满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---- Do you surf the Internet a lot? ---...

---- Do you surf the Internet a lot?

 ---- Well,_______, I’m too busy with work to surf the Net.

A. all right    B.I have no idea     C. at last      D. to tell you the truth


D 【解析】略

书面表达 (满分15分)








      2.提示词语:lead a low-carbon (低碳) life

                   北极熊 polar bear


         As we can see in the picture                                                  

















完成句子 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)








4.除了自己.没有人会为他的错误负责。(answer for)






阅读理解 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Advertising Everywhere

      1      Now that messages can go around the world at high speed,the world is becoming smaller and products can be sold everywhere.But it is true that the problems of international advertising—problems of language and culture—have become larger than ever.For example,Braniff Airlines wanted to advertise its fine seals,but when its advertisement was translated from English into Spanish,it told people that they could fly without wearing clothes!

    To avoid problems in translation,most advertisement firms are now writing completely new ads.In writing new ads,international advertisers must choose different methods of advertising for different countries.In some countries,an advertisement usually gives a description of the product

and explains why it is better than others.      2      But in Japan,the message is based more on situations and feelings than on words.For this reason,many television advertisements broadcast in Japan show people at a party,picnic,or in some other pleasant situations.They will

not say that a product is better than others.Instead,the goal will be to create a good feeling about

the product

                    3      For instance,certain countries will not allow TV advertisements on Sundays,and others will not allow them for children’s products on any day.The world advertiser who does

not understand such laws aud customs will soon have problems.

    Finally,there is the choice of what to advertise.      4     So the best advertisement in the world means nothing if the product is not suitable for the market.Comparing such as McDonald’s in Hawaii,you will find Chinese food provided on the menu.If you stop at a McDonald’s in Germany,you can order a beer with your meal.

All of these products must be sold with the right kind of message      5      But no matter how difficult this job may be,it is very important for global advenrtisers to do it well.Knowing how to advertise in the world market can help companies for success.


A.People around the world have different likes and dislikes.

B.This is true in the United States,Britain,and Gemany

C.They just show how the product is made

D.In the advertising industry,selling products is the most important goal

E.International advertisers must also consider differences in laws and customs

F.It can be explained by a word,a passage,or even a picture

G.It can never be an easy job for advertisers to create message



词语填空 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


1.It                    that Polish President and his wife were killed in a plane crash in Russia.(report)

2.We                   between 7 and 8 o’clock tomorrow evening.Please don’t phone me at that time.(swim)

3.By the time Jane gets home,her aunt                    for Shanghai Expo.(leave)

4.—Did you read Harry Potter at my age,Grandpa?

一I couldn’t                     that,because Harry Potter wasn’t born yet.(do)

5.If you                   that late movie last night,you wouldn’t be so sleepy now.(not watch)



阅读理解 (共5小题;每小题2分.满分10分)

    根据短文内容,在相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息 (不多于七个单词),完成对该问题的回答。答语要求结构正确,书写工整,字迹清楚。

                                                 The Fun They Had in School

       On the page headed May l7,2517,Margie wrote in her diary,“Today Tommy found a real book!”

       It was a very old book covered with dust.Margie’s grandfather once said that long ago all stories were printed on paper

       “What is it about?” asked Margie


    “School? What’s there to write about school? I hate school.”

     Margie hated school now more than ever.The electric teacher had bee giving her drill after drill in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had finally sent for someone to fix the teacher

    The man came with a whole box of tools.He turned off the elecuicity,and started to repair the teacher.There was a momtor that showed questions,and a hole where Margie had to put compositions and test papers.The electric teacher marked the paper quickly.

    Margie asked Tommy,“Why would anyone write about school?”

    “Because it’s the school they bad hundreds of years ago”

       Margie read the book for a while,then said,“Anyway,they had a teacher?”

       “Yes,but it was a man”

    “A man? How could a man be a teacher?”

    “Well,he just told the kids things and gave them homework”

    “A man isn’t smart enough.”

    “Sure he is.My father knows as much as my teacher’’

    “But I wouldn’t want a strange in my house to teach me.”Margie argued

    Tommy laughed.“The teacher didn’t live in the house.They had a special building and all the kids went there”

    “And all the kids learnt the same thing?”

    “Sure,if they were the same age”

        They weren’t even half-finished when Margle’s mother called.“Margfa! School!”

    Margie went into the school next to her bedroom,and the electric teacher was waiting far her them.It was the same way every day except Saturday and Sunday

    The monitor lit up,and it said,“Please put yesterday’s homework in the proper hole”

    Margie sighed and threw a dirty sock at the machine.She was thinking about the old days.All the kids from the whole neighborhood came to the school,Iaughing and shouting in the yard.They could even help one another with the homework

    And the teachers were people!

How happy they were in the old days,Margie thought.


1.When did the story in the passage take place?


2.Wny did Margie hate school?


3.How did Margie feel when she heard that teachers of hundreds of years ago were people instead

  of machines?


4.How did kids in Margie’s time receive education?


5.What does the underlined word“They”refer to in the title?




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