满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— I made it at last.I am on top of the w...

— I made it at last.I am on top of the world!

— __________


B.Don’t fall down!

C.Oh, really?

D.So far, so good.


A 【解析】略



1.       支持球员所做的。

2.       原因:


2)  教练应该给大家创造一个和谐的气氛,这样队员才能尽力踢球。




1.       反对球员的做法。

2.       原因:

 1) 球员代表着国家来参赛,尽管有不同意见,他们应该把             







提示词:2010年南非世界杯足球赛    2010FIFA World Cup South Africa

        法国足协   French Football Federation  开除  dismiss  和谐的 harmonious

         球迷  football fans

注意:1. 文章应包含上面的所有信息.

2. 注意时态。

      3. 字数在一百字左右。




    Shoppers who carefully plan their visit to the grocery store can save money on their grocery bills.   1. 

Shoppers should visit the grocery store on a full stomach by scheduling their trip immediately after a large meal. If that’s not possible, they should find something healthy to eat while preparing a grocery list.   2. 

    Although having a list and sticking to it is the most important factor in saving money, shoppers must prepare lists wisely in order to save.   3.  . Many special buys are announced through the local newspapers, so buying the “grocery issue” is worth the investment(投资). However, it’s important to remember that many newer, more expensive products first offered through coupons may not yield enough savings for shoppers to give up the product they usually buy.

     4..Once at the store, the shopper who wants to save money should follow a few more rules. The shopper should not stay longer than necessary, because bills go up each minute the shopper is in the store. So, setting a time limit and a cost limit can hold down the bill.  5. . If the grocery list is a short one, some shoppers choose to use the small hand-held basket instead of the roomy grocery cart.

       A.A carefully planned list should include in – season produce and any items on sale or

discounted through coupons (优惠券).

       B.Of course, the shopper should stick strictly to the shopping list and resist the temptation

to buy additional items.

       C.People who are full are less tired and more likely to buy what they want.

       D.Now that the shopper has completed the grocery list, it’s time to leave for the store.

       E.You should keep your shopping list carefully in case you can exchange it for coupons.

       F. Most shoppers are less persuaded to buy extra goods when they are not hungry.

G.Shopping when not hungry, sticking to a grocery list, and following a few simple rules will cut down the grocery bill.



A growing number of consumers, especially young people , are adopting more Western habits when it comes to spending money—by favoring credit cards over savings.

A survey of 11,500 people in 18 cities by The Nielson Company found the credit card market had witnessed a major change in recent years.

    “Today’s consumer is clearly not interested in saving for a rainy day, as may have been the case in the past,” Bega Ng, director of financial services research with the company said. “Consumers have been adopting Western habits and attitudes in almost every way—including saving and spending habits. Consumers in their 20s spend tomorrow’s cash to fund today’s needs.”

      The report found consumers aged 18 to 24 were the most eager credit card users.

      Although the report did not give the amounts credit card users in each of the 18 cities spent, it mentioned the example of Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian Province, where consumers put an average of 50 percent of their monthly incomes into their credit card accounts to indulge(沉湎于) in cashless shopping.

    Included in the survey for the first time, Xiamen is reported to have a fast growing penetration rate(渗透率) for credit cards, with four out of ten consumers now owning at least one card. With more than half of cardholders in Xiamen owning two or more cards, it is catching up with key “tier one” cities, the report said. The report did not make known the figures in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

      Last year, the same Nielson survey showed Shanghai had the biggest population of credit card holders, with citizens owning 1.8 credit cards on average. Half of them use credit cards at least once a week, the survey said.

Yunfei, 30, from Beijing, said she spent at least 2,000 yuan a month by credit cards, most of which went on daily necessities and dining out.

1.Which of the following best shows the young urbanites’ idea of consumption?

A. Using credit cards in every way.

B. Spending tomorrow’s cash for today’s needs.

C. Owning more cards for cashless shopping.

D. Saving money for future use.

2.How is the situation of credit card use in Xjamen?

A. Forty percent of the consumers own at least one card.

B. Credit card users use up most of their monthly income.

C. The number of credit card users is larger than that in Guangzhou.

D. Over half of the consumers use two or more cards.

3.Which city had the largest number of credit card users according to a previous survey?

A. Xiamen.         B. Beijing.          C. Shanghai.          D. Guangzhou.

4.What is the main idea of the survey reported by Nielson Company?

A. Most credit card users are young people aged 18 to 24.

B. Western habits have a big influence on the Chinese people.

C. The number of credit card users is growing rapidly in Chinese cities.

D. Chinese consumers are no more interested in saving money.



New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk(收缩). It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communication’s equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.

    Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic(国内的) business efforts.

    Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive(行政的) ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more common.

    Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.

    English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate(候选人) the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients(客户) over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.

1.What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

A. Critical.                   B. Indifferent.               C. Negative.                 D. Positive.

2.With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people_________.

A. have to get familiar with modern technology

B. are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

C. are placing more importance on their overseas business

D. are eager to work overseas

3. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Para. 3) probably means _________.

A. being unable to think properly for lack of insight

B. being totally out of touch with business at home

C. missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

D. leaving all care and worry behind

4.According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?

A. Connections with businesses overseas.     B. Ability to speak the client’s language.

C. Technical know-how.                             D. Business experience.



Do you ever run out of great books to read? So what should I read next? Is fast-paced crime fiction your thing?

Try the new Patricia Cornwell book, Scarpetta (Putnam). She is such an able writer and handles complex forensic(法庭的) intelligence with ease. You need to be prepared, though, for the world you're entering—this isn't for the faint of heart, let's say.

If peace is more your thing, try Mary Pipher's wonderful new book, Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World (Riverhead). Mary is a lovely, comfortable writer who takes the reader through her personal awakening after reputation and fortune came her way. Even if you've never experienced life as a bestselling writer (as she has done, in her book years back, Reviving Ophelia), you'll totally understand and sympathize with her renewed need for privacy, distance and quiet.

What if you want a straightforward, totally thrilling read with vivid characters, set about World War II? You cannot go wrong with Jim Lehrer's new novel, Oh, Johnny (Random House), about a young Marine whose life is changed forever when he meets a woman on his way to war. His relationship with her lasts him through danger and hardship, and there's an impressive ending. See our interview with the productive novelist/newsman in the current issue of Reader's Digest (March, on stands now), by the way, for insight into the very talented Mr. Lehrer and what interests him.

Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat? Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you? Try her vivid and new life in Hollywood and elsewhere, Wishful Drinking (Simon & Schuster). Be prepared for humor as sharp as knives.

1. What does the writer want to tell us by the underlined sentence?

A. The world is complex and hard.           B. Scarpetta is a thriller.

C. The fiction is hard to understand.     D. Society is hard to fit into.

2.Which of the following is true of Mary Pipher?

A. She is an adventurous writer.    B. She doesn’t care about fortune.

C. Her books normally sell well.   D. She can help you achieve writing skills. 

3. To get further information about Jim Lehrer, you may________.

A. go to Reader’s Digest issued in March     B. go to Random House

C. analyze the characters in Oh, Johnny     D. read the novel Oh, Johnny

4.Which book isn’t directly based on the writer’s own life?__________________

A. Seeking Peace.             B. Reviving Ophelia.

C. Wishful Drinking.            D. Oh, Johnny.



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