满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The photos on the wall_______Grandma of ...


The photos on the wall_______Grandma of those happy,old days when a large family lived 


       A.repeat         B.remember           C.remind    D.retell


C 【解析】


-These oranges are only a dollar eighty-nine a pound. (东城区)

        -Well, they are_______than the others, but they don' t look_______good.

        A. prettier; very             B. cheaper;as           C. better;too             D. more expensive;so






Pocket Money Sources for High School Students



    3.参考词汇:百分比  percentage (n.)





















All penguins (企鹅) swim in cold waters and so need a good layer of insulation (隔离), some species come ashore in hot places.Humboldt penguins,for example,nest in arid hot - 40°C, deserts on the west coast of South America, while others survive the lowest temperatures of any animals.Male Emperor penguins,as we know, spend the Antarctic winters incubating eggs in temperatures that can fall below -70°C. The insulation is provided in layers, under the skin is a thick layer of fat, then there is a layer of downy feathers that trap air, and finally another layer of waterproof feathers that keep the cold water away from the skin. With all this insulation penguins have no problem keeping warm at temperatures down to about -10°C - although they have special adaptations of the circulatory system to keep their feet from freezing and to prevent much heat loss through the feet that are on the ice. At lower temperatures penguins have to huddle (蜷缩) together to keep warm. In such huddles the penguins gradually move from the hot interior to the cold outside so that every penguin has his turn in the middle and on the outside.

In hot climates, penguins suffer greatly from overheating. They use several strategies to lose heat. They puff up their feathers so that air can circulate to their skin; they hold their flippers(脚蹼)out from their bodies and pump hot blood to them so that they can act as radiators; they open their mouths and breathe to lose heat from their hot breath; and those species that live in hot climates also have several bare patches of skin around the eyes and feet, they send blood to these bare patches when they are hot - you can recognize a hot penguin since it will have pink eye patches and pink patches on its feet.


77. Which of the following are the ways for penguins to keep warm?

a. staying together in good social order 

b. several layers as radiators

c. a special circulatory system                    d. waterproof feathers

e. sending blood to bare patches

f. always staying in the middle

A. a, b, c                            B. a, c, d                           C. b, c, e                            D. c, d, f

78. The insulation consists of _______ layers.                                                      

    A. two                                B. three                            C. four                                D. five

79. The underlined "puff up" in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.

    A. breathe deeply           B. blow up                        C. hold tight                     D. spread out

80. The passage mainly tells us ______.

    A. how penguins stay warm in cold places          B. that penguins are a clever animal

    C. how penguins keep their temperature            D. why penguins can live a safe life




Come prepared: When you arrive at a race, your bike should be in race-ready condition.

Chain Management: Chain damage is still the number one problem with mountain bikes. Keeping your chain clean and well-oiled will help, as will frequent chain replacement. Periodic inspection of your chain for wear, stretch and damage may save you a long walk home.

Packing Tape: This can be used for rims trips, boots for fractured tires and a dozen more makeshift repairs. If you've flown to the race, it also saves you from having to borrow tape to close up your bike box for the flight home. Other musts: safety pins and plastic zip ties.

Pre-race: Visual inspections before any serious off-road ride, carefully examine the area where the tire hooks onto the rim and remove any foreign objects which could cause premature(比预期早的)tire wear.

Tire Pressure: Check tire pressure before race start. The recommended pressure is noted on the tire sidewall, usually 40 lbs., many racers run 50 lbs., or more for less rolling resistance.

Be Self-Contained: Make sure you are self-contained. Bring your own drinking water, food and first aid kit. Also have tools, spare parts, tubes, quick fills and a chain tool. Never suppose you can just borrow these items from a friend.

Post-race Visual Inspections: Inspect your bike after completing each event, especially before competing in a downhill event. Re-inspect before packing your bike for the trip home.

Have Fun!

73. This passage is written for those who _______.

    A. go in for outdoor activities                                  B. love cycling in other places

    C. will join in mountain bike races                          D. are preparing for a marathon

74. The writer seems to advise the racers ________.

    A. not to replace chain frequently                          B. not to take an extra chain

    C. to bring less while racing                                   D. to have higher tire pressure

75 The passage is organized in order of _______.

    A. importance                  B. time                              C. readers' interest        D. place

76. From the passage we can safely say that _______.

    A. a foreign tire is a guarantee for the cyclist to win the race

    B. the biggest trouble for the race is that nobody will help you

    C. a downhill event causes more damage to the bike than an uphill one

    D. regular inspection is a must before, during, and even after the race




Less than one year after France imposed(强加于)a nationwide ban on smoking in most public places, it will, from Jan. 1, 2008, extend the ban to bars, restaurants, hotels, nightclubs - and the most cherished of all: caf†s.

Ireland and Italy show that countries with longstanding smoking traditions may introduce bans fairly smoothly, as they did in 2004 and 2005. In Germany, where regulations vary locally, Berlin will join France on Jan 1. But fierce critics of the new law in France say it all but destroys the caf†'s basic function: to serve as the socioeconomic glue of society.

C†cile Perez, owner of La Fronde, a typical Parisian neighborhood caf† said: "In the morning, street cleaners in bright green uniforms sip coffee next to well-dressed businessmen; at lunch hour, working-class types rub shoulders with those of the latest fashion at the bar, while couples of all ages rub noses over salads; during the after-work rush, there is a steady soundtrack of clinking glasses combined with conversation; the constant, no matter what time of day, is the smoke that drifts through the air in curls and clouds, seemingly unnoticed."

"Our motto in France is: liberty, equality, fraternity," Olivier Seconda, a regular at the caf†, said.

"The caf† is the place that represents that. You're free to smoke, everyone pays the same price for a beer and different kinds of people talk with one another. This new law goes against that."

Seconda expects the ban to be felt even more strongly in small villages far from Paris, where the caf† is often the only means of social activity. "People already miss the space that allows people of all walks of life to share something-even if it is sometimes no more than a few words and the smoke floating between them."

69. In Germany, ______.

    A. caf† smoking will be forbidden from Jan,1, 2008

    B. the tradition of caf† smoking is and will be well-kept

    C. local customs are well respected in terms of smoking

    D. there are different regulation on smoking

70. C†cile Perez mentions the curls and clouds of smoke drifting through the air to ______

    A. describe a friendly atmosphere                         B. show the beauty of his own caf†

    C. support the ban on smoking                               D. remind us of something unnoticed

71. Olivier Seconda implies that ______.

    A. the caf† provides people with enough liberty, equality, and fraternity

    B. people, regardless of their social class, enjoy equal rights in a caf†

    C. the new ban on caf† smoking should be put in effect only in villages

    D. people would not find fun in a caf† without smoking a cigarette

72. The passage is written to _______.

    A. show the writer's personal opinion against a new law

      B. provide information for law-makers to pass a new law

    C. tell why some people are unhappy about smoking ban in caf†s

    D. compare attitudes to a law, held by people from different countries



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