满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下列各小题,根据...




31._____________________(掌握其它的事实和数据),customers are better able to deal with some arguments. (arm)

32.With the development of agriculture, the people ___________________(以前我在他们村教过书的) have lived a happy life. (teach)

33. I saw him leave the room an hour ago, he_________________(不可能在工作) at this time.(work)

34.The government proposes____________________(采取措施) to get rid of air pollution. (measure)

35.____________________(既然你已经有了机会),you might as well make full use of it.


36. ____________________ (假如我以前学过法语),I would be able to translate the passage for you now.(learn)

37.All the preparations for the trip _______________________(已完成), and we are ready to start.


38.You can't imagine ___________________(他们多激动)when they received these nice Christmas presents. (excite)

39.I was finally admitted to a key university. Never in my life____________________(我觉得如此高兴)!(feel)

40.You ____________________(本没必要浇这些花), for it is going to rain.(water)


31.Armed with  other facts and figures                  32. in whose village I taught before 33. can't be working                                     34.(that ) measures (should) be taken 35.Now that you've got a chance             36. If I had learned French 37.have been completed                            38.how excited they were 39. had I felt so happy                        40. needn't have watered the flowers 【解析】


Mother is glad that he's already done_______ 60% of the work in such a short time.(西安市)

      A. no less than                B. no more than              C. not more than             D. less than




The little time we have together we try_______ enjoying ourselves.(西安市)

      A. saving                           B. to spend                       C. to waste                       D. sparing




John was one of the top students in our class, but believe it or not, he_______ passed the English exam last term.(西安市)

      A. easily                            B. actually                        C. successfully                 D. barely




When you saw Jack at the dance, what did he_______ ?(西安市)

      A. put on                           B. wear                             C. dress                             D. have on




No matter how much money you have, it can not_______ a healthy body.(内江市)

   A. match      B. fit       C. defeat      D. compare



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