满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We’re so much looking forward __________...

We’re so much looking forward ____________ you again.

A.to see

B.to seeing

C.at seeing

D.for seeing


 B 【解析】略

I _________ him for his success in business.







If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick ________ them.







People hold Dragon-boat races __________ Qu Yuan on the 5th of the fifth lunar month.



C.in memory of

D.in the memory





6ec8aac122bd4f6e要求:1.症状:  郁闷;无法集中注意力;嗜睡;感觉筋疲力尽等。

      2.原因:  节日期间饮食太过油腻;思想过于放松,无法适应工作或学习中的新挑战。

      3.危害:  不是疾病,但却会潜在地影响健康。

      4.应对:  多吃水果蔬菜;看医生等。 

注意:  词数100左右;  开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。





Even if you really enjoy your job, it’s still possible to battle boredom as you work. You may not be able to make big changes—or change your job—but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem, well, a little less routine.

1. Switch Your Seat 

Change your outlook at the office by changing your office. Ask your supervisor to help you find a new desk. Even switching desks with a neighboring coworker can offer a fresh atmosphere.

    If it's not possible to change your location, see if you can change your desk’s direction. A new view can be just as refreshing as a new location.

2. ______________

Start and end your day in a different way. Consider a new mode of transportation, if it’s possible. Take a subway. Ride a bike on sunny days. Carpool with a coworker. Use a new route to get to your job. You needn't change it for ever—just long enough to help you escape the boredom.

3. Find a New Work Style

    Sick of attending that long-standing Monday morning meeting? Try to change it to the afternoon.

    If you find yourself feeling most bored in the afternoons, try to arrange to do your favorite tasks then and tackle less desirable projects in the mornings.

If you usually communicate with coworkers via email and instant messaging, start dealing with people face to face. Increased communication with coworkers may help improve your mood.

4. Get and Set a Goal

    If your work is short of objectives, it's no wonder that work has become boring. Identify a goal and set an “achieve by” date for it.

Your goal needn’t be noble as long as you have enough enthusiasm for it. Perhaps you want to make a new project. Maybe you’d like to pursue a promotion. Or you may even set a goal of finding a new job altogether. Whatever it is, actively move toward an objective.

1.What is the purpose of the passage? (within 15 words)


2.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

 You will feel bored when you are not working toward something.


3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 8 words)


4.List three methods of escaping from boredom in your daily. (within 5 words for each)



5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.





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