满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Growing up the daughter of an outstandin...

Growing up the daughter of an outstanding educator, Andrea Peterson knew at a young age that she wanted to serve others. It was with this mindset that she started to pursue a degree in medicine. However ,while visiting her brothers who were away at college studying music education, she realized that she too was drawn to teach music.

In her ten years at Granite Falls, she has revitalized the music programs at both the elementary and high school levels,to the extent that an additional music faculty member was hired by the district to assist with the workload. The growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District has encouraged students to participate in county ,state ,and national music competitions ,and won numerous prizes for the district.

Teaching music is only part of Peterson's instruction-it serves as a vehicle to other areas .

"Music is an amazing tool to unlock students' potential. The most visible benefit from their success in music is their increased confidence and self-esteem," Peterson said. "However, I don't believe it is the only benefit, nor the most powerful. It is truly exciting to see how my music teaching can transfer back to other classrooms." With this philosophy, Peterson introduced a cross-curriculum program ,wherein she takes lessons taught in other classes, such as English and math ,and expands upon them in an eight-week unit.

One of the most popular projects in Peterson's classes in the creation and performance of a musical, whereby students create a play from one of the books they have read in another class. Students work together to choose the music that best fits with the overall feel of the play and then perform it for the greater community. "Through Andrea's efforts these kids have helped to put Granite Falls, Washington, on the map for musical talents. Parents, staff ,and community members continue to be in awe of what she is able to bring forth from the children," said Debra Rose Howell, a colleague of Peterson's at Monte Cristo Elementary School.

69.Initially Andrea Peterson Planned to work as a (n)______.

A.teacher B.doctor  C.educator      D.musician

70.The 2nd paragraph mainly tells about______.

A.Andrea Peterson's life at Granite Falls

B.county ,state ,and national music competitions 

C.the growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District

D.Andrea Peterson's contributions to Granite Falls' music programs

71.Which of the following is NOT a benefit the students get from Andrea Peterson's class?

A.music talent development   B.increased self-confidence

C.ability in learning other subjects       D.prizes for English and maths

72.The following sentences tell what the students have to do about their musical project. Which is the right order of the events?

a. They choose proper music for their play

b. They adapt the story into a play.

c. They put on the play for the whole school or the whole community.

d. They practise performing the play.

e. They choose a story they have read in another class.

A.e→b→a→d→c   B.e→b→c→a→d   C.a→e→b→d→c   D.a→b→e→d→c

73.What is most special about the way Andrea Peterson teaches?

A.She has a special way of teaching music.

B.She makes her classes lively and interesting.

C.She combines her music class with other subjects.

D.She comes from a family of professional educators.

74.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A.An Outstanding Teacher     B.Ten years at Granite Falls

C.A Family of Educators          D.Successful Music Projects


 B  D  D  A  C  A 【解析】         



In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg ,lived a family with eighteen children .They were so poor that two children ,who wanted to pursue their talent for  41  , knew their father would never be  42  able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.

So they tossed(掷)a coin. Albrecht Durer, the younger,  43  the toss and went off to Nuremberg .Albert went down into the dangerous 44   and ,for the next four years ,financed his brother , who did so well that his works were even better than those of most of his  45 . By the time he graduated ,he was beginning to earn  46  fees by drawing for wealthy people.

When Albrecht returned home, at dinner he drank a  47  to his beloved brother for the years of    48  that had enabled him to fulfill his  49 . He said, "Albert ,my blessed brother ,now it is your      50  to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream ,and I will take care of you."

With tears in his eyes ,Albert held his hands close to his right cheek and said, "No ,brother. I cannot go . Look... look what four years in the mines have done to my  51  ! The bones in every finger have been  52  at least once. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a  53 to return your toast ,much less make delicate lines with a pen or a brush. No ,brother... for me it is too  54  ."

Deeply moved ,Albrecht painstakingly drew his brother's  55  hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward .He called his powerful drawing  56  "Hands" , to which the entire world immediately opened their hearts and later they  57 it "The Praying Hands."

The next time you see a copy of that  58  creation, take a second look. Let it be your  59  ,if you still need one ,that no one ever makes it  60   !

41.A.assistance       B.art       C.science D.dreaming

42.A.fundamentally       B.frequently   C.financially   D.flexibly

43.A.won       B.lost      C.ended   D.started

44.A.mountains      B.oceans  C.deserts D.mines

45.A.classmates      B.colleagues   C.professors    D.brothers

46.A.concrete B.considerable       C.considerate  D.confidential

47.A.beer       B.drink   C.drop    D.toast

48.A.donation B.education    C.sacrifice      D.experience

49.A.attempt   B.ambition     C.assignment  D.assessment

50.A.turn       B.dream  C.kindness      D.hope

51.A.health     B.body    C.mind    D.hands

52.A.injured   B.strengthened       C.sharpened    D.used

53.A.knife      B.spoon   C.glass    D.pen

54.A.urgent    B.unnecessary C.messy  D.late

55.A.abused    B.dark     C.wide    D.fragile

56.A.seriously B.simply C.carefully     D.gently

57.A.sold       B.bought C.found   D.renamed

58.A.longing  B.touching      C.challenging  D.disturbing

59.A.reminder       B.aid       C.guide   D.coach

60.A.along     B.aside    C.alone   D.aware





31.I'm afaid I won't be able to attend the meeting at 3:00 pm next Monday.I____________________(已经坐飞机到) New York long before then.(fly)

32. They found themselves on the back of the monster,_______________(这结果却是) a blue whale.(which)

33.____________________(我多么地感谢)for my teacher's priceless advice!(owe)

34.The judge ordered that___________________(他还我钱) within five days after the trial.(pay)

35.____________________(坐在一张椅子上),he was completely lost in a magazine.(seat)

36.Please__________________(保持房子的原样)now,because I like it this way and I will buy it tomorrow.(leave,as)

37.____________________(虽然你所说的话给我留下深刻印象),it fades next to what you have done in the struggle against SARS. ( as)

38.He spoke with me with ___________________(眼睛盯着另一位女孩)。(fix)

39.The new bridge is___________________(是老桥的5倍长) (length)

40.The students still can't understand what he said. He______________________ (可能没有表达清楚他的话) (get)



They______a certain amount of working experience through voluntary work. (烟台市)







As a member of the society,we are_____to obey whatever law for the sake of the public.(泰安市)







After China launched a______to popularize Chinese, lots of Confucius colleges have appeared in foreign universities.(青岛市)







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