满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ recent report has stated that th...

_______ recent report has stated that the number of the WTO member will be over 150 by _____ year 2010.

A.  A; the       B. A; /       C.  The ; /       D. The; a



 A 【解析】略




1. 这幅漫画描述了什么?

2. 你对漫画中的家长有何看法?                                 

3. 你认为这幅漫画想要告诉我们什么?



1. 可参照图示及图下文字内容及文章开头作必要的发挥       


2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不记入总词数。

3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。


We can see in this cartoon that the parents of a student are meeting with their child’s teacher.












After watch “English TV” last Sunday morning, I phoned to my classmate and told him to go to see a film in the afternoon. Before the film was over, we returned to school to do our lessons. While we are having a rest in the corridor, I saw Mr Liu, my head teacher. He told me that we had made some progresses in English, but my Chinese lagged behind, especially my Chinese composition. He suggested I must read more and keeping a diary every day. In the evening my father told me that reading newspapers would do me well for improving composition writing. That was really good idea! What they said was quite right, and I should follow their advice.




Are you suffering a lot from test anxiety? Follow these tips to help you overcome it.

  1     Prepare for the test by developing good study notes. Pick out the main points of the information or follow a study sheet from the teacher. Know the who, what, when, where, why and how of any main ideas.

Pick out the key words in the main points. Write a very short description of each point next to the key words. You will now have two sets of study notes.     2     Use the second to review right before the test.

Teach yourself little memory tricks. Some people use mnemonic(助记符号)devices to remember facts. If there is a list of information, take the first letter of each word and make an interesting saying.

  3     Some people read all the questions first and then begin working. Others start with the first question and don’t look at the rest. They skip any hard questions and come back to them later.

Do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing. Some anxiety is normal going into a test.



Review the material one last time right before bed. We often remember things that we read or think about right before going to sleep.

   5     Make sure you go to bed early enough the night before the test. It is very difficult to remember anything when you are overtired.

A. Work out a plan ahead.

B. Get a good night's sleep.

C. Pay attention to the proper order of answering the questions.

D. Use the first detailed set to study the material.

E. Learn to develop a strategy for taking the test.

F. Always get as much sleep as possible.

G. Breathing deeply helps you calm yourself and concentrate on the test



There is a boy called Bill in my gym class who has unbearably yellow teeth that almost make everyone feel unpleasant.Recently another boy told Bill that he should "go Ajax" his teeth.Bill was crushed.If the other boy had been thinking, he would have realized that there is a better way to handle such a situation.He could have dealt with it with tact.He could have showed this hurtful truth in a more careful, sensitive way—that's "tact".

    If a person isn't sensitive to another's feelings, there is no way he or she can be tactful.Yesterday, my 5-year-old brother proudly announced that he had cleaned the screen on our television set.Unfortunately, he used furniture polish, which produced an oily film on the television screen.My mother smiled arid thanked him for his efforts—and then showed how to clean the screen properly.Her sensitivity enables my brother to keep his self-respect.Yet, sensitivity alone does not make tact.

    "Tactfulness" also requires "truthfulness".Doctors, for example must be truthful.If a patient has just been disabled in an accident, a tactful doctor will tell the truth—but express it with sensitivity.The doctor may try to give the patient hope by telling them curing techniques under study or about advanced equipment now available.Doctors must use tact with patients' relatives as well.Instead of bluntly saying, "Your husband is disabled," a doctor might say, "I'm sorry, but your husband has lost feeling in his legs and..."

    Tact should not be confused with trickery.Trickery occurs when a nurse is about to give a patient an injection(注射) and says, "This won't hurt a bit." Instead of trickery, the nurse might guarantee the patient that the discomfort of the injection is a small thing compared to the benefits of it.It would also be thoughtful for the nurse to tell the patients about some of these benefits.

    Tact is a wonderful skill to have, and tactful people are usually admired and respected.Without tact our society would become an intolerable place to live in.

1.The underlined word "crushed" in the first paragraph probably means____.

    A.surprised     B.cheated          C.regretful       D.painful

2.According to the author, his mother's praise for the brother is ____.

    A.sensitive and tactful               B.sensitive but not tactful enough

    C.truthful but not tactful enough                      D.sensitive but trickish

3.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

(The numbers stand for the paragraphs)




A single night of taking the drug Ecstasy (摇头丸) can cause serious brain damage and speed up the start of Parkinson’s disease, scientists say. Just two or three Ecstasy tablets can permanently destroy brain cells that affect movement and reasoning, according to American research that links the drug to Parkinson’s for the first time.

A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons (狒狒) found that both species suffered permanent damage to key cells, which are lost in Parkinson’s, after receiving three low doses(剂量)of Ecstasy at three-hour periods.

The study is particularly important because baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain. George Ricaurte, who led the research, said that the widespread abuse of drug might have caused severe damage. “The most troubling result is that young adults using Ecstasy may be increasing their risk of developing Parkinsonism as they get older.”

Alan Leshner, a former director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, said, “This study emphasizes the multi-aspect damage that Ecstasy causes to users. We’ve long known that repeated use damages brain cells. But this study shows that even very occasional use can have long-lasting effects on many different brain systems. It sends an important message to young people: don’t experiment with your own brain.”

Janet Betts, a mother whose teenage daughter Leah died after a single Ecstasy tablet in 1995, said, “This comes as no surprise. But people can’t see the effects at first, and they say it won’t happen to them. We’ll see the symptoms later, just as we have with smoking.”

1. The article is intended to ______.

   A. explain the bad effects of drugs on people’s health

B. warn young people of the risk of taking the drug Ecstasy

   C. persuade people out of such bad habits as smoking and using drugs

D. tell us the links between the drug Ecstasy and Parkinson’s disease

2. We know from the passage that a low dose of Ecstasy ______.

   A. won’t cause serious brain damage

   B. can permanently destroy one’s brain cells

   C. will result in immediate symptoms

   D. may bring on Parkinson’s at once

3.Why are squirrel monkeys and baboons involved in the experiments?

   A. Because their brain is similar to human being’s.

   B. Because these animals usually take drugs.

   C. Because these animals will soon get well after the experiment.

   D. Because there is a model in the animals’ brains.

4. The underlined word “This” in the last paragraph probably means that ______.

   A. Leah died after a single Ecstasy tablet in 1995

B. taking drug has the same symptoms as smoking

C. occasional use of the drug can have long-lasting effects on the brain systems

D. people have long known that repeated use of the drug damages brain cells




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