满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mistakes will happen. Accept _________ a...

Mistakes will happen. Accept _________ and learn from ________

  A. it; them        B. them; it        C. it; it       D. them; them


A 【解析】略

—Peter and his brother are so alike.

  —Yeah, I can’t tell one from ________.

  A.another     B.other               C.the other       D.others







2.参考词汇: division n. 分科     liberal arts n. 文科 

pressure n. 压力     science n. 理科




Recently, whether students should be divided to science students and art ones is under heated discussion on the Internet.              





A lot of hiking holidays sound e_____________, 1.___________

but the r___________(现实)is often very different. 2.__________

Hiking trips can be _________(不舒适的)and even  3.___________

dangerous.However,at A________2000 we feel that we 4.__________

understand the n______of hikers.All our guides have5.___________

several years of __________(经验) in       6.__________

__________(带领)hiking trips in the Himalayas.   7.___________

They know all the best_________(路线)and the best   8.___________

places to camp.We also realize that hiking can be hard

work and believe that hikers need our help.As well as

the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters.While

on the hiking trip,our cooks prepare__________(可口的) 9.___________

meals.And our porters carry your_________(行李),which10.___________

means that you can simply enjoy the hiking action.



The campaign(竞选)is over. The celebrations have ended. And the work for US president-elect Barack Obama has begun.

 The 47-year-old politician rose to the highest post because of his stand against the war in Iraq and his plans to fix a weak economy. But what will the first 47-year-old African-American president do for race relations?

 Obama’s victory appears to have given blacks and other minorities(少数民族)a true national role model. For years, many looked to athletes and musicians for inspiration. As Darius Turner, an African-American high school student in Los Angeles, told the Los Angeles Times, “Kobe doesn’t have to be everybody’s role model anymore.”

 However, Bill Bank, an expert of African-American Studies, says that eventually young blacks need to find role models in their own communities. “That’s not Martin Luther King, and not Barack Obama,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “It’s actually the people closest to them. Barack only has so much influence. ”

 In the opinion of black British politician Trevor Phillips, Obama’s rise will contribute more to multiculturalism than to race relations in the US.

    “When the G8 meets, the four most important people in the room will be the president of China, the prime minister of India, the prime minister of Japan and Barak Obama,” he told London’s The Times newspaper. “It will be the first time we’ve seen that on our television screens. That will be a huge psychological shift(心理转变)for both the white people and the colored ones in the world. ”

1. For years, before Obama was elected president of the US, __________.

 A. Kobe was the only role model for all the blacks

 B. blacks could only find role models on the basketball court

 C. minorities in America couldn’t find role models in their real life

 D. American blacks had no role model who was successful in political area

2.According to Bill Bank, ____________.

 A. it’s better for young blacks to find role models in those who are close to them

 B. young blacks should not be so much influenced by Obama

 C. blacks should find other role models because Obama is far from their reality

 D. Obama is not the proper role model for African-Americans

3.What would be the best title for this passage?

 A. The First African-American President   B. America’s New Role Model

 C. Obama-- A Successful Black.            D. Choosing a Right Role Model

4.What will be the huge psychological shift Trevor mentioned at the end of the passage?

 A. The other three leaders all support Obama.

 B. Obama is an African-American president.

 C. None of the four leaders is white.

 D. The other three leaders except Obama are from Asian countries.



The law is a great mass of rules, showing when and how far a man is possible to be punished, or to be made to hand over money or property to his neighbors, and so on. These rules are contained in books. A lawyer learns them mainly by reading books.

 He begins by doing nothing but read, and after he has prepared himself by three years study practice, still, all his life long and almost every day, he will be looking into books to read a little more than he already knows about some new questions which he has to answer.

    The power to use books, then is a special skill which the would - be lawyer ought to possess. He ought to have enough flexibility(灵活性)to make it easy for him to collect ideas from printed words. He ought to have no difficulty in finding what a book contains, and something of an instinct(直觉)for where to look for what he wants.

 But although this is the power of which he will first feel the need, it is not the most important. A lawyer does not study law to recite it; he studies it to use it and act upon the rules which he has learned in real life. His business is to try cases in court and to advise men what to do in order to keep out or get out of trouble.

1. After three years of reading________.

 A. he can study law                  B. he can stop reading

 C. he still has to continue reading  D. he is able to give clever answers

2. The major business of a lawyer is________.

 A. to discuss the material he has read   B. to advise people who have law problems

 C. to learn about real life               D. to study the law

3. According to the passage, a good lawyer should know how to________.

 A. understand and use what he reads    B. be convenient in everything

 C. collect ideas from different source D. use power in the court



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