满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Justin Bieber’s rise to fame is an ____...

 Justin Bieber’s rise to fame is an ________ story which ________ thousands of young actors.

A. inspiring; has inspired                              B. inspired; inspired      

C. inspiring; had inspired                                D. inspired; has been inspiring


A 【解析】略

--- Mr Xie speaks English fluently and enjoys teaching a lot.

   --- _________

A. So does he.                                         B. So he does.        

C. So is his brother.                                          D. So his brother is.



________ at a speed over 400 kilometers per hour, the train arrived in Pudong International Airport in ten minutes.

A. Travelling             B. Travelled              C. To travel               D. Travel



Life in cities is much livelier than ________ in the country.      

A. /                    B. that                C. it                             D. the one



I failed in the exam but ________ teacher refused to give me _________ second chance.  

A. a, the                       B. a, a                          C. the, a                       D. the, the




1.There is no _______________(电) in the wire. Don’t worry. You can touch it.

2.You should always read the _________________ (说明) carefully before taking medicines.

3.He tried to get rid of the seaweed __________________(漂浮) on the surface of the water.

4.During festivals, shops are decorated with ______________________(吸引人的) things so as to attract customers.

5.I__________________(完全) forget about my appointment with the denist.



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