满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

According to the situation, they found t...

According to the situation, they found three different ______ to the problem.

A. means               B. approaches           C. ways                   D. methods


B 【解析】略

---What made the students so upset?

---______ to go to the movie.

A. Having not been allowed               B. Not having allowed

C. Because of not having allowed                D. Not having been allowed



 At a rough estimate, our school is ______ their school.

A. three times as the size as                   B. three times size of

C. three times the size of                   D. three times as the size of



---The road______ outside the school annoys the students awfully.

   ---Actually, we don’t know when it will be completed.

A. being built      B. to be built       C. to built        D. having been built



When I caught him ______me, I stopped ______things there and started dealing with another shop.

A. cheating; buying                              B. to cheat; buying

C. cheating; to buy                           D. to cheat; to buy



 Customers are asked to make sure that they______ the right change (��Ǯ) before leaving the shop.

A. will give       B. will be given    C. have given       D. have been given



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