满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jerry rushed home ____ he heard the news...

Jerry rushed home ____ he heard the news, only ___ that his wife was gone.

A. as soon as, finding     B. immediately, to find    C. the moment , fine   D. when, found


B 【解析】略

 –I am trying to have an ice cream. I am dying of thirst.

  --_______. Let’s go and get one.

A. My pleasure.         B. Take it easy        C. So am I         D. So I am



---The girl is said to have ___ gift for teaching deaf children.

  ---She is something. I think it calls for ____ patience and imagination.

A. a, the              B. a, /               C. the, the           D. /, a



She couldn’t help, even though she tried not to, ____ at the strange clothes her friend was wearing.

A. to laugh           B. laugh              C. laughing         D. laughed



 Only when _________________________.

A. did he arrive the meeting began 

B. he arrived the meeting began.

C. did he arrive did the meeting begin.

D. he arrived did the meeting begin.



According to news reports, personal ____ of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble.

A. wealth            B. possession         C. matter           D. problem



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