满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




With the summer vacation coming around, many school               1.            

leavers feel it the great chance to enjoy themselves. Most                 2.             

of my classmate have plans to travel, which can broaden             3.             

their views and increase their life experience. There are              

also some students would like to work as volunteers in                4.             

the communities. Beside, quite a few students want to learn             5.            

to drive, dance or cook by attending summerclasses.            

As for me, I am looking forward to spend this precious time             6.            

with my family before I left for my college. Hopefully, I can               7.            

do something in return for our parents' love and care.                              8.             


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 【解析】 略

She ______buy her clothes through the Internet than in the supermarket.

A. rather than      B. would like         C. no longer        D. would rather



―Would you like some more tea?

―____ , please.

A. No more       B. Just a little      C. I’ve had enough   D. Yes, I would



以“Form a Good Habit”为题,谈谈早起的好处。要求言之有理,内容连贯,词数100-120。可参考以下提示:

1. 有些学生迟到,是因为晚起;

2. 晚起不仅影响学习,而且也是一种坏习惯;

3. 早起是一种好习惯,因为它能给你带来很多好处。早起有助于身体健康,有助于学习,有助于品德培养。英国有句俗话,“Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”这是千真万确的,希望大家养成早起的习惯。

(注:品德培养 train character;俗话 a saying)










Mary was an university student. She didn’t have much                 1. ____    

money and her parents were not rich, and she had an uncle              2.____   

who had been fortunately enough to collect great wealth.              3. ____   

He always give her valuable Christmas and birthday presents.          4. ____   

When her uncle’s birthday came round, Mary wanted buy him         5. ____    

something really special, but because she was rich, she did not        6. ____   

know how to get him. She went into the best shop in her              7. ____   

town and explained what her problem was to one of the helpful         8.____   

shop assistant. Finally she asked, “What do you have for              9. ____   

someone who has already got everything he wants or need .            10.          




1.We will meet on ________ (星期四). 

2.I like the style of his writing but I don’t like the ______(内容). 

3. The result was ___    (超出) her wildest dreams.    

4.It is essential that more than 70,000,000 people will be ________(吸引) to the 2010 EXPO of Shanghai.

5.The question needs ___________(进一步) discussion.

6.A _______ (正方形) table lies in the middle of the room.

7.The workers in the car factory are ____(付报酬) by the hour.

8.To _________ our country is the duty of each citizen.(保卫)

9.Wang Meng skated her way to three gold ________ (奖牌) at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

10.Buses run _______ (频繁地) between the city and the airport.



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