满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The new building in our school is for us...

The new building         in our school is for us students. In spite of the noise most of the day, we still feel very happy.

A. built       B. has been built    C. being built     D. to be built


C 【解析】略

 The thief stole the light,         the stair even darker.

A. made       B. to make       C. making        D. and made



           , we could forgive him for his mistakes!

A. If he is still a child               B. Were he still a child

C. Is he still a child                 D. He were still a child



In front of our village         .

A. runs a river    B. a river runs     C. does a river run    D. running a river



There have been cases          some English learners can’t get their message across even though they have memorized a lot of words.

A. which                               B. when           C. where                              D. what 



 The chief editor demanded that the article          immediately.

A. submitted      B. was submitted   C. submits     D. be submitted



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