满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I went to bed early, but I left my bedro...

I went to bed early, but I left my bedroom lamp on ______ my parents think I _______.  

A. making; would study                                        B. to make; was studying

C. to make; had studied                                               D. making; had been studying


B 【解析】略

― I'm afraid I have to give it up.

― Don't be discouraged. Remember ______ sticks to his work will succeed one day.

A. those who         B. who                        C. whoever             D. whomever



_______ is the strength of union that all the difficulties, if any, can be dealt with.

A. That                B. It                    C. Such                     D. So



Only when you have obtained enough data ________ come to a sound conclusion.

         A.can you      B.you can      C.would you    D.you would



26.   After several rounds of competition, the little girl ______ because of her excellent English and quick wit.

A. stood out                B. picked out                    C. turned out              D. came out



26.   Out of the crowded bus __________, who was dressed in a black suit and waving to a woman.

A. stepped a tall man in his thirties                            B. a tall man in his thirties stepped

C. did a tall man in his thirties step                            D. did a tall man step in his thirties 



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