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A Chinese graduate's record-setting $8,...


 A Chinese graduate's record-setting $8,888,888_________ to his school at Yale University has stirred wide debate at home.

A. prize    B. donation     C. reward   D. award  


B 【解析】




    1. 位于学府街,步行只要5分钟就可到学校;

    2. 面积30平方米,包括起居室、卫生间和厨房

    3. 简要介绍各室情况,如摆设,设施或功能等,对该住处的看法。

注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 词数:110左右






destruction,  affect,   imagination, disappoint,  project,  audience, obvious,  identity,   artificial,   criminal,   locate,   powerful

1.The ____________flower looks like a real one.

2.The earthquake destroyed their houses. They suffered a great deal from the _______

3.The park is ___________ in the centre of the town.

4.Tom committed a crime and ran away. We must catch the ___________.

5.There are thousands of __________watching the play in the theater today.

6.The bad news really made me _____________.

7.The_____________wind blew away the roof of the house.

8.Our lives are being greatly____________ by computers and the Internet

9.To be a great writer, one should be full of ____________ (想像力).

10. Look at the way he walks. The man is____________(明显地) a soldier.




Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events------love, sadness, good times, and bad times. It tells real-life, stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more complicated(复杂), it is good to hear music about ordinary people.

Country music, sometimes called country-western, comes from two kinds of music. One is the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern Unite States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the west. The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. At first city people said country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps in the South. They learned country music. Slowly it became popular all over the country.

Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canada-------in small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people. About 1, 200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty-four hours a day. English stars sing it in British English, and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. The music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world.

77. It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from          .

    A. the Northeast and Midwest

    B. factories and army camps in the South

    C. the Appalachian Mountains and the West

    D. real-life stories in small towns

78. Before World War II country music was popular mainly in            .

    A. the south       B. the north      C. the Midwest      D. the Northeast

79. Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the world

today because               .

    A. city people said it was low class

    B. people could sing it in many different languages

    C. it started with cowboys and poor Southerners

    D. it is loved by different kinds of people in the world

80. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. Country music is about human feelings and events.

    B. Country music is sung by stars all in English.

    C. Country music is popular among city people today.

    D. City people didn’t like country music at first.




In the mid 1990’s, people started doing business on the Internet. At that time, there were two kinds of companies(公司). First, there were traditional companies. They sold things in stores. Then there were Internet companies. They didn’t have a store, and they only sold things on the Net.

   Traditional companies didn’t want to lose any business. Quickly they made their own websites and began selling things on the Net. These are the so-called “brick and click” companies. Many stores are made of brick. And you click on your mouse to buy things with your computer. That’s where the name “brick and click” comes from.

   By the late 1990’s, e-business like amazon.com, buy.com and etoys.com were in trouble. Their profits(利润)were not very high. Competition was great. Many of these business were losing lots of money. In 2000, many e-business went out of business.

   Why are “brick and click” companies, like Barnes and Noble, Toys RVs and Walmart so successful? First, many customers know and trust their names. Their websites like walmart.com. are easy to remember. These companies also have lots of experience. They know how to run a successful business.

   In the world of e-commerce, companies are fighting for every dollar and every customer. Will “brick and click” companies win the war? Only time will tell.

72. Which of the following would be a “brick and click” company?

A. A restaurant.          

B. A clothing company with no website.

C. A bookseller with five stores and a website.             

D. A video seller with a big website but no stores.

73. What did many traditional companies do in the mid 1990’s?                .

A .They went out of business.             B. They made their websites. 

C. They bought Internet companies.        D. They sold their companies.

74. What gave Internet companies lots of trouble in the late 1990’s?.               

A. Heavy competition.                    B. They were short of money.   

C. They didn’t know what to do.            D. people didn’t believe in them.

75. “Brick and click” companies are so successful because______.               

A. people trust them                B. their names are easy to remember   

C. they are experienced              D. all the above

76. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the “brick and click” companies run a successful business.

B. “Brick and click” companies are certain to win the business competition.

C. It is uncertain whether “brick and click” companies will win the competition.

D. Both “brick and click” companies and Internet companies will be successful in the future




When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn’t that our friends are all very busy; it is just that we haven’t got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evening?” they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I’m always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.

   Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us; we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost------No television! -------So they don’t know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full; they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.

69. The couple have not got a television, because   ______  .

A. they are not rich enough         

B. they are strange people

C. they enjoy spending evenings in their own ways

D. they don’t know what to do when there are power cuts

70. At night when there is no electricity, the couple   ____    .

A. have to look at the walls    B. can do nothing but sit in silence

C. will have many visitors      D. have to go out for candles

71. The best title for this passage is _____________.

A. Why Do We Need a Television?   B. Candle! But No Electricity!

C. Different Friends, Different Hobbies   D. We Go Without Televisions!



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