满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出...




66. His health is __________ (逐渐地) improving because of the doctor’s successful treatment.

67. I used an empty _________ (饼干) tin to keep my flowers.

68. The news headlines are __________ (广播)on the half hour.

69. Can you tell me something about the accident ______ (提及) to at the meeting ?

70. If he does not tell the truth, __________ (惩罚)can be suffered.

71. I am interested in studying the globe in my ___________(空闲的)time.

72. His record is above the ________(平均)in the class.

73. The _________(长度)of the table is twice its breadth.

74. His writings have been translated into _________(各种)languages.

75. They sat down after exchanging __________(问候)


66. gradually  67.biscuit  68.broadcast(ed)  69.referred  70. punishment 71. spare    72. average    73. length   74. various   75. greetings 【解析】单词拼写

A 10-year-old boy fatally shot his father Friday, striking him several times as he sat in the front seat of a SUV to pick up the boy from his mother’s home for a weekend visit.

The incident happened about 3:45 p.m. on a cul-de-sac (死胡同)in the 1700 block of Cedar Cove Court, said Sgt. B. E. Williams of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department.

An investigation found that Rick James Lohstroh, 41, was shot by his son, who was sitting in the back seat of the man’s Toyota 4-Runner, said Sgt. B. E. Williams of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. The shooting took place outside the home of Lohstroh’s ex-wife, where the boy lives with his mother and a 7-year-old brother.

“We’re not certain of anything until we finish our investigation,” Williams said. “The information we have at this time is that the 10-year-old did fire the weapon.”

The mother and the 7-year-old were inside the house when the shooting occurred, said Williams.

Williams said the gun belonged to the boy’s mother. After firing shots through the back seat, the boy exited(退出) the back of the vehicle and continued to fire at the car.

The man died on the way to Memorial Herman Hospital. Lohstroh was a doctor at the University of Texas Medical Branch. The man and woman shared custody(监护)of the children. Williams said the mother and the boy were still in the home talking to investigators Friday night.

Neighbors described the family as being quiet and keeping to themselves.

Justin Gray, 17, was walking in the neighborhood when he heard gunshots. “We’ve had a suicide(自杀)in this neighborhood once, but never anything like this,” Gray said.

1. The best title for the news should be         .

A.A Boy Shot His Father

B.Shooting Kill a Father

C.An Unbelievable Tragedy

D.A Ten-Year-Old Boy’s Cruelty

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the news?

A.The father is not responsible for the boy.

B.The family don’t like associating with their neighbours.

C.The boy lives with Rick James Lohstroh.

D.The boy has no brothers or sisters.

3.What can we infer from the report?

A.The tragedy happened because the boy had seen too many films showing violence.

B.The boy killed his father after he quarreled with his father.

C.Such things often occurred in this neighbourhood.

D.The boy’s parents got divorced (离婚).

4.The reason why the boy shot his father      .

A.is clear

B.can’t be made out

C.is not known

D.is quite simple




11 Windrift Circle

Methuen, MA

978 – 555 – 4539


Seek special education, primary school, or middle school math teaching position.


Rivier College, Nashua, NH

Bachelor of Arts in Education – May, 2006

Major: Elementary Education

Have successfully completed PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II. Meet highly qualified testing requirements for Massachusetts and New Hampshire.


November, 2005 – January, 2006

Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH

Student Teacher

· Developed and completed student – centered lessons in all subject areas for various groups of fifth grade special and regular education students.

·Adapted lessons to meet students’ needs by reviewing their backgrounds and learning needs through IEPs.

·Communicated with parents on a regular basis via newsletters, daily or weekly progress reports, phone calls, and email, resulting in increased parental participation at home.

September, 2005 – November, 2005

Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH

Student Teacher

·Taught reading and writing through Language Experience Approach methods.

·Introduced a Writer’s Workshop appropriate for first grade students to help them to develop their writing skills.

·Developed learning stations in reading and science, enabling students to be more independent learners.

Spring, 2005

Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH

Designed and taught a unit on Insects and Spiders, based on New Hampshire Standards to 23 self -contained, third and fourth grade students with disabilities.

Fall, 2004

Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH

Taught a class of 24 third grade students with a wide range of abilities.


·After-School Aid, Amherst School District, Amherst, NH (2004 – 2005)

·Summer Camp advisor, YMCA, Nashua, NH (Summers, 2002 and 2003)

·Big Brother / Big Sister Volunteer, Nashua, NH (2002 – 2005)

1.What kind of job does Linda want to get?

A.A Big Brother / Big Sister Volunteer.

B.A middle school math teacher.

C.A special education advisor.

D.A summer camp advisor.

2.Linda has worked for the following schools EXCEPT ________.

A.Rivier College, Nashua, NH

B.Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH

C.Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH

D.Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH

3.What can we know about Linda according to the passage?

A.She was merely interested in developing student’s math abilities.

B.She was not active in participating in after – school activities.

C.She is permitted to teach in any high school of New York.

D.She has plenty of experience in teaching.

4.Which of the following is NOT included in the ways Linda used to communicate with the students’ parents?


B.Phone calls.

C.Face-to-face talks.

D.Daily or weekly progress reports.



When speaking in public, it is important to _____ your message _____ and keep the attention of your audience.







The driver began to speed up to ________________ for the hour he’d lost in the traffic jam.

A.keep up

B.take up  

C.catch up  

D.make up



_________, he is still as modest as before, which always moves all the people who know him.

A.As he is a scientist

B.A scientist as he is

C.Scientist as he is

D.As is he a scientist



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