It is very efficient (效率高的). Rather than try to bring a lot of difficulties to them and expect them to spend a lot of time to learn how to use the Internet, the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use.”

   In April 2009, Question Box was introduced to Uganda. Forty community workers with mobile phones connected villagers to call center operators in Kampala. The community workers went around telling people about the service. They wore T-shirts that said “Ask me.” But Internet service in Uganda proved slow and undependable. So Question Box teamed up with a local technology company to store information on a local server. That way, the researchers in Kampala could quickly search the database for answers.

1. The best title for the passage is __________.

  A. Question Box ----taking the place of the Internet

  B. Needing an answer? ----asking Question Box

  C. Question Box ----A great invention in the world

  D. Rose Shuman----- A professor helping the poor

2. In Rose Schuman’s opinion, the greatest advantage of Question Box is that______.

  A. It is the most advanced in the world

  B. It is more convenient to carry.

  C. It is much easier to use

  D. it saves much more energy

3.The underlined word “them” in the fourth paragraph refers to______.

  A. the users             B. the operators   

C. the researchers        D. Question Box workers

4.What can we know from the passage?

  A. Question Box costs the users much less than the Internet.

  B. Question Box operators can look for information in any language.

  C. Question Box is more efficient in solving problems in underdeveloped areas.

  D. Question Box can work without the help of the Internet in Uganda.



BCAC 【解析】略

In most people’s opinion, the tiger is not an animal that we would ordinarily think of as being chicken. However, one tiger, which lives in an English zoo, turned out to be more cowardly( 胆小的) than his keepers could ever have imagined.

   Tanvir, a two-year-old Bengal tiger, got stuck at the top of a new 5m-high activity tower in the zoo, after climbing it for the first time.

   The wooden tower had been designed to provide mental exercise for Tanvir by testing his ability of dealing with troublesome situations, but after climbing it in just a few seconds, he lost his courage when it came to coming back down. Tanvir went on to spend nearly two days at the top of the tower trying to collect the courage to attempt to get down.

  A spokesperson for the zoo said that several days before Tanvir had taken half an hour to get down a lower tower only 1.5m high, and the taller tower had clearly been too much challenging for him.

 “Every time he got to the edge, he looked out, put a paw over, and thought, ‘no, I cannot make it!’”laughed Samantha Cordrey, Tanvir’s keeper. In the end Tanvir’s hunger defeated his fear, and after almost 48 hours he made his way down. Burying himself in a big meal just like a hungry pig, Tanvir seemed to forget such a shameful experience for a while.

  It appears that his experience would not be the worst in Tanvir’s life if he continued to act like a chicken. It is not known whether he will take courage to go back up his exercise tower again.

  The whole episode(插曲) only serves to show the difficulties faced by zoo staff in creating environments that will improve animals’ living ability in enclosed space.

1.When speaking of Tanvir’s shameful experience, Samantha Cordrey might feel it was_____.

  A. funny      B. surprising    C. exciting     D. unbelievable

2.What made Tanvir get down the 5m-high activity tower at last?

  A. The coldness of the weather.       B. The direction from his keepers.

  C. The sufferings of being hungry     D. The fear of being alone


3. Why does the author say “this experience would not be the worst in Tanvir’s life if…”(Paragraph 6)?

  A. Because Tanvir’s keepers will design more difficult exercise for him.

  B. Because Tanvir is so cowardly that he has little courage to meet greater 


  C. Because Tanvir’s bad health will bring him much trouble in practice.

  D. Because Tanvir is always careless and often causes trouble by accident.

4. The zoo designed the 5m-high activity tower to______.

  A. make Tanvir become brave   

B. improve Tanvir’s performance skills

  C. let tourists watch Tanvir better   

D. improve Tanvir’s living ability






   How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? The mark of a successful person is how   36   he can get back his focus on what is important.

   Two years ago I gained the knowledge about the Law of the Garbage Truck. I   37   it in a taxi. I got on a taxi, and we headed for Grand Central Station. We were  38  in the right lane(行车道) when   39  a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on his brakes(刹车)heavily, and    40   the car’s back end by just inches!

   The driver almost caused a(n)   41  , saying bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy  42    . So, I said, “This guy almost   43   your car and sent us to the   44   !” On the way to the Grand Central Station, my taxi driver told me what I now   45   “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”

   “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of   46   , full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage becomes more, they needed a(n)   47  to dump(扔) it. When someone wants to dump it on you, don’t   48   it. You just smile, wish them well, and focus on important things quickly.

  Good leaders know they have to be  49  for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. Good  50  and parents know what is   51  for them. The bottom line is that   52  people do not let garbage Trucks take over their day.

  Life is too   53  to wake up in the morning with  54  , so take your time and love the people who treat you right.  55  about the ones who don’t. Don’t be regretful for your life.


A. quickly

B. hardly

C. completely

D. directly


A. realized

B. observed

C. concluded

D. learned


A. walking

B. driving

C. running

D. talking


A. suddenly

B. slowly

C. secretly

D. finally


A. struck

B. hit

C. approached

D. missed


A. argument

B. fire 

C. accident

D. debate


A. impatiently

B. friendly

C. angrily

D. impolitely


A. destroyed

B. stole

C. burned

D. caught


A. station

B. office

C. park

D. hospital


A. imagine

B. believe

C. call

D. expect


A. energy

B. garbage

C. happiness

D. possibility


A. assistant

B. chance

C. tool

D. place


A. value

B. refuse

C. mind

D. ignore


A. ready

B. eager

C. anxious

D. suitable


A. teachers

B doctors

C. drivers

D. leaders


A. useful

B. important

C. necessary

D. dangerous


A. successful

B. busy

C. silly

D. common


A. long

B. hard

C. short

D. exciting


A. aims

B. dreams

C. hopes

D. regrets


A. Point

B. Forget

D. Wonder

D. Dream




Generally speaking, the culture and customs of America are like _____ of Canada.

   A. that         B. the one        C. those       D. ones




---- Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.

   ---- _______.

  A.I couldn’t agree with you more.     B. I’d love to

  C. That’s all right                  D. It’s my pleasure.




The Human Development Report shows that we are making progress in many different aspects but ______we need to make great efforts.

A. which          B. that          C. what        D. /




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