满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给...



  Many people will remember the flight of the space shuttle(航天飞机)challenger,in June,1983. The achievement of Sally Ride,America’s first woman astronaut to fly into space,made this flight especially memorable. Students from two Camden, New Jersey, high schools, however, are probably to remember Norma rather than Sally whenever they think about the flight.

  Norma didn’t travel alone. She brought about 100 companions along with her. Norma was an ant,a queen ant who,with her subject,made up the first ant colony(群体)to travel into space. The ants were part of a science experiment designed by students to test the effects of weightlessness on insects.

  The equipment designed by the students for their colony functioned perfectly throughout the long space trip. The young scientists and their teachers were very sad to find that their insect astronauts had all died at some point before the container was returned to the school and opened. The problem didn’t occur in space,but on the ground after challenger had landed. The container remained in the desert for nearly a week before the ant colony was moved. The hot,dry desert air dried out the colony’s container and the ants died from lack of moisture(水分).

  The project was termed success because it did provide useful information. Students will continue their efforts to pinpoint(精确找到)what went wrong. They will try to prevent the same difficulties from reoccurring on future missions. They don’t want to be discouraged either by the demise of the ants or by the $ 10,000 shuttle fare they will have to pay to send the next colony of ants into space.

51.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Sally Ride,America’s first woman astronaut.

B.How to keep ants alive in space.

C.How to make equipment for insects in space.

D.An experiment with ants in space.

52.According to the passage, we know that the underlined word“demise”is another word for“_____”.

A.death               B.colony

C.insect              D.moisture

53.We don’t think the project was a failure. This is because_____.

A.everything went as smoothly as expected

B.the students had pinpointed exactly the reason

C.something important had been learned

D.the students had succeeded in the experiment

54.We can conclude that ants _____ on the next space trip.

A.will have to be kept alive in a container full of water

B.will have to be sent into space with the first woman astronaut

C.should be put into a container where there is enough food

D.should be put into a container which is not too dry


 D  A  C  D 【解析】         



  Pete Rose was a great baseball player. Though I have never met him, he taught me something  31 that changed my life.

  Pete was being  32 in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb’s all-time hits record. Suddenly one reporter asked him, “Pete, you only need 78 hits to reach your nearest  33 . How many at-bats(击球)do you think it’ll take you to get the 78 hits?” Without hesitation, Pete just  34 at the reporter and said,“78.” The reporter yelled back, “Ah, come on, Pete, you don’t think you’ll get 78 hits in 78 at-bats, do you?”

  Mr. Rose calmly  35 his philosophy with the reporters who were  36 waiting for his reply to the claim.“Every time I  37 up to the plate(击球区),I  38 to get a hit!  39 I have it in mind,I have no right to step into the batter’s(击球手)box! It is 40 expectation that has enabled me to get all of the hits in the first place.”

  When I thought about Pete Rose’s  41 and how it applied to everyday  42 ,I felt a little embarrassed. As a business person,I was hoping to increase my  43 . As a father,l was hoping to be a good dad. As a married man,I was hoping to be a good husband. The truth was that I was a fairly good salesperson,I was not so 44 a father,and I was an okay husband. I immediately decided that being okay was not  45 ! I wanted to be a great salesperson,a great father and a great husband. I  46 my attitude to a positive one,and the results were 47 .I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my 48 baseball league,and I share a loving relationship with my wife,Karen,with whom I am 49 to enjoy the rest of my life!

 50 ,Mr. Rose!

31.A.reliable     B.enjoyable       C.valuable      D.unbelievable

32.A.admired      B.interviewed      C.watched       D.trained

33.A.decision     B.record         C.level        D.goal

34.A.stared      B.shouted        C.glared       D.pointed

35.A.enjoyed      B.shared         C.discussed      D.reviewed

36.A.anxiously     B.nervously       C.cheerfully     D.impatiently

37.A.climb       B.jump          C.drive        D.step

38.A.seem       B.fail          C.expect       D.compete

39.A.Though      B.Unless         C.Because       D.When

40.A.abrupt      B.simple        C.positive      D.considerate

41.A.plan       B.idea          C.ability       D.behaviour

42.A.agenda      B.exercise        C.work        D.lire

43.A.sales       B.skills         C.experiences     D.experiments

44.A.wise       B.kind          C.mean        D.bad

45.A.explicit     B.helpful        C.enough       D.practical

46.A.changed      B.added         C.devoted       D.contributed

47.A.hopeful      B.amazing        C.funny        D.disappointing

48.A.son’s      B.wife’s        C.friend’s      D.customer’s

49.A.supposed     B.expected        C.encouraged     D.determined

50.A.Good luck     B.Best regards      C.Thanks       D.Congratulations



—How about your present salary?

—My basic salary is about $500 and _____ I’ll receive some extra income.

A.in general

B.in addition

C.in public

D.in common



He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work,but finally _____ and had to take a complete rest.

A.broke away

B.broke up

C.broke down

D.broke out



We should be able to do the job for you quickly,_____ you give us all the necessary information.

A.in case

B.so long as

C.if only

D.as far as



Some doctors are criticized for _____ patients to buy too many medicines.







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