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Ⅵ、读写任务(共一题,满分25分) 阅读以下短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的...





There is a story telling of a religious master who is said to be capable of moving mountains. A man came to him asking for a demonstration (证明). The master sat in front of a mountain for a moment, then went to the other side of it and declared the end of the demonstration. All the audiences were greatly puzzled and begged him for an explanation. He said, “There has been a way of moving mountains; what you can do is to go to the mountain if it doesn’t come.”

One of my friends, though with the makings of a merchant, was bent on being a painter. He resigned from office and devoted himself entirely to painting at home. Several years, however, saw no progress in this regard.

A painful retrospection (回顾) brought him to his senses. He made up his mind to take up business in place of painting. It took him only a few years to become a rich businessman. Meanwhile he spent his spare time exchanging experience and skills in painting. His works finally won acclamation by expert painters and were on sale in art gallery and grand hotels. He had his collections published and his dream of becoming a painter came true at last.












Get yourself changed when facing something unchangeable      The passage tells us that a religious master and a painter tried to change themselves when they were faced with something unchangeable, and finally they both successfully achieved their original goals. I’m in favor of the idea that we should change our attitude when we find the environment unchangeable. The stories remind me of my cousin who used to complain about English learning. He thought it unnecessary to learn a foreign language and ignored it at all. As a result, he fell far behind the others in the exams. Thanks to his English teacher, he developed a good attitude after realizing how important it is to learn English well. He made up his mind to take every opportunity to improve his English. Believe it or not, a year later , he gradually caught up with others. As far as I’m concerned, only when we get ourselves changed when facing something unchangeable can we get what we want and become successful. 【解析】



1) 用所给词的正确形式填空(共8个空,每空0.5分)

1. Robert is said _____________ (study) abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

2. He was the first _____________ (arrive)at the classroom. However, when first _____________ (question), he said he knew nothing about the broken door.

3. Alex and Andy performed _______________ (skill) and they won the first prize. 

4. Hangzhou is gifted with the splendid scenery, _______________ (make) it the “Paradise on Earth”.

5. _______________ (receive) a reply, he decided to write her another letter.

6. It is believed that the renowned designer would put forward some _______________ (construct) suggestions for the skyscraper _______________ (construct) next year.

7. I’d appreciate ___________________________ help me. (如果你能帮我)

8. I was extremely excited ________________________________ the plane. (第一次登上这飞机的时候)

9. __________________________(不管有多饿) I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.

10. ____________________________________(位于市中心),the exhibition enjoys very convenient transport, attracting many visitors every day.




第二部分非选择题(共 60 分)


1. Today is a red-letter day! In court we won a ___________ victory in the battle for our ____________.

2. The same principle _____________ competent readers. …One way to test whether a text is ____________ is to read the first page.

3. How Harry ____________ this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.





     阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息,请将答案填涂在答题卡标号为56-60的相应位置上。(注意:如选E,则同时填涂A 和B ; 如选F,则同时填涂C 和D 。)

    A. Located in the village of Misenheimer, North Carolina, Pfeiffer University

is a small private school with about 1,000 undergraduates. The small-town atmosphere fits with those who come from smaller high schools or feel more secure in a close-knit environment as opposed to a large state school with 20,000 undergraduates.

    Changes have made the school even better than ever, new science and lab buildings, a cafeteria, and upperclassmen dorms provide great opportunities for incoming students. For athletes, Pfeiffer has sports teams for baseball, lacrosse, men’s and women’s basketball, and soccer, as well as many others, including intramurals.

B. Set in a city, Rutgers has an enrollment of 3,700 undergraduates. With over 40 majors, the college is known for engineering and business accounting. Rutgers is a commuter campus with half of first –year students living in college housing and

fewer than 20 percent of undergraduates living on campus. The college is located a mile from Philadelphia.

     Rutgers has many sports as well as lots of activities available. There are many courses in business accounting major. And there are even seven types of engineering majors. More than half the applicants are accepted , and more than 75 percent of the students return for sophomore year.

C. The United States Naval Academy is one of the best in the world and has trained cadets since 1845. The academy is a four-year college; the campus offers appointments for citizens until the age of 23. USNA has career options such as political science and helps students become commissioned officers in the Navy or Marine Corps.

    The United States Naval Academy offers 21 majors, and the dropout rate is less than five percent. This school is difficult, but anyone can pass if they’re willing to work hard. It takes four years to earn a bachelor’s and more for a master’s degree, depending on what you want to study. In addition, cadets are trained to have discipline. During the summer, they can join overseas units for training.

   D. The University of Delaware has over 16,000 undergraduates and almost 3,000 graduate students in a midsize college town atmosphere. Even with so many students, U of D still provides the highest quality undergraduate education available. The University of Delaware has over 100 majors for undergraduates, ranging from accounting to wildlife conservation. It also has world-class programs in business, chemical engineering, and biotechnology. It is one of only four schools in North America with a major in art conservation.

     If academics aren’t all you want in a college, the University of Delaware has many athletic programs too. Its 23 varsity sports compete in the NCAA Division I.

    E. Bennett College is a small, private, historically black liberal arts school for women founded in 1873. The college offers an education conducive to excellence in scholarly pursuits; preparation for leadership roles in the workplace, society; and the world; and life-long learning in a technologically advanced, complex global society.

     With small classes for individual help, students are able to excel and build purposeful relationships with teachers. The college offers a variety of majors and dual majors with surrounding schools. Bennett takes great pride in its academic and social reputation and is highly looked upon by other schools and organizations.

   F. In an age when attending your first – choice college could mean spending $30,000 or even $40,000 a year, the small –town atmosphere yet big-name reputation of Truman States University is appealing. The Princeton Review ranks Truman as the fourth best public college value in the nation.

      Truman provides countless opportunities for student involvement, on-campus activities, and athletics. The town of Kirksville has a feeling  of home away from home. You can attend Truman for $11,540(including room and board) if you live in-state. In addition, 94 percent of freshmen are awarded scholarships, and 97 percent receive some financial aid.

  The learning environment will prepare students for life after college. Last year Truman placed 99.5 percent of graduates in a graduate/professional program or on to the first step in their career path. Even more impressive,54 percent of graduates attended top graduate, medical, dental, and law schools.

 以下是几位学生的信息, 请匹配每个人应选择的院校:

56. Adam is inquiring about service academies and plans to trade in his college partying for discipline and a rewarding career after college.

57.  Ray is looking for a strong academic school in a small-town setting with a competitive athletics program to continue his academic career.

58.  Robert is searching for a midsize college in an urban setting with plenty of activities. It offers excellent academics and a competitive sports program.

59.  When Kathy was starting the college search process, she made a list of attributes that she wanted in a school. They are affordable, academically competitive and personal.

60.  Mike wants to major in business accounting and is looking for a school which is relatively easy to get in. 




For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed very busy with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.

During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me, because I had nothing to do with the cause of them.

One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair, and looked not quite so severe, and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright, probably with wine. As I was looking at him, he suddenly turned, and asked me, “Do you think I am handsome, Miss Eyre?”

The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: “No,sir.” “Ah,you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.” “Sir, I'm sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn't matter, or something like that.” “No, you shouldn't! I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab (刺) me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.”

I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly, “Yes, you're right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one, and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man, take my word for it, but I have done wrong. It wasn't my character, but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”

It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly, as was the case for the first time.

“Don't be afraid of me, Miss. Eyre,” he continued. “You don't relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me, and laugh, and speak freely. You're like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high. Good night.”

51. At the beginning, Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr. Rochester was all except __________.

A. busy              B. sociable                 C. dull                D. changeable

52. The underlined sentence means __________.

A. Only by meeting him around the house sometimes did I know a little about him.

B. Only by coming to the house could I know about him.

C. I occasionally met him but my knowledge about him was poor.

D. What I knew about him was limited in the house.

53. From what Mr. Rochester told Miss Eyre, we can conclude that he wanted to __________.

A. tell her all his troubles           

B. tell her his life experience

C. blame her for misunderstanding him 

D. change his circumstances

54. At the end of the passage, Mr. Rochester sounded __________.

A. rude              B. cold               C. polite            D. encouraging

55. According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG? 

A. Miss Eyre was at Lowood School before she came to Mr. Rochester’s house.

B. Miss Eyre didn’t see Mr. Rochester often.

C. Miss Eyre was honest, brave and confident.

D. Miss Eyre was brave, polite and warm-hearted.




The effects of rapid travel on the body are actually far more disturbing than we realize. Jet Lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone. It is due to changes in the body’s physiological regulatory mechanisms, specifically the hormonal systems, in a different environment.

     Now that we understand what Jet Lag is, we can go some way to overcome it. A great number of the body’s events are scheduled to occur at a certain time of day. Naturally these have to be regulated, and there are two regulatory systems which interact.

    One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone. The other belongs in our internal clocks (the major one of which may be physically located in a part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus) which, left alone, would tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm. Normally the two timers are in step, and the surroundings tend to regularize the internal clocks to the more convenient 24-hour period.

     If, however, you move the whole body to a time zone which is four hours different, the two clocks will be out of step, like two alarm clocks which are normally set together, but which have been reset a few hours apart. Whereas the two clocks would normally sound their alarms together, now they ring at different times. Similarly, the body can be set for evening while the sun is rising.

     In time the physiological system will reset itself, but it does take time. One easily monitored rhythm is palm sweating. A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will take eight days to readjust his palm sweat. Blood pressure, which is also rhythmical, takes four days to readjust.

What can we do about it? It is not feasible to wait four days until the body is used to the new time zone. Fortunately there is a short cut. It relies on two things-the power of the stomach to regulate the timing of other events, and the pharmacological actions of coffee. The basic assumptions are:

Coffee delays the body clock in the morning, and advances it at night. Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral. Protein in meals stimulates wakefulness, while carbohydrates promote sleep. Putting food into an empty stomach helps synchronize the body clock.

46. What is jet lag associated with?

  A. Psychological change.            B. Physiological change.

  C. Inexperience of rapid travel.       D. Unfamiliar environment.

47. What helps us to adjust to a 24-hour rhythm?

  A. Alarm clock.                   B. Suprachiasmatic nucleus in our brain.

  C. Signals from outside of the body.   D. Our senses and stomachs.

48. What do we know from the fifth paragraph?

  A. A person moving to a different time zone will suffer from high blood pressure.

  B. A person moving to a different time zone will sweat a lot.

  C. Moving to a different time zone will affect both palm sweat and blood pressure.

  D. If the rhythm of blood pressure and palm sweat are not in step, there will be jet lag.

49. What should we do if we want to stay awake?

  A. To take coffee at three o’clock in the afternoon.

  B. To have meals that contain lots of protein.

  C. To have some carbohydrate drinks.

  D. To stop putting food into our stomach.

50. How can we cure jet lag?

   A. To sleep for days.      B. To wait for self-recovery.

   C. To drink tea.           D. To get something to eat.



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