满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Everybody in the village likes Jack bec...

 Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ____ jokes.

A. turning up    B. putting up      C. making up        D. showing up


C 【解析】略

Tom sounds very much ______ in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it.

A. interested     B. interesting     C. interestedly      D. interestingly



 Tom was very sick with a bad cough, ______ he could neither eat nor sleep.

A. as a result     B. after all       C. anyway        D. otherwise



—— Excuse me!

 —— ______?

 ­——  how can I get to the nearest post office?

  A. Yes         B. That’s ok       C. What’s wrong   D. Pardon



---- What a beautiful day!

   ----- Yes, it’s _____ that I’d like to take a walk.

    A. such nice weather               B. so nice weather 

C. too nice weather                D. weather so nice



---- This is the first time I       my first picture with my own hands.

   ---- It is time that you        a picture for me.

  A. took, took       B. have taken, took 

 C. took, will take    D. have taken,  will take



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