满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People have planted a great many trees i...

People have planted a great many trees in order to ________ wind and sand in the desert.

A.hold down        B.hold up          C.hold back        D.hold out



C 【解析】略

Traditionally, Chinese people _______ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings.                          

A. cut out    B. cut off  C. cut up   D. cut down



.People like taking photos because photos are the _______ of youth and history and can remind us of many happy scenes.

A. witness          B. guidance         C. evidence         D. approval



A much better way must be found to achieve an equal ________ of the resources.

A. distribution      B. contribution C. catalogue    D. separation








注意:1.       词数为120左右;

      2.       参考词汇:黄鹤楼-  the Yellow Crane Tower

                              编钟-  Chime Bells                      

热干面   hot and dry noodles

      3.          电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。


Hi Jack ,

Nice to read your e-mail today. I am only too glad to hear that.....



Hope you’ll enjoy your visit in Wuhan. 

                                          Yours  Li Ming




1.I feel it is your husband _________________(该受责备) for the spoiled child. (blame)

2.The fact ____      __ (他没上过大学)made it difficult for him to get a job in that country. ( attend)

3.             (如果订阅)Chutian Metropolis Daily for over a half year ,you would have received a free limited-edition calendar last week . (subscribe)

4.Do you want to ______________ (把字典寄到) your house or wouldyou prefer to come to the shop? (deliver)

5.The flowers ______ (显得鲜艳) might be poisonous in the wild, so do be careful.  (appear)

6. ________ (不管那里有)a Disneyland, the tourism is sure to be increasing. (wherever)

7.My roommate , in the past two years, ________ (习惯) the hot summer weather in Wuhan and now he is coming to love the city.  ( accustomed )

8.So                (如此专注) reading a novel that he found time passed quickly in the summer vacation. ( absorb )

9.It took the court a long time ___________(相信)his innocence, which made him very annoyed.   (convince)

10.The police examined carefully ________________(所残留的) of the meal, hoping to find if there were any poisonous chemicals. ( remain, vi. )



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