满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No matter how much money you have, it ca...


No matter how much money you have, it can not_______ a healthy body.(内江市)

   A. match      B. fit       C. defeat      D. compare


A 【解析】


Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._______,our minds are developed by learning.


   A. Probably               B. Likely                     C. Similarly                 D. Generally




-Why did you arrive late?(成都市)

  -The fog_______ our air flight for about half an hour.

  A. held up                    B. turned down            C. broke up                 D. pulled down




Although Tan Weiwei began her_______by singing in a local Ear, she is now a famous star.(成都市)

     A. employment          B. profession              C. occupation              D. career




It seems to some experts that there are only three commonly-used vedio websites in this area: 56.com, Youku.com, Tudou.com and they_______ 90% of the market.(成都市)

    A. make up                       B. put up                           C. set up                            D. take up




The concert by Lang Lang was so well_______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first three days last month.(成都市)

     A. received                      B. recognized                  C. admitted                      D. taken



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