满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Agriculturalists are very popular with t...

Agriculturalists are very popular with the farmers as they are________ agricultural science and technology.

A. in great need of              B. in greatly need of

C. greatly need of               D. very much need of


A 【解析】略

 _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

     A. There              B. This           C. That            D. It



--Your effort is sure to pay __________

        ---Thank you for your encouragement.

      A. off                B. for             C. back           D. down



“Would you take this along to the office for me?” “_________.”

A. That’s right         B. With pleasure        C. Never mind           D. Not at all











Dear manager,

I am writing to tell you something that happened on me in your department store the other day . I came there to buy a shirt. I chose one and paid it. However, when I got to home with it, I found the front part and the back were of different colour. At once I went back to your store and hoping that I could have it change. Unlucky, the shop assistant refused to do that for me. She said that I must have chosen it more carefully. Now that I can only do is to write you for help. I believe you will try your best to settle the problem.







96. Peter was my c     on the journey, so I didn’t feel lonely.

97. Every one was a     at the news that war might break out.

98. Flower arrangement is an      (高雅的) art.

99. In football match t      is even more important than individual skills

100. The s      was covered with things that had been washed up by the sea. 

101. She is a leader in the      (保护) of wildlife.

102. Workers in China can get a p      after they retire.

103. It is often less expensive to see a doctor in a c      than in a hospital.

104. A golden wedding is the fiftieth a     of a marriage.

105. Out of     (同情) for the homeless child, she gave him shelter for the night.



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