满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I have ___all my papers but I still can...

 I have ___all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.

   A. looked through   B. looked for  C. looked after   D. looked out


A 【解析】略

We elected him ___ monitor of our class, and he gave ___ to everyone.

   A. a, respects and help        B. /, his respects and help 

C. the, respect and honors     D. /, thanks and helps




1.)   事由:美国学生来校参观

2.)   参观时间:7月15日上午

3.)   参观人数:约50名学生

4.)   活动安排:1. 8:30在校门口欢迎

2. 参观校园

3. 在会议室进行英语学习方面的交流

4. 合影留念

5.)   有意参加此活动的同学请于7月14日前到学生会处报名

要求: 1) 写成意思连贯、语句通顺的短文,可以适当调整内容的顺序和增加细节,使其 



3)参考词汇:报名:    sign up (for sth.)

会议室: conference room

校园:    campus

学生会: the Student Union

Boys and girls, may I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make.




76.  Government should be encouraged to get rid of all mass-killing w______.

77.  A bomb e______ near a supermarket, shocking the people in it.

78.  At the wedding, we all made a t______ to the happy couple.

79.  She was always o______, even when things were at their worst.

80.  She felt cut off from the outside world after giving up her c______ to get married.

81.  The crowd all ______ (惊慌失措)at the sound of the guns.

82.  He used his ______ (有影响力的) friends in the government to help him get into the civil service.

83.  The victim of the robbery could hardly remember what had happened, except that he was knocked ______ (失去知觉的) from behind when walking in a dark alley.

84.  Confucius’s teachings are still ______ (塑造) Chinese society.

85.  The hotel has a restaurant attached for its guests' ______(方便).




We often hear that children wish they were grown-ups, and that old people wish they were young. __71__ The happiest people enjoy what each age gives them without wasting their time in useless regrets.

__72__ A child is fed, looked after and loved by all grown-ups like parents or grandparents. __73__ However, for older people they often lose their interest in those things.

On the other hand, a child may also have some pains with him. __74__ He is often told not to do something. He will certainly be shouted at for doing something wrong.

When a child grows up, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, clothes and many other things. __75__ If he still spends most of his time playing as he used to in childhood, he will go hungry. If, however, he works hard and has no trouble, he can build up his own position in society with great happiness.

A.What’s more, life is always giving new things to him.

B.He enjoys his life very much.

C.And if he wants to live comfortably, he has to work.

D.He is not so free to do what he wishes to do.

E.     Life is always sad for old people.

F.     Each age has its own pleasures and its own pains.

G.    Childhood is a time when there are few duties.

71.______      72.______      73.______      74.______      75.______



The Red Panda isn’t much bigger than an average size house cat. At first you may think it’s a bear because of its name. They’re actually a member of the raccoon(浣熊) family which you can tell if you look at their appearance. The Red Panda has a long bushy tail that is useful in two ways. It helps them stay balanced when they are high up in the trees and it keeps them warm in cold weather. Their fur is thick and reddish brown, which may be why they’re known as the fire fox.

The Red Panda can be found in forested mountains. They’re originally from the forested mountain in the Himalayas in India, Nepal and Southern China. Bamboo is the most important part of their diet. They only eat the young leaves and shoots (嫩芽) of a bamboo plant. Red Pandas have a very low metabolic(新陈代谢的) rate in order to deal with their low energy diet and cool environmental temperatures.

They’re very shy and gentle and don’t hang around the wild too much during the day. If they feel endangered, they’ll stand on their back legs and make a hissing(嘶嘶) sound. Red Pandas are good climbers and spend most of their time living mainly in trees. Their claws are very strong and help them hold onto the branches. They sleep in an unusual way by curling up tightly and wrapping their tails around their heads while sitting on a branch. Sometimes they’ll sleep with their head beneath their chest and behind their back feet. This is the same position as an American raccoon sleeps.

1.You can tell that the Red Panda is a member of the raccoon family from ____.

A.its name

B.its appearance

C.its diet

D.its living place

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Red Panda can only be found in India, Nepal and Southern China.

B.The Red Panda’s tail can help it stay balanced when it is high up in the trees.

C.The Red Panda eats the whole of the bamboo.

D.The Red Panda has high metabolic rate when the temperature is low.

3.What will Red Pandas do when they are in trouble?

A.They will hang around the wild during the day.

B.They will climb into the trees.

C.They will wrap their tails around their heads.

D.They will stand on their back legs and make a hissing sound.

4.The Red Panda holds onto the branches with its ____.



C.back legs




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