满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Do you know what EU stands for, Tommy? ...

—Do you know what EU stands for, Tommy?  

—Sure.It stands for the European Union,______ European political and economic organization that encourages trade and friendship between ______ countries that are members.

A.an; the            B.a; the         C.the; /       D.an; /


B 【解析】 略


—Nothing serious, but a bit tired.

A.Anything the matter with you         B.Is that all     

C.Anything else                             D.What's this    














 Dear Editor,

       I'd like to tell you some of my problems with my parents in daily life.My parents tend to


make almost all decisions for me.                                                







 [1]Have you ever been in the situation where you really didn’t believe what someone was saying? Did you have a sense that something didn’t ring true or a feeling that all was not right? Perhaps they were saying ‘‘Yes’’ yet their heads were shaking “No”.

[2]The difference between the words people speak and our understanding of______             comes from non-verbal communication, otherwise known as “body language”. Body language includes body movements and gestures(1egs,arms,hands,head and body),posture,muscle tension,eye contact,skin coloring,even people’s breathing rate and sweat.Additionally,the tone of voice,the rate of speech and the pitch of the voice all add to the words that are being used.

[3] By developing your awareness of the signs and signals of body language,you can more easily understand other people,and more effectively communicate with them.There are sometimes subtle(微妙的)—and sometimes not so subtle—movements,gestures, facial expressions and even shifts in our whole bodies that indicate something is going on.We have ways of talking,walking,sitting and standing and they all say something about us,and whatever is happening on the inside can be reflected on the outside.

[4]By becoming more aware of this body language and understanding what it might mean,you can learn to read people more easily.This puts you in a better position to communicate effectively with them.What’s more, by increasing your understanding of others,you can also become more aware of the messages that you convey to them.

[5] There are times when we send mixed messages—we say one thing yet our body language reveals something different.This non-verbal language will affect how we act and react to others,and how they react to us.Therefore,in order to communicate more effectively,we should learn

the signs and signals of body language correctly.

1..   What is the best title for the passage? (no more than 6 words)


2..  .Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 3 words)

   Maybe their behaviors didn’t _____________________________ their words.

3..  . Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)


4..   What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to ? (no more than 9 words)


5..  .What should people do in order to communicate effectively with others ? (no more than 10





Standardized exam in American public education are being reformed. Over the next four years, hundreds of university professors and testing experts will work together to design new assessment system.

The new tests will be computer-based and will measure higher-order skills ignored by the multiple-choice exams used in all states,including students’ ability to read complex texts, synthesize(合成)information and do research projects.

    Because the new tests will be computerized and will be administered several times throughout the school year, they can provide faster feedback(反馈)to teachers.If these plans work out, It’ll turn the current testing system upside down.

    One group,led by Florida,will be made up of 25 states and the District of Columbia.The group was awarded $170 million.The other group, whose membership over-laps the first,has31 states and is led by Washington.The group was given $160 million.Twelve of the 44 states are

participating in both groups but are expected eventually to choose one set of tests.

   The two groups are supposed to work in a friendly competition,though their plans are very similar.Both groups will produce tests that rely heavily on technology and both groups’ tests will include so-called performance-based tasks,designed to mirror complex,real-world situations.

   In performance-based tasks,students are given a problem-they could be told, for example, to suppose they are a mayor who needs to reduce a city’s pollution—and must write about how they would solve the problem.

   The new tests could be useful to teachers by giving them information on what their students are learning, but it might also require some mid-course adjustments.

   Over the past decade, the federal No Child Left Behind law has emphasized helping low-achieving students improve their basic reading and math by encouraging states to produce tests that measure relatively low-1evel skills. Although the Bush-era law is still on the books, two

years of Obama administration policy have been leading schools in new directions.   

1..  . What is the main idea of this passage?

   A. Obama’s education policy takes the lead.

   B. A computer-based testing system is adopted. 

C. American education system has been changed.

   D. Experts are reinventing the student testing system.

2..   Why are multiple-choice exams to be given up?

   A. Because they are not computer-based.

   B. Because they can’t test students’ higher-order skills.

   C. Because they can’t provide proper feedback for teachers.

   D. Because they can’t test students’ general reading ability.

3..   The underlined part in Para. 4 probably means________.

   A. the two groups have some shared members

   B. the other group is more demanding than the first

   C. the groups have different tasks of their own

   D. the other group does better than the first group in the task

4..   According to the passage, performance-based tasks may refer to tasks that______.

   A. are related to real-world problems

   B. have to be performed in an imaginary world

   C. teach us theories through complex problems

   D. can only be completed by relying heavily on technology

5..  . From the last paragraph, we can infer that_________.

   A. the No child Left Behind policy is not helpful

   B. the Obama administration’s policy is highly praised

   C. the two policies both emphasize math and reading abilities

   D. the two policies both emphasize the development of practical skills




A town in Oxfordshire has become the first in the UK to have biomethane(生物甲烷)gas from human waste piped to their homes for gas central heating and cooking.

    Up to 200 families in Didcot now receive the gas via the national gas power system. Head of energy and technology at British Gas,Martin Orrill,said customers wouldn’t notice any difference as the gas is purified to the highest standard and has no smell.The gas is produced at a sewage(污物) treatment works in Didcot.

   The entire process takes only less than three weeks, with the sewage being collected and sent first to settlement tanks.The solid waste material is then fed into digesters, where anaerobic bacteria(厌氧菌)digest the sewage,with the aid of enzymes(酶)to speed up the process.The digestion process produces methane,which can be burned to drive machines(甲烷)to produce electricity,or can be purified and fed into the gas network and piped to homes and businesses. British Gas says supplying the gas rather than electricity is far more efficient since around two-thirds of the energy is lost in producing electricity.

   Partners in the Didcot project,British Gas,Scotia Gas Network,and Thames Water,all hope to expand the process to other towns,and other companies such as Ecotricity and United Utilities have also announced biomethane projects being planned.One of these projects in Manchester could be supplying 500 homes with biomethane by mid next year. Another British Gas project in Suffolk will provide gas from digestion of brewery(啤酒厂)waste to around 235 families.

   The Didcot project cost£25 million and was influenced by promises of government aids aimed at encouraging companies to develop renewable technologies.An EU directive means the UK must ensure at least 15 percent of its energy is from renewable sources by 2020.

   The UK produces about 1.73 million tons of sewage annually.If all sewage treatment works in the UK were fitted with the technology,they could supply gas for up to 350, 000 families.

1..   Which of the following is TRUE of the biomethane gas?

   A. it’s mainly made from rotting plants      B. It’s an environmentally friendly gas

   C. Its production process is too long        D. It’s easily recognized by customers

2..   What is the function of the enzymes?   

A. To digest the solid waste material        B. To help get rid of anaerobic bacteria

   C. To help purify the biomethane.         D. To speed up the digestion process.

3..   According to the passage,the biomethane gas had better be used         .

A. as the power for vehicles         B. for heating and cooking

   C. to produce electricity            D. to drive a variety of machines

4..   The last three paragraphs mainly show that        .

A. the UK government supports the biomethane projects

B. the biomethane projects are very costly   

   C. the biomethane projects still face many barriers

   D. the biomethane projects are promising

5..  . What should the text belong to?

A .Computer science    B. Engineering    C. Energy             D. Business



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