满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







Dear Mark,


Yours truly,

Li Ming



Dear Mark,     Sorry for your illness.Are you feeling any better now?     It’s a pity that you can’t go over your lessons with us.The English final exam will be held we are supposed to practice writing several compositions of about 120 words.     Please feel free to keep in touch with our teachers or classmates if you are still not clear about it. Hope you will recover soon and also get a satisfactory mark in the exam. Yours truly, Li Ming 【解析】略

短文改错 (共10 小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)







Nowadays many graduate are looking forward to get employment in big cities, not willing to

work in a countryside. Unfortunately, there are enough chances to satisfy most of the job hunters

in big cities, while in the countryside talented people are bad needed but a lot of posts are waiting

for you. You can put your abilities to good use and you will able to make greater contributions of

building a modern countryside. Therefore, I believe in you can have as bright a future in the

countryside as we will have in the cities.





单词拼写(共10 小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

66. Too much sugar can be h_______ to children’s teeth.

If you don’t stop making that noise, I’m going to lose my p_________.

Let me know the time of your a________ so that I can meet you at the airport.

The students are not allowed to enter the sound lab without the teacher’s p_________.

It was f________ for Jane that she met the good doctor when she needed him.

She was ashamed of her children’s bad __________(举止).

72. Jill _________(逐渐地) realized the importance of having a good knowledge of English. 73. Mr Brown is a highly __________(尊重) journalist in the city.

74. She is such an __________(精力充沛) woman that she is always active in everything.

75. Be aware of your own _________(强项) and weaknesses.




Without plants, people couldn’t live. We eat plants. _____61____. And we need plants for another reason: We need them because they are beautiful.

_____62_____.Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells, their beautiful colours and their lovely shapes. Imagine, when the wind blows, we are not able to hear the leaves of the trees or watch the branches swing from side to side.

_____63_____.That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers. That is why people always like houses with room for some grass and a garden.

Do you talk to your plants?  _____64____Perter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, writers of a book called The Secret of Plants, tell of an experiment in which two seeds were plants in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. _____65____Under the earth it had more and longer roots; above the earth, it had a thicker stem and more leaves.


A. Plants get energy from the sun.

B. Do you give them love and take good care of them? 

C. After six months, the deserted plant faded away.

D. After six months, the beloved plant was bigger.

E. We take in oxygen that plants make.

F. Everywhere people need beautiful plants.

G. Imagine a world with no plants.



We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. but most

mistakes are about people. "Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got

that great job, did Jim, as a friend, really feel good about it? Or did he envy my luck?" "And was Paul friendly just because I had a car? " When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.

   But when we look back, it is too late.

   Why do we go wrong about our friends, or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meanings. And if we do not really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, "You're a lucky dog!"(你真幸运!) Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy!", that is being friendly. But "a lucky dog?" There is a bit of envy in those words. What he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve your luck.

   "Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for" is another phrase that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem. But this phrase contains the thought that your problem is not at all important.

   How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Is what he says shown by the tone of voice? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save your another mistake.

1.When the writer recalls(回想) some of the things that happened between him and his

  friends, he _______.

A. feels happy, thinking how nice his friends were to him

B. feels he might not have understood his friends' true feelings

C. think it a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend

D. is sorry that his friends let him down

2..When the writer talks about someone saying, "You're a lucky dog!", he is saying that


A. the speaker is just friendly

B. this sentence suggests the same as "You're a lucky guy!"

C. the word "dog" should not be used to apply to people

D. sometimes the words show that the speaker is a bit envious

3.This passage tries to tell you how to ______.

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends

B. get an idea of friendly people

C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D. keep people friendly without trusting them

4.The writer suggests that ______ be trusted.

A. everybody   B. nobody    C. all the people  D. all the people not




    Teacher Wanted   

    We have  a  good teaching

 opportunity beginning at the end of

 March for、native English teachers.

We offer good pay and provide a

 comfortable teaching environment.

We can ensure you this is an

 opportunity you do not want to miss.

If interested send a photo and your

 CV to Jason at:



    Applicants must have at least

 two years teaching experience and be

 from one of the following countries:


    Production assistant wanted

——Fluent English speaker

——easy going,open-minded

——Background in the industry

——Excellent computer skills

    Please drop us your CV to the

 address below if you feel that you

 would suit one of the positions.Please

 click on the link below to see our







    Teacher Wanted

    We want to find a teacher with

 following qualities:

1.Native English speaker who comes

  from USA,  UK,  CAN and   AUS;

2.  Rich Experience in teaching


3.Good computer skills


    If you are interested in the

 position,please contact  Sabrina



  Babel International Communication Club

    Now  we  are looking  for  a

 program coordinator.

Location:Shanghai(People Square)


1.Be good at communication,fun-loving  and  most  importantly organizing.

2.Native English Speaker or English fluently

    If  you  meet the  above requirements,please send your resume to babelchina@126.com


1.If you are a native English speaker from New Zealand and want a teaching job,

you may contact_______.

A.hyhysh@hotmail.com           B.babelchina@126.com

C.hr@brightshadowfilms.com      D.americanenglishacademy@gmail.com

2.Which of the following jobs pays most attention to organizing?

A.An English teacher.             B.A program coordinator.

C.A production assistant.           D.A branch director.

3.If you are a non-native English speaker with great skills in computer,which of the following telephones may interest you?

A.86(021)63222995.    B.13661641372.   C.88822357.     D.88867356.



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