满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She ________ Japanese when she was in Ja...

She ________ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.

        A. picked out.     B. made out      C. made up       D. picked up


D 【解析】 略

What you said      quite to the point but what we need      experienced workers.

A. is; are          B. is; is            C. are; is             D. are; are




1. If you don’t know the meaning of the words, you can r________ to the dictionary.

2. He has to work very hard, because he has a large family to s____________.

3. T_________ to your help, I succeeded.

4. Mary works very hard and her parents are s_________________ with her.

5. He always makes the people around happy. He has a sense of h___________.

6. In order to pass the exam, Jack spent much time on his studies. But u_____________ he failed it at last.

7. After the earthquake, tens of thousands of houses were destroyed and many people became h_________________.

8. The girl spends much time and money on her clothes, because she is p__________ about her clothes.

9. The businessman can’t speak English fluently, so he tries to improve his s______ English.

10. In g_____________, women are easier to cry than man.





Thursday, January 3

Book a Librarian One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session

Location:Main Library Training Center(5th F1.)

Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)

Library Sponsored Public Program

Event Time:4 p.m.-6 p.m.


Do you need personalized help Using a computer or the Internet?

During the month of January,the library is offering limited one-on-one training sessions(培训课程).Sessions are limited to 30 minutes and require signing up in advance.Call(415)557-4400 to book an appointment or for more information.

Friday, January 4

Beyond Journal Writing for Teens

Location:Main Library Paley Rm.(3rd F1.)

Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)

Library Sponsored Public Program

Event Time:4 p.m.--- 5:30 p.m.


In this nine-week(January 4 through February 29)class,you will have the opportunity to develop and share your writing (poetry, biography and more) in a supportive group led by a Writers Corps teacher.Open to teen writers aged 13-19.

For information,communicate with Betsy Levine,Teen Librarian,at

(415)557-4497 or Dmail blevine@sipI.org.


Tuesday, January 8

Power Panels and Films by World Savvy

Location:Main Librarv Koret Auditorium

Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)

Library Sponsored Public Program

Event Time:5 p.m.-8 p.m.


World Savvy,The Global Film Initiative team up to take you on a world tour through explorations of art,media and film.Come and share how film and media affect youth,education and our global community at large.To book a position,communicate with Jennifer Collins at(415)557—4268 or jennifercollins@sfpl.org.


Wednesday, January 9

Business Counseling Sessions

Location:Main Library(Fourth Floor Business Center)

Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)

Library Sponsored Public Program

Event Time:10 a.m.-3 p.m.


SCORE—Service Corps of Retired Executives(行政人员)offers free,one-hour business counseling(咨询)sessions from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m.

To schedule an appointment with a SCORE counselor, call(415)744-6827.Cosponsored by the Business,Science and Technology



1..If a boy wants to improve the skill of writing poems he can call            .

    A.(415) 744-6827               B.(415)557-4268

    C.(415) 557-4497               D.(415)557-4400

2.Who would be most likely to attend the event on Wednesday, January 9?

    A.A science teacher              B.A retired worker.

    C.A school headmaster.         D.A supermarket owner.

3.Which event doesn’t need booking in advance?

    A.One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session.

    B.Beyond Journal Writing for Teens.

    C.Power Panels and Films by World Savvy.

D.Business Counseling Sessions.



As we all know,it was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence (独立宣言).He wrote it in two weeks,and after a few changes,it was accepted by the Congress.As a result,he became famous in America's history.

Born in Virginia,Thomas Jefferson,a brilliant student at school and almost talented lawyer later,was much interested in politics.

 Jefferson was elected Governor of Virginia in 1779,and he was sent to France as the Representative of the American Government in 1784.Sixteen years later,at the age of 57,he was elected president after Washington and Adams.

Far from a handsome man,he was is tall with long arms and big hands.Jefferson,who was an amusing talker in conversation,but a poor speaker,was generally good-natured.

Jefferson was regarded as a defender(捍卫者)of freedom Of America.As a president,he protected the right of speech.Interestingly enough,in his eight years as president,:Jefferson never said “No” to a bill(议案)!which the Congress had passed.He did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson died on July the fourth,1826,the fiftieth anniversary of America’s independence.

1.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

   A. Thomas Jefferson  B. Lincoln   C. Washington   D. Adams

2.We are most likely to read this passage in           

    A.a daily newspaper            B.a popular advertisement

    C.a history book              D.an important notice

3.Which of the following statements about Jefferson’s personality is true?

   A.He was a shy and slow learner when he was at school.

    B.He was not an easy person to get along with at all

    C.He was not only very talented but also very handsome.

    D.He was an amusing talker,but not good at speaking in public.

4.Jefferson’s greatest contribution in America’s history is that             

    A.he was for the right of free speech

    B.he was sent to France as the Representative

    C.  he wrote the Declaration of Independence

    D.he organized the new University of Virginia

5.Thomas Jefferson was elected president of the United States in the year of      .

A. 1779         B.1784         C.1800         D.1826





The students in America usually begin high school at the age of 13 or 14. Some leave at the age of 16. But most finish the 4-year high school study. They do not get their first full-time work or begin college studies until they are 17 or 18 years old.

  The high school day is about 7 hours long. Part of the day is made into classes of about 50 minutes long. The students have lunch in the middle of the day. American students study English, history, math, science, art and languages. Some also learn job skills. They can learn how to use a computer or how to mend a car. Other students may learn by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.

   Jean Wilton Anderson is 16 years old. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington D.C. Jean studies at Walt Whitman High School. There are about 1,500 students at the school. Most of them will go up to colleges.

   Jean wakes up early every morning. She begins school at about 7:30. This is her third year of high school. Every day she takes classes to learn English, world history, physics and trigonometry(三角学). She also has a class about different religions(宗教).And she plays the violin in music class. School ends at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Yet, Jean stays 2 or more hours longer every day for sports. Jean arrives home at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. She eats dinner. Then she starts her homework. Students in America have their way of talking. They use the word “like” all the time. Jean and her girlfriends wear blue jeans and shirts or sweaters every day. The boys at her school also wear blue jeans. But they like to wear blue jeans that are several sizes too large for them.

   Like students of her age in most parts of the country, Jean begins to drive a car. She does not have her car. She must use the family’s car. Most of the students in high school have their own cars. Many of them drive their cars to school every day.

1. Which of the following is not true to the high school?

  A. The school day usually lasts for 7 hours.

  B. The students only have 6 subjects to learn.

  C. Each class will last for 50 minutes.

  D. The students can learn some skills out of the school.

2. Jean Wilton Anderson __________________.

  A. has a four-people family         B. lives in the city of Washington

  C. has studied in the high school for 3 years   D. drives her own car at the age of 16

3. Which of the following is not true?

  A. Students in high schools use the word “like” very often

  B. The boy students wear blue jeans as the girls.

  C. Many high school students go to school in their own cars.

  D. Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast



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