满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A young boy loved football with all his ...

A young boy loved football with all his heart. But being half the size of the other boys, this hopeful athlete  36   the bench and hardly ever played.

This young man was still the  37   of the class when he entered high school. He decided to try his best at every  38   , and perhaps he could play later. All through high school he   39   neither a practice nor a game, but   40    a bench-warmer all four years.

When the young man went to   41   , the coach kept him on the roster(候选名单)   42   he always put his heart and soul to every practice, and at same time,    43   the other members with the spirit they badly needed. But during his four years at college, he never   44   to play in a game,

In the last football match, the game was not going  45   . When the team was ten points  46   , the silent young man came to the coach and said “Coach, please let me  47   . Believe me.”  The coach pretended not to hear him . There was no  48   he wanted the worst player in this close playoff(决赛) game.

But the young man  49   , and finally the coach, feeling sorry for him,  50   . “All right,” he said. “You can go in.” Soon, the coach, the players and everyone in the   51   could not believe their eyes. This little   52  man, who had never played before, was doing everything right. The opposing team could not   53   him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.

The   54   was(were) soon tied, In the closing seconds of the game, he intercepted(拦截) a  55   and ran all the way for the winning touchdown(触地得分). The fans applauded(鼓掌) and his teammates raised him onto their shoulders. Such cheering he never heard.

1.A. stood by          B. sat on         C. carried up     D. moved away

2.A. smallest          B. smartest             C. bravest         D. biggest

3.A. risk              B. step             C . practice       D. match

4.A. missed             B. hated          C. joined            D. watched

5.A. forgot                B. earned               C. displayed      D. remained

6.A. his hometown          B. his coach’s   C. college          D. school

7.A. before               B. though               C. when        D. because

8.A. charged            B. applied         C. provided       D. changed

9.A. managed          B. persuaded   C. promised      D. wanted

10.A. any more                 B. badly         C. well           D . anyway

11.A. later                    B. above       C. behind           D. over

12.A. go             B. play           C. stay          D. think

13.A. idea                     B. doubt        C. way           D. need

14.A. won                     B. tolerated     C. scared           D. insisted

15.A. took in            B. broke in        C. sent in           D. gave in

16.A. families          B. stands      C. corners         D. queues

17.A. puzzled           B. unknown      C. boring            D. polite

18.A. accept            B. believe          C. defeat           D. stop

19.A. ball             B. judges      C. score        D. fans

20.A. fly               B. jump         C. pass           D. pause


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.C 【解析】略

The teacher found nobody but Jack         in the room.

A. sit         B. seat            C. seating        D. seated



The new building         in our school is for us students. In spite of the noise most of the day, we still feel very happy.

A. built       B. has been built    C. being built     D. to be built



 The thief stole the light,         the stair even darker.

A. made       B. to make       C. making        D. and made



           , we could forgive him for his mistakes!

A. If he is still a child               B. Were he still a child

C. Is he still a child                 D. He were still a child



In front of our village         .

A. runs a river    B. a river runs     C. does a river run    D. running a river



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