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第二节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下列各小题,根据...



31.Tom________________(被人控告行窃)in the supermarket and was sent to the prison.(accuse)

32.Henry,________________ (由姑妈抚养长大), turned out to be a great scientist.  (bring)

33.________________(被称作)as the Heaven in China is Hangzhou City. (refer)

34.________________ (已经失败了很多次) , the young scientists still kept on making his experiments in chemistry.  (fail)

35.________________(尽管天气很恶劣), the soldiers insisted on training every day.  (as)

36.________________(究竟是什么) Joe can't find in the bathroom?  (that)

37.If he________________(没有忙于做) with his experiment, he would have helped me with my English. (busy)

38.Water, ________________ (看似简单), makes life possible. (seem)

39.Polluted water is not allowed to be piped into rivers ________________(未经处理). (deal)

40.________________ (他一回来), he went straightly to the boss and beat him black and white.



31.was accused of stealing            32.(who was) brought up by his aunt 33.What is referred to           34.Having failed  many times 35.Bad as the weather was            36.What is it that 37.had not been busy                   38.which seems simple/seeming simple 39.without being dealt with                 40.On/Upon his arrival 【解析】略

I saw Mary dancing at Kate's birthday party and on that______she was really excellent.







. -What a pity! I haven't got a ticket for the football match.(杭州市)

-Don't worry. It'll be broadcast______on TV.







.It's no use trying to______him to give up smoking; he won't listen.(杭州市)








最近,不少城市发出了"减少白色污染"的倡议,得到广大市民的支持。请以" People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags "为话题在博客上发表简单评论。

注意:词数120左右。参考词汇:可分解的degradable 窒息choke



At a laboratory in Germany ,volunteers slide into a machine and perform simple tasks, such as deciding whether to add or subtract two numbers , or choosing which of two buttons to press.

They have no idea that scientists in the next room are trying to read their minds-using a brain scan to figure out their intention before it is turned into action.

In the past ,scientists had been able to detect decisions about making physical movements before those movements appeared .But researchers at Berlin's Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience claim they have now , for the first time ,identified people's decisions about how they would later do a high-level mental activity-in this case ,adding versus subtracting.

While still in its initial stages ,the techniques may eventually have wide-ranging implications for everything from criminal questioning to airline security checks.

The research,which began in July 2005,has been of limited scope:only 21 people have been tested so far.And the 71 percent accuracy rate is only about 20 percent more successful than random selection.

Still ,the research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig ,about 150 kilometers southwest of Berlin ,has been generating strong interest in the scientific community.

In one study ,participants were told to decide whether to add or subtract two numbers a few seconds before the numbers were flashed on a screen . Meanwhile ,a computer captured images of their brain waves to predict the subject's decision-with one pattern suggesting addition, and another subtraction.

The team ,headed by Haynes ,began its research by trying to identify which part of the mind was storing intentions. They discovered it was found in the prefrontal cortex region by scanning the brain to look for bursts of activity when subjects were given choices.

Then they went about studying which type of patterns were associated with different intentions.

"If you knew which thought signatures to look for ,you could theoretically predict in more detail what people were going to do in the future," said Haynes.

75.Which of the following is true about the experiment at the laboratory?

A.The volunteers are asked to perform very complicated tasks.

B.Everything was explained to the volunteers before the experiment.

C.The volunteers cannot see the scientists while performing the tasks.

D.The volunteers started the experiment by pressing one of the two buttons.

76.Which of the following demonstrates the major breakthrough made by the German scientists?

A.By studying the subjects' brain waves , they know what physical movements they'll make.

B.By studying the subjects' brain waves, they know what mental task they'll perform.

C.By studying criminals' brain waves ,they can help find out whether they are lying or not.

D.By studying passengers' brain waves ,they can help find out who intends to make trouble.

77.In the research which began in July 2005 only______subjects' brains were scanned and the accuracy rate was______.

A.21; 20%      B.71;20%       C.21;71%       D.20;71%

78.The group of scientists in Leiqzig were doing______what the group in Berlin were doing.

A.similar research to                  B.better research than

C.completely different things from        D.a less satisfactory job than

79.The term thought signatures in the last paragraph refers to______.

A.the subjects' intentions       B.the subjects' physical movements

C.parts of the human brain    D.the human brain wave patterns

80.From the information in the passage, it can be concluded that in the future______.

A.the intentions of people can be predicted accurately

B.it's impossible to predict accurately the intentions of people

C.no one in the world will dare to tell lies to other people

D.everyone will easily know what others are thinking about



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