满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— Has Mr. Tom White arrived? — Yes, alre...

— Has Mr. Tom White arrived?

— Yes, already. _____ he wait outside or just come in?                






A 【解析】略

So far this year, no measures _______ against cruelty to animals despite their protest in the


A.have taken

B.have been taken

C.had been taken

D.had taken



The idea of protecting environment has been _____ a large extent accepted in this area.







I. Translation 

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 你的作文是令人满意的,我敢肯定老师也会对你的作文感到满意的。(satisfied)

2. 除非我们能得到更多的资金的支持,否则我们将不得不关闭这家工厂。(unless)

3. 前天,尽管那场演出持续了将近两个半小时,但还是很少有人提前离开。(last)

4. 在一所医学院学习五年毕业后,Jane在乡下从事医生这项工作。(take)

5. 在电影Avatar中,导演James Cameron即电影泰坦尼克号的导演把我们带入了一个




Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.


If you are invited to an American friend’s home for dinner, keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior. First of all, arrive approximately on time ( but not early). Americans expect promptness. It is OK to be 10 or 15 minutes late, but not 45 minutes late. Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then. When you are invited to someone’s home for a meal, it is polite to “bring a small gift”. Flowers or candy are always appropriate. If you have an attractive item made in your native country, your host and/ or hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.

Some Americans don’t know about the dietary restrictions of various ethnic and religious. Don’t make a fuss about it. If your host doesn’t say anything about what you are eating, then you shouldn’t, either. Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices what you left. If you are questioned, you may have to admit that you don’t eat meat (or whatever), but you can also say that you have enjoyed the other foods and have had “more than enough” to eat. Don’t make the cook feel obliged to prepare something else for you. Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you enjoyed.

Don’t leave immediately after dinner, but don’t overstay your welcome, either. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a cue to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

If you invite someone to join you for dinner in a restaurant, phone the restaurant first to find out if you need a reservation in order to avoid a long wait for a table. To make a reservation, just give your name, the number of people in your group, and the time you plan to arrive. When you invite someone to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the bill and reach for it when it arrives. However, if your companion insists on paying his or her share, don’t get into an argument about it. Some people prefer to pay their own way so that they don’t feel indebted, and those feelings should be respected. In most American restaurants, the waiter or waitress’ tip is not added to the bill. If the service was adequate, it is customary to leave a tip equal to about 15% of bill. In expensive restaurants, leave a bit more.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 13 WORDS.)

80. When invited to an American family for dinner, the first rule of polite behavior to keep in mind is to __________________________________.

81. The author uses the expression of “host and/or hostess” to avoid the impression of  


82. When served a food that you don’t like in an American family, what is the proper thing for you to do?


83. What is the proper amount of tip in an expensive American restaurant ?




Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A.Human efforts to prevent disastrous collisions

B.Recent alarms of asteroid(小行星) strikes.

C.Asteroids’ movement around the sun.

D.Asteroid strikes against Earth.

E.Past disastrous asteroid strikes.

F.The cause of asteroid strikes.


Astronomers estimate that there are about l,100 asteroids--or space rocks--with the potential to cause a planet-wide disaster in a collision with Earth.And since large asteroids have collided with Earth many times in the past,scientists say it is certain that Earth will be hit again.It is only a question of when. 

77. _________________

The asteroid that ended the age of the dinosaurs hit the Earth 65 million years ago.It was at least six miles(10 kilometers)wide.But smaller asteroids can also devastate (毁坏)the earth.Scientists estimate that a collision with an asteroid even one—tenth this size would kill at least 25 per cent of Earth’s population.Less than a hundred years ago,for example,an asteroid only 330 feet(100 meters)wide exploded in Siberia.It completely destroyed half a million acres of forest.


Asteroids come from a belt of tens of thousands of space rocks in orbit around the sun.They normally travel between Mars and Jupiter,but some smaller rocks are affected by the gravitational pull of Mars,Jupiter or Saturn and their orbits are stretched.Sometimes this change puts them on a path that crosses Earth’s orbit.This sets up the possibility of collision with Earth.


In l986,a potentially dangerous asteroid missed Earth by only six hours.Scientists only found out about the danger after it had passed.Many more asteroids have collided with Earth over the years.We can still see their marks today — large craters in the ground.


NOW there is a new--found seriousness about asteroid strikes.Astronomers are engaged in a painstaking search for all asteroids that threaten Earth.And the United States has a project called NEAR that involves orbiting and studying the asteroid Eros,the second largest asteroid near Earth.Studying the composition of the asteroid provides important information hat may allow an asteroid to be exploded or knocked of course to prevent it from colliding with Earth.



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