满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He had dreamed of going there for a long...

He had dreamed of going there for a long time. But he _______ he would have such an unpleasant experience.

A. needn’t have expected                   B. couldn’t have expected         

C. mustn’t have expected                   D. shouldn’t have expected


B 【解析】略

He makes people pleased with _______ by making them first pleased with _______.

A. them, himself        B. himself, them       

C. him, them         D. him, themselves



He is always helping people without expecting anything _______. 

A. in turn                B. in charge            C. in return            D. in trouble



--How about _______ Christmas evening party?

--I should say it was _______ success.

A. a; a              B. the; a               C. a; 不填          D. the; 不填



-- Would you please take this along to the office for me?

   -- _______.

A. With pleasure.       B. That's right.       C. Never mind.      D. Don't mention it.



单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10 分)

1.He greeted the guests with a w________ of the hand

2.Keep the camera  ____________ ( 平稳 ) while you take a photograph.

3.Now learning English becomes more ___________( 分布广泛的 )

4.Please c____________ my best wishes to your family.

5.I’m a northerner, so I am not a___________ to the kind of food that southerners often eat.

6.Who will be ___________ (任命)to the chairmanship when Mr. Bell leaves?

7.I was a____________ about the children when they didn’t come back home from school.

8.The __________ (潜在的)side effects of the drug are unknown.

9.It is all agreed that a good education doesn’t __________(保证) a good job.

10.On b__________ of our group I’d like to give a brief summary of our discussion.



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