满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It ___________ we had stayed together fo...

It ___________ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks________ I found we had a lot in common.

A.was until; when

B.was until; that

C.wasn’t until; when

D.wasn’t until; that


D 【解析】略

----Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?

----I don’t mind where we go________ there’s sun, sea and beach.

A.as if

B.as long as

C.now that

D.in order that



We always consider________ a great personality that no matter how many sufferings one has experienced, one’s original pursuit of love and truth is still not moved.

A that        B. this        C. one       D. it



This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it,_________________.

A.no matter how it may cost

B.how may it cost

C.how much may it cost

D.however much it may cost



________ in the company for a month, I begin to like ______ here, the boss, the colleagues, the new office.

A.working; it

B.Having worked; them

C.Having worked; it

D.To have worked; all



Faced with nuclear pollution, we think it is time to ________ the trip to Japan.

A.call in

B.call for

C.call off

D.call on



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