满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Traffic jam and cities, it seems, go han...


Traffic jam and cities, it seems, go hand in hand. Everyone complains about being stuck in traffic; but, like the weather, no one seems to do anything about it. In particular, traffic engineers, transportation planners, and public officials responsible for transportation systems in large cities are frequently criticized for failing to solve traffic jam.

But is traffic jam a sign of failure? Long queues at restaurants or theater box offices are seen as signs of success. Should transportation systems be viewed any differently? I think we should recognize that traffic jam is an unpreventable by-product of successful cities, and view the “traffic problem” in a different light.

Cities exist because they promote social interactions and economic transactions.

Traffic jam occurs where there are lots of people but limited spaces. Culturally and economically successful cities have the worst traffic problems, while decaying cities don’t have much traffic. New York and Los Angeles are America’s most crowded cities. But if you want access to major brokerage houses (经纪行), you will find them easier to reach in crowded New York than in any other large cities. And if your firm needs access to post-production film editors or satellite-guidance engineers, you will reach them more quickly through the crowded freeways of LA than through less crowded roads elsewhere.

Despite traffic jam, a larger number and wider variety of social interactions and economic transactions can be made perfect in large, crowded cities than elsewhere. Seen in this light, traffic jam is an unfortunate consequence of prosperity, not a cause of economic decline and urban decay.

So while we can consider traffic jam as increasing costs on the areas of big cities, the costs of inaccessibility (交通不便) in uncrowded places are almost certainly greater.

There is no doubt that traffic jam brings the terrible economic and environmental damage in places like Bangkok, Jakarta, and Lagos. But mobility is far higher and traffic jam levels are far lower here in the US, even in our most crowded cities. That’s why, for now, we don’t see people and capital streaming out of San Francisco and Chicago, heading for cities like California, and Illinois.

46. We can conclude from the first paragraph that_______.

   A. traffic jam and weather are the two factors preventing the development of the big city

   B. traffic jam seems to be very difficult to deal with

   C. if traffic engineers try their best, traffic jam can be solved

   D. public officials are always criticized for misusing their power

47. According to the passage, what’s the author’s opinion towards traffic jam?_____

   A. In cities, traffic jam is unavoidable.

   B. Traffic jam is both a sign of failure and a sign of success.

   C. Traffic jam is the consequence of successful cities.

   D. For a successful city, traffic jam is not unpreventable.

48. By saying “decaying” (in Para. 4), the writer probably means_______.

   A. declining             B. developing 

C. rich and successful     D. strong and healthy

49. According to this article, which statement about “New York” and “Los Angeles” is true? _____

   A. The traffic jam in the two cities has been worsened.

   B. New York and Los Angeles are the most successful cities in the USA.

   C. It is easier to reach major brokerage houses in the two cities than in other cities.

   D. Despite the traffic jam in LA, you’ll find a satellite-guidance engineer more quickly there.

50. What can we learn from the last paragraph? _______

   A. Traffic jam has caused terrible bad effects in cities such as Bangkok and Lagos.

   B. The traffic jam in San Francisco has resulted in the capital becoming empty.

   C. The traffic jam level in Jakarta is lower than that in the US.

   D. California is as crowded and successful as San Francisco.


 B  C  A  D  A 【解析】             


Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the idea that he is not capable of it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how to make the most of his mental faculties (机能), or he may accept another person's mistaken estimate (评价) of his ability. Older people may be handicapped (阻碍) by the mistaken belief that they are incapable of learning anything new because of their age.

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort, because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for success. He is therefore likely to fail, and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence. Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience which illustrates this. When he was a small boy he got off to a poor start in arithmetic. His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic, and told his parents what she thought in order that they would not expect too much of him. In this way, they too developed the idea, “Isn’t it too bad that Alfred can’t do arithmetic?” He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability, felt that it was useless to try, and was very poor at arithmetic, just as they expected.

One day Adler succeeded in solving a problem which none of the other students had been able to solve. This gave him confidence. He rejected the idea that he couldn’t do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could. His newfound confidence stimulated him to go at arithmetic problems with a new spirit. He now worked with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became extraordinary good at arithmetic.

This experience made him realize that many people have more ability than they think they have, and that lack of success is as often the result of lack of knowledge of how to apply one’s ability, lack of confidence, and lack of determination as it is the result of lack of ability.

41. Why might a person be prevented from doing good work?  _______.

A. Because he thinks he is old enough to make the most of his mental facilities

B. Because he accepts another person’s mistaken estimate of his ability

C. Because he has the idea that he is incapable of doing everything

D. Because he believes in what other people think of him

42. A person who believes in his low ability will________.

   A. spare no efforts to do things

   B. fail to go at a job but never lose heart

   C. change to learn other course instead of mathematics

   D. show complete lack of confidence

43. As a boy, Alfred Adler was poor at arithmetic because ________.

   A. he lost his self-confidence

   B. he was weak in thinking

   C. his parents expected too much of him

   D. his teacher had no confidence in herself

44. Which of the following is the most important factor to Alder's success? ______

   A. Spirit and experience               B. Interest and self-respect

   C. Confidence and determination        D. Purpose and knowledge

45. Alder’s experience made him realize that _______.

   A. people are not as capable as they think

   B. people can be more capable than they think

   C. lack of confidence leads to failure

   D. lack of ability results in lack of determination




第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


   Last year, I was driving home one night, just around the holidays.  I was about to turn onto the highway 31  I noticed a rather sad looking figure holding a sign.   I honestly don't recall 32  the sign read, but I did know that it was getting very cold outside.  This man was obviously homeless, and was completely exposed 33  the elements.

I happened 34 (purchase) a new blanket.  It was in my car, still packed in plastic from the store.  I thought for a moment, 35 (roll) down the window, and gestured to the man.  He ran over to my vehicle.  I told him that he looked cold, and he laughed.  I explained that while I didn't carry any cash, I 36  happen to have a new blanket, and asked him if he could use it.   He was thrilled.  I told him that it was 37 , as long as he agreed to do something kind for someone else 38  return.

I am pretty sure that  39  made his day, and kept him warm through the evening. 

I know I felt the 40 (warm).




第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


It is so easy for us to overspend our income. Credit cards are    21    to obtain, especially when you pay your bills on time. Companies will try to make you keep    22    until you can’t keep up and then they will make your life very    23   .

You can avoid major    24    in several ways. Have a plan. Set up a budget (预算) with measurable goals and stick to it, which will save you a lot of frustration (沮丧) later. Set up a saving account that you can use only in case of    25   . Set up another account for your    26   . Do it as early as you can and don’t touch it until you retire. Decide which bills are to be paid out of each check and pay those first.

If there is anything left, you can buy groceries, go out to    27    or go to the movies. Consider setting up an account that automatically pays your bills each month so that you don’t have to do it every month. You could have a household account. Have your check deposited in the household account and don’t    28    money out of the household account if the balance falls below the account that you set    29   . In my opinion, it’s wise for you to have health    30   , which can really save you money. As we know, a broken leg can save you $20,000 or more!

21. A. eager              B. easy                        C. fast           D. hard

22. A. charging          B. working           C. studying       D. saving

23. A. colorful          B. unhappy            C. hopeful              D. energetic

24. A. arguments        B. cases             C. problems      D. negotiations

25. A. fire              B. danger                C. emergency    D. disease

26. A. promotion        B. retirement             C. family        D. development

27. A. study            B. walk            C. eat           D. rest 

28. A. take             B. drive               C. pull          D. keep

29. A. regularly         B. afterwards          C. earlier        D. finally

30. A. guard           B. insurance             C. check         D. information




第二节  读写任务(共1题,满分25分)


  As I got into a taxi one afternoon, the driver was very angry about something that had happened to him earlier that day. Here’s how he told the story:

“One of my fares (旅客) left a wallet in my cab this morning. Nearly three hundred dollars in it. I spent more than an hour trying to trace the guy. Finally I found him at his hotel. He took the wallet without a word and glared at me as though I’d meant to steal it.”

“He didn’t give you a reward?” I asked.

“Not a cent. But it wasn’t the money I wanted,” he fumbled, then exploded, “If the guy had only said something…”

Why was the driver so upset? All he wanted was something simple, but even more valuable than money: to be thanked for his efforts. In short, what he wanted, what he needed but did not get, was a little bit of gratitude.










2.  作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。







第一节 基础写作(共1题,满分15分)

2009年10月31日,著名科学家钱学森在北京逝世。请根据下列信息以“A Great Scientist”为题写一篇介绍钱学森的英语短文。

姓名:  钱学森  ( 1911-2009 )









3)参考词汇:中国科协Chinese Technology Association                

两弹一星‘two bombs and one satellite’

导弹 missile   航空航天 aerospace





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