满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many of the classical music _____on the ...

Many of the classical music _____on the island. For instance , Mozart Requiem was still an interesting event to the younger inhabitants of the valley.






D 【解析】略

____paragraph is a group of sentences about some related subject. Readers must know what the main idea of ___paragaph is in order to understand ___information they are reading.

A.The ,a ,the

B.A,the ,the

C.A,a the

D.The ,the ,the










制作网络同学录(online. alumni),分


注意: 1词数100左右。






R =" Reporter " Z =" Zhang" Ying

R: Mrs. Zhang,last year a heavy earthquake (76) s       this area and destroyed almost all the buildings in the village. Can you tell us the details?

Z: In two weeks it will be the first anniversary of (77) w     the earthquake destroyed our village on May 12,2008. My husband and I had been

(78) r       a restaurant for several years. On that terrible day,everything was destroyed. My husband was killed in the second quake.

R: What happened in the weeks after the quake and how did you get

(79)o       it?

Z: I moved to a nearby village. The death of my husband was of course the

(80) w      thing. I was desperate.

R: What made you decide to reopen the restaurant?

Z: First of all,I had to make a living. More importantly,I did it to

(81) h       my husband. The restaurant had been his greatest achievement.

R: Was it easy to reopen the restaurant?

Z: No. My friends and relatives put some money together. I received some financial (82) a       from the local government. I was also able to take out a

(83) l       ­from the bank. With the money and all the help I got,I reopened the restaurant.

R: Do you often think about the disaster?

Z: Yes. I thought the earthquake was the day my life ended,even though I was a survivor. But I (84) m       to cheer up. I just did not know I had the

(85) c       to keep it up.














Children who speak English as their first language are now a minority in inner-city London primary schools,official figures show.

Youngsters with foreign mother tongues form a majority at primary schools in 13 out of33 London cities. Across the country,English is a foreign language to more than one in seven primary school youngsters.

The figures from the Department for Children,Schools and Families (DCSF) point to major demographic (人口的) changes over the past few decades,with around a fifth of pupils now coming from ethnic minorities.

There are concerns that school finances are coming under stress from the growing numbers of youngsters requiring help with English. The government has been urged to provide more funding,and give fair treatment to schools with large concentrations of non-English speakers.

In Tower Hamlets almost four out of five youngsters do not have English as their mother tongue. In other areas,including Leicester,Luton and Bradford the proportion approaches 50 percent.

The figures indicate that many recent migrants have settled in London. Sir Andrew Green,Founder and Chairman of Migration Watch UK,says,“These figures confirm the huge impact immigration is having on our society. When government funds are as tight as they are,this is bound to have a negative impact,since children for whom English is a second language need extra tuition (学费).”He adds,“In inner London it's hard to know with whom immigrant chil­dren are supposed to practice English,since the number of immigrant children is much larger than that of local. ”

A spokesman for DCSF stresses that the figures “only indicate the language to which a child was initially exposed at home,regardless of whether he or she comes to speak English fluently later on. It is only a relatively few recent arrivals for whom communication problems are serious”.“We are increasing funding to the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (助学金)to £206 million by 2010,to help bring students weak in English up to speed. We’re also equipping schools to offer effective English as an Additional Language teaching to new arrivals,”he adds

72.A minority of London primary school students speak English as their first language because


A. local children prefer to speak other languages

B. more and more immigrant children are attending school in London

C. children learning English as an additional language need extra tuition

D. English is too difficult a language for primary school children to learn

73.Some people worry about      .

A. the increasing number of adults needing help with English

B. the government taking no measures to help the schools

C. non-English speakers putting school finances under stress

D. London schools not providing adequate service for children in need

74.It can be inferred from the passage that         .

A. most immigrant children make a great effort to learn English

B. the government used to treat non-English speakers unfairly

C. it's not easy to find English speakers for immigrant children in some parts of London to communicate with

D. local children are influenced by immigrant children

75.According to the spokesman for DCSF,the figures indi­cate       .

A. that children will speak English fluently later on

B. that immigration is having a huge impact on English society

C. what the language the children were exposed to first was

D. that funding is increasing to help students weak in English



Peanut allergies (过敏) are among the most common and most dangerous of food allergies. A tiny exposure to peanuts can mean big trouble for a person with a peanut allergy—not just sneezing or coughing,but something as potentially deadly as narrowing of the airways.

But a recent study suggests that some children may be able to beat back their allergic reactions to peanuts by gradually introducing trace amounts of the nut into their diets. It's too early to say for certain,so if you have a peanut allergy,do not try this at home. But the first results look promising.

Two teams of scientists have been experimenting on a group“of 29 children who are allergic to peanuts”At the beginning of the study,each kid received less than 1/1,000 of a peanut per day. (Imagine splitting a peanut into 1,000 parts!) Over the course of the study, the children gradually increased the amount of the peanut in their diets

Nine of the children have been receiving the treatment for two years,and five of those nine now appear to be free of their peanut allergies,and can eat peanuts with no problem. But the other four have not benefited so much from the therapy(治疗).

The two teams of scientists are now doing a follow-up study on two groups of children with the allergy. Children in one group will receive the new therapy,while the others will not. Researchers hope this study will help them learn if the therapy truly does work.

Scientists don't understand why some people get peanut allergies and others don't,but are trying to find a way to help people with the allergy. Because of the severity of some peanut allergies,scientists want to know the answer as soon as possible. “This is very encouraging, but remember,it's not something you try at home,”says one of the researchers.

68.According to the passage,the peanut allergy     .

A. can be deadly if only a small amount is used

B. causes a lot of trouble for many parents

C. allows people to eat only small amounts of peanuts

D. is considered the least common and dangerous food allergy

69.Scientists are trying to treat peanut allergies by     .

A. exposing children with the allergy to as many peanuts as possible

B. changing the eating habits of children with peanut allergies gradually

C. giving children Peanuts in slowly increasing amounts

D. exploring ways to resist the feelings caused by peanut allergies

70.The experiment shows that     

A. people with peanut allergies can't use small amounts of peanuts in their diets.

B. children are more easily cured than adults

C. all children can be cured of their peanut allergies if given more time of treatment

D. about 55-percent children with peanut allergies have been cured

71. Scientists are now doing a follow-up study in order to     .

A. explore why some people get the illness while others don’t

B. show whether peanut allergies can really be dangerous

C. check whether the therapy really works or not

D. explore whether the allergy can be cured without treatment



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