满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______Today is a fine day,and I will go...

_______Today  is a fine day,and I will go on a trip to the countryside for the fresh air.

_______Have fun_, and_______yesterday.

A.so it was.

B.so was it

C.it was so.

D.it was


B 【解析】略

The _______ tiger made the little girl _______to death.

A. frightening, frightened     B frightened  , frightening

C. fright, frightening         D.frghten, frightened



____You seem to be glad to come back in your hometown.

_____Yes , I ____________.

A.worked in Shanghai for 10 years.

B.have worked in Shanghai for 10 years.

C.am working in Shanghai for 10 years.

D.had working in Shanghai for 10 years.



_____ I don’t want to go to the cinema.

_____I ________go _________-.

A.will not /unless you don’t want to.

B.will not /unless you want to.

C.will not/ unless you will go.

D.will/unless you will not want to.



Leshan city isn’t what it used to be,and it is ________.

A.3 times bigger than the past.

B.bigger than 3 times in the past.

C.the 3 times size of its past.

D.3 times bigger than it was.



_____.I must be leaving now.

______ you will close all the windows and doors .

A.To make sure

B Make sure

C.Being made sure

D.Making sure.



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