满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Had the weather been good, the children ...

Had the weather been good, the children ____ out for a walk.

  A. had gone    B. could have gone  C. would go    D. went



B 【解析】略

The news has just ___ that the president is going to visit China next month.

  A. come out     B. put out         C. let out       D. given out




By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible, creative thinkers can find solutions that would ___ remain invisible.

  A. otherwise     B. yet            C. already      D. forever




It was foolish of you to take a taxi ___ you could easily walk there in five minutes.

  A. while        B. when          C. since        D. before




He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____ refusing them when  they turn to him.

  A. if never      B. if ever         C. if not         D. if no




The traditional approach ____ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.

 A. to dealing     B. in dealing      C. dealing        D. to deal




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