满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Eating too much fat can _________ heart ...


Eating too much fat can _________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from     B. contribute to     C. attend to    D. devote to


B 【解析】

         Guided Writing  

Directions: Write an English composition in 120~150 words according to the situation given below in Chinese.

1. 学校都用考试成绩来衡量学生

  2. 考试可能带来的副作用

3. 你对考试的看法



I. Translation 

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.  尽管经历艰辛,斯密斯从未放弃对知识的追求。(Despite )

2. 多数科学家承认要过很长时间,我们才能找到治愈癌症的方法。(agree )

3. 越经常进行锻炼,你越不大可能得感冒。(likely)

4. 产品必须不断升级与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步。 (pace )

5. 大多数父母所关心的是给孩子提供最好的教育。(concern )



Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

It's logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits and job security motivate workers, but one expert, Fredrick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers. They are merely satisfiers. Motivators, in contrast, include things such as having a challenging and interesting job, recognition and responsibility. However, even with the development of computers and robotics, there're always plenty of boring, repetitive and mechanical jobs and lots of unskilled people who have to do them. So how do managers motivate people in such jobs? One solution is to give them some responsibilities, not as individuals, but as a part of a team. For example, some supermarkets can buy office stuff to people who fill the shelves, and the people who work at the check out into a team, and let them decide what product lines to stock, how to display them and so on. Many people now talk about the importance of a company's shared values or culture with which all the staff can identify, for example, being the best hotel chain, or making the best, the most user-friendly or the most reliable products in a particular field. Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets which automatically only concern a few people. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of such goals to go around and by definition, not all the competing companies in that industry can seriously plan to be the best.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 8 WORDS.)

81: What can actually motivate workers according to Fredrick Herzberg?


82: What does the speaker say about jobs in the computer era?


83: What do some supermarkets do to motivate their employees?


84: Why does the speaker say financial targets are less likely to motivate workers?




Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A.Major findings of the study

B.Stress matters.

C.Interpersonal relationships and stress.

D.The sense of humor and stress.

E.Choosing subjects to study.

F.Other characteristics typical of super.young people

How They Stay Young


When Dr David Weeks,a clinical neuro-psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland.wanted to look into the secrets of eternal(永久的) youth ,he advertised for subjects who looked younger than their age.An independent panel examined photographs of respondents,and selected 3,500 people who looked on average l2 to 14 years younger than their actual age to take part in the study.


These subjects were studied for eight years.The main aim of the study was to discover whether environment or heredity had more effect on the ageing process.The conclusion was that genetic programming is the main factor.But the study also showed that avoiding stress can slow down the ageing process.


Stress seems to have an immediate effect on appearance.A separate study of middle-aged women showed that women suffering form serious stress looked older in just a few months.Yet when the problem causing the stress was removed,they very quickly looked younger.


Here is a list of the factors that Dr.Weeks found that allowed his subjects to lead less stressful lives than others.First,they tend to have happy relationships with their partners.These relationships are based on trust and empathy,and provide security and comfort when dealing with stressful problems.Secondly,they tended to avoid sources of hostility instead of allowing them to make them angry.


Next, they seem to have a good sense of humor.They like to have fun,and are enthusiastically involved in a variety of hobbies.They also seemed less willing to conform to others’ ideas.They prefer to think for themselves.They tend to have a good attitude towards health and exercise as well.They avoid the sun,do not smoke, and eat a healthy diet.

So these are the secrets of the “ super-young”:a loving relationship.Regular exercise.a variety of hobbies,a healthy diet and avoidance of stress.



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we faced with is that our resources, here identified as money are __50__. The only way we can solve the problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of __51__ and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and __52__ we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics---deciding how to allocate(分配) our limited resources to provide __53__ with greatest satisfaction of our wants.

Nations face the same problem. As a country's population __54__, the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there are __55__ enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family living room, in the conference room of the corporation __56__ of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find __57__ of allocating(分配) limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago, economists divided goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in __58__ abundance(丰富) that economists had___59____ them. After all, economics is the __60__ of scarcity and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are __61_ very expensive to use. Population has made clean air and water expensive for producers extra cost, and __62__ taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.

In the 1990s, almost all goods are __63__. Only by effort and money can they be obtained .

Meeting needs of people and the demands from resource available __64__ the basic activity of production. In trying to meet unlimited wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.

50.A. limited    B. unlimited     C. scarcity       D. abundant

51.A. want       B. problem      C. wants          D. resources

52.A. those      B. some C. others         D. many

53.A. them       B. themselves C. ourselves    D. ours

54.A. expand   B. extends        C. grows          D. increase

55.A. always    B. sometimes          C. often D. never

56.A. management         B. function      C. board           D. group

57.A. people    B. economists C. way     D. methods

58.A. so   B. great   C. such    D. such an

59.A. much concern forB. no concern with     C. no concern for     D. much concern in

60.A. form        B. study C. means         D. source

61.A. possibly          B. in practice C. in fact          D. practically

62.A. from       B. at        C. for       D. with

63.A. plentiful          B. scarce         C. abundant    D. in full supply

64.A. are led to       B. leading to   C. lead to         D. leads to



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