满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- You mean we will have the mid-term e...

--- You mean we will have the mid-term exam in early November?

   --- Yes. ________

   A. It’s up to you.                                         B. Go ahead.      

C. See you again soon.                                   D. You’ve got it.


D 【解析】略

Thanks to the modern technology, we can get several times ________ information _______ people did in the past.

   A. as more; as              B. as much; than      C. as much; as        D. as many; as



 All the viewers were deeply touched by Jay Zhou’s performance ________ they attended his concert.

   A. the first time                     B. for the first time              C. at the first time            D. at first



I preferred _______the long jump rather than ________ in the relay race in the school sports games.

   A. to choose; to run      B. choosing; to run    C. choosing; run      D. to choose; run



--- Are you satisfied with what he has done?

   --- Not at all. It can’t be ________.

   A. any worse          B. so bad             C. much better             D. the worst



 Last week the students did the experiment in order to_______ if iron rusts in dry air.

   A. look for                         B. look at                         C. find out                 D. find



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