满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—I’m sorry. I ______ at you the other da...

—I’m sorry. I ______ at you the other day.

—Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.

A.shouldn’t shout

B.shouldn’t have shouted

C.mustn’t shout

D.mustn’t have shouted


B 【解析】略

“Do you have a laptop?”  “Yes, I have          .”







 The airplane leaves at 7:00 p.m. So I have to be at the airport       5:40 p. m. at the latest.








1.      这位女士忙着为她的孩子做衣服。(engage)

2.      在这家超市里可以买到各种土特产。(available)

3.      他迟到了,我不知道他是否有足够的时间完成考题。(wonder)

4.      经过长期的努力,他出国的梦想终于实现了。(come true)

5.      他是如此热衷于文学以至于他放弃了教学从事写作。(keen)



 Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

In tomorrow’s offices, there will be more bosses and fewer assistants. New technologies have made clerical work so efficient that fewer workers are necessary, so one assistant may serve bosses.

Bosses in the United States are spending twice as much time resolving employee disputes as they did just a decade ago. Corporate downsizing has made workers more insecure and competitive, increasing the number of personality conflicts that managers are forced to settle.

Fighting age bias(偏见) may be a critical workplace issue of the future. As companies depend on older, more experienced workers to solve labour shortages in the next century, managers will need to overcome the view that older workers are less productive, less flexible, and more expensive.

Electronic networking will give more power to workers at the bottom of the corporate pecking order(等级排序). Computer networks allow employees to skip over chains of command and communicate directly with senior managers. The relative anonymity(匿名) of electronic communications will make low-status individuals more relaxed about expressing their points of view and offering valuable new ideas.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN ELEVEN WORDS.)

1.Fewer workers are necessary in the future due to


2.Employee disputes mainly arise from the fact that


3.What kind of view do many managers hold about older workers now?


4.How could electronic networking give more power to low-status workers?




Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A–F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A.    Try to visit every school you are considering before applying

B.     Off-campus life

C.     Don’t let a lack of fund block your search

D.    See the campus when it’s alive with activity—warts and all

E.     College tour is a good choice

F.     Be proactive


It is high school spring break season—and if you are a junior (or an overachieving sophomore), chances are you will spend a chunk of your vacation wandering around college campuses with super-enthusiastic, backwards-walking student tour guides.

“As a parent who recently went through this process, I know how stressful these visits can be for both the student and the parent,” Taylor said. “But on the flip side, they can be fun and exciting, as well as offer a great learning experience and a time to bond.”


For students who live far from schools they are interested in, but who may not have the money for personal visits, start by visiting colleges in your area that are similar to your schools of choice. For example, see first-hand how a large, public campus differs from a small private school.


Too often students will choose a college based on word of mouth or one that looks great on paper. But once they arrive, they immediately know it’s a mistake (or the right one!). There are many aspects of campus life that you can’t understand until you actually set foot on campus—such as the surrounding areas, the energy of the students and the quality of the facilities. By visiting beforehand, you’ll assure that you apply only to colleges where you’d actually want to spend four years.


To get a true feel for a campus, you should try to experience it on a typical day—when classes are in session and the campus is a buzz with activity. Try not to visit on a weekend or during the school’s spring break, if possible.


Since much of the college experience exists outside classroom walls, students should take note of the school’s immediate neighbourhood and of the available amenties in close proximity to the campus—affordable restaurants, museums, movie theatres, concert halls, and shopping areas.



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