满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the United States, 30 percent of the ...

In the United States, 30 percent of the people have a “weight problem”。To many people the cause is obvious (明显的): they eat too much. But scientific evidence (证据) does little to support this idea. Going back to America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food. In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machines much less, and didn’t watch television.

Several modern studies, moreover, have shown that fatter people don’t eat more on average than thinner people. A 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers showed that fat people eat less than slim (苗条的) people.

Studies also show that slim people are more active than fat people. A study by a research group at Stanford University found the following interesting facts:

The more the man ran, the greater loss of the body fat

The more they ran, the greater increase in food intake.

Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amount of body fat.

1. Nowadays many Americans have the problem that ______.

A. they are too slim   B. they work too hard C. they are too fat   D. they lose too much body fat

2.According to the passage, how many people in 900 Americans have a “weight problem”?

A. 150.                    B. 300.             C. 600.            D. 270.

3.Is there any scientific evidence to support the idea that eating too much is the cause of a “weight problem”?

A. Yes, there is plenty of evidence.        B. Of course, there is some evidence to support this.

C. There is hardly any scientific evidence to support this.     D. We are not sure.

4.The Americans in 1910 ________.   A. ate more food and had more physical activities   

B. ate less food but had more physical activities

C. ate less food and had less physical activities     D. had more problems



1.C2.D3.C4.A 【解析】略



Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s  employer's home.My friend,Arlene,was nervous,because the boss was very   21  with a fine home,and cars that  22  more than her house.

    The boss was a generous   23  , and took them to the __24__ restaurants. Arlene knew she would  25  have the opportunity to go to such places again, so she was  26  herself greatly.                                                                               

   They were about to  27  a good restaurant that evening when the boss stopped suddenly, looking __28__ at the road. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to __29__ him. There was nothing on the 30 except a penny.

  The boss reached down and  31  the penny. He smiled, and then put it in his __32__as if he had found a great treasure. Why would a man like this pick up a single __33__? Why would he even take the time to __34__?

   When they were in the restaurant she could  35  it no longer. She mentioned that her daughter had once had a coin  ___36__ , and asked if the penny had some value.

   A __37__ crossed the man's face as he took the penny out of his pocket.

   "Look at it," he said, "'In God We Trust'."

"In America, for those who trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin.__38__ I find a coin I see those words. They can be __39__ on every single American coin,but people never seem to  40  them! For a short time, at least, I treasure each one as if it were gold."

1.A. mean           B. wealthy            C. rude              D. strict

2.A. indicate         B. expect             C. cost               D. equip

3.A. host            B. manager           C. master             D. guest

4.A. nearest         B. oldest              C. finest              D. warmest

5.A. often           B. already            C. never              D. ever

6. A. enjoying        B. improving          C. promoting          D. blaming

7.A. praise          B. leave              C. enter               D. reserve

8.A. over           B. down              C. close              D. for

9.A. support         B. pass              C. shout               D. help

10.A. ground         B. restaurant          C. floor                D. car

11. A. saved up        B. applied for         C. picked up            D. hunted for

12.A. pocket          B. wallet             C. bag                D. hand             

13.A. treasure         B. money             C. note               D. penny              

14.A. stop            B. prevent             C. wait              D. remain

15.A. stand           B. keep               C. doubt             D. avoid

16.A. box            B. collection           C. doll               D. memory

17.A. smile           B. look               C. sign               D. tear

18.A. Whenever       B. However            C. Whatever          D. Whoever

19.A. registered       B. printed              C. found             D. produced

20.A. notice          B. appreciate            C. share             D. seize




________ should any money be given to a small child.

A. On no account    B. From all accounts        C. Of no account     D. By all accounts




That hotel is always full because it offers a friendly ______ and personal service.

A surface          B. atmosphere     C. system        D. appearance




_____ work has been done to prevent the river being polluted.

   A .A number of     B A mass of      C Several        D. A good many




. I was sleeping when the fire ______ and then it spread quickly.

A. broke out       B put out        C. came out        D. got out




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