满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—— Excuse me! —— ______? ­—— how can I g...

—— Excuse me!

 —— ______?

 ­——  how can I get to the nearest post office?

  A. Yes         B. That’s ok       C. What’s wrong   D. Pardon


A 【解析】略

---- What a beautiful day!

   ----- Yes, it’s _____ that I’d like to take a walk.

    A. such nice weather               B. so nice weather 

C. too nice weather                D. weather so nice



---- This is the first time I       my first picture with my own hands.

   ---- It is time that you        a picture for me.

  A. took, took       B. have taken, took 

 C. took, will take    D. have taken,  will take



 ----Will you tell the secret to the teacher?  --- No!  ____ asked to.

A. Even if          B. Even as        C. Even so      D. If



With his mother    him, he is getting on well with his work.

A. help   B. to help   C. helping   D. helps



As a young man, he ________ many social activities and later _______ the Party.

   A. took part in; joined              B. took part in ; joined in

   C. joined in; took part in            D. joined; took part



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