满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, ...


Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of _______ introduced the idea in 1953 _______ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.

A. them; when               B. which; that            C. what; that      D. which; when


B 【解析】


---- Really? Who will give _________ lecture?

   ---- Mr. Wang, ________ professor from Nanjing University.

A. the; 不填         B. a; the                 C. the; a          D. a; a






    下面是一个名叫李华的中学生给某报编辑部写的一封求助信,请根据信的内容以编辑John Smith的名义给李华写封回信,帮助她解决问题。


Dear editor,  

    I am an active girl.and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom,like a boy.I don’t care about small matters.However,my neighbour,the girl who sits next to me,speaks quietly and dare not do the things I often do.I can understand this.What I can’t stand is that she often gets angry with me about small things

    Would you please tell me how I san get along with her?

                                                                        Li Hua






Dear Li Hua.

    It’s very good that you want to be friend with this girl.                                            




                                                                   John Smith







Name / address

Number of the Rooms

Single Room

Double Room

Special Attraction

First Hotel

222 Edward Road  Tel:414-6433




Air-conditioned rooms,French restaurant,Night Club,Swimming pool,shops ,coffee shop and bar ,telephone,radio and TV in each room ,close to city center

Fairview Hotel  129 North Road Tel:591-5620




Close to the airport,telephone in each room,Bar ,Restaurant ,garage ,swimming pool

Orchard Hotel 233 Edward Road  Tel:641-6646 




Facing First Hotel ,European restaurant,coffee shop,dry-cleaning ,shops TV,Night-club

Osaka Hotel 1264 Venning Road Tel:643-8820




Air-conditioned rooms,Japanese and Chinese restaurant ,shops ,swimming pool,large garden

72.The number of the double rooms in the best hotels in Boswell is        .

    A.82        B.105       C. 123       D.470

73.If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in French restaurant,     is the right place for him to go.

    A.233 Edward Road      B.222 Edward Road

    C.1264 Venning Road     D.129 North Road

74.It is convenient for you to stay at    if you enjoy walking in the downtown in the evening

    A.First Hotel or Orchard Hotel      B.Fairview Hotel or Osaka Hotel

    C.First Hotel or Fairview Hotel     D.Orchard Hotel or Osaka Hotel

75.A group of 26 old people who want to stay in a quiet place and don’t want to share moms with others are visiting Boswell.Which is the most suitable hotel for them to choose?

    A.First Hotel      B.Fairview Hotel      C.Orchard Hotel    D.Osaka Hotel




    Everybody hates it,but everybody does it.A recent report said that 40%of Americans hate tipping.But why do tips exist?

    The common opinion in the past was that tips both rewarded the efforts of good service and reduced uncomfortable feelings of inequality.It is believed that the better the service is,the bigger the tip will be.

    But according to a new research from Cornell University,tips no longer serve any useful function.The paper analyzes number they got from 2,547 groups dining at 20 different restaurants.The connection between larger tips and better service was very weak.

    Tipping is better explained by culture than by the money people spend.In America,tipping is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service.In New York restaurants,failing to tip at least 15%could well mean dissatisfaction from the customers Hairdressers can expect to get 15%一20%.and the mall who delivers your fast food should be paid$2.In Europe,tipping is less common.In many restaurants the amount of tip is decided by a standard service charge In many Asian countries,tipping has never really caught on at a11.Only a few have really taken to tipping。

    According to Michael Lynn,the Cornell papers’author,countries in which people are more social or outgoing tend to tip more.tie says,“In America,where people are expressive and eager to mix up with others,tipping is about social approval If you tip badly,people think less of you .Tipping well is a chance to show off.”

68.This passage is mainly about        

    A.different kinds of tipping in different countries

    B.the relationship between tipping and countries

    C.the origin and present meanings of tipping

    D.the reason why American people hate tipping

69.Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase“caught on”in paragraph 4?

    A.been hated      B.become popular   C.been stopped    D.been permitted

70.Eating in a well—known restaurant in New York,who is likely to tip most?

    A.A Frenchman.    B.A Chinese.   C.A Japanese.     D.An American.

71.We can infer from this passage that         .

    A.tipping is no longer a good way to satisfy some customers themselves

    B.tipping has something to do with people’s character

    C.tipping in America can make service better now

D.tipping is no longer popular in New York




    Compassion(同情)is a desire within us to help others.With efforts,we can translate compassion into actions.An experience last weekend showed me this is true.

    I work part—time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderly These old people are our main customers,and it’s easy to lose patience over their slowness.But last Sunday,one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lesson.This untidy marl walked up to my register(收款机)with a box of biscuits.He said he was out of cash,had just moved into his room,and had nothing in his cupboards.He asked if we could let him have the food on trust.He promised to repay me the next day.

    I couldn’t help staring at him.I wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before,and what he would be like if luck had gone his way.I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul,all alone in the world.I told him that I was sorry,and the store rules didn’t allow me to do so.I felt stupid and unkind saying this,but I valued my job .Just then,another man,standing behind the first,spoke up.if anything,he looked more pitiable,“Charge it to me,”was all he said.

    What I had been feeling was pity.Pity is soft,safe and easy.Compassion,on the other hand,is caring in action.I thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed,either.Then I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself I reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion.

64.The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the biscuits            .

    A.promised to obey the store rules

    B.forgot to take any money with him

    C.hoped to have the food first and pay later

    D.couldn’t afford anything more expensive

65.How did the aged gentleman possibly feel when he was refused by the writer?

    A.Warm and lucky.       B.shameful and lonely

    C.Thankful and excited   D.Hurt and disappointed.

66.The writer followed the store rules because        .

    A.he wanted to keep his present job

    B.he felt no pity for the old gentleman

    C.he considered the old gentleman dishonest

    D.he expected someone else to pay for the old gentleman

67.What does the writer 1earn from his experience?

    A.Wealth is most important.

    B.Helping others is easier said than done.

    C.Experience is better gained through practice.

    D.Compassion shows in actions



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