满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— Dad, I'd like to go to the cinema with...

— Dad, I'd like to go to the cinema with you.

— Sorry, dear, but the film is _____ adults only.

A.intended for

B.made up of

C.protected from

D.taken in


A 【解析】略

阅读表达(共5个小题,每小题2分, 共10分)

When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away. When he wants to go outside, he doesn’t take Cuddles out for a walk—Cuddles takes him for a walk. Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet. It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

       When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for(申请) a guide dog. Shaw, an anima lover, said he couldn’t bear to part with a dog(which usually lives about eight to ten years)and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

       Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses. He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people. They are clean, friendly, smart and have great memories. They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places. Best of all, they live for 25-35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide friend for most or all of his life.

       Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse. The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice. Then he began his training.

       Through training, Shaw and Cuddles learned to find their way on busy streets, step over curbs(便道沿儿)and find elevator buttons. Cuddles even show its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls. They got along without any difficulties. Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

1. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “miniature” in Paragraph 1?(No more than 2 words)


2.Why didn’t Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide?(No more than 15 words)


3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us? (No more than 10 words)


4. How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles? (No more than 10 words)


5. In your opinion, what is the ideal(理想的) relationship between man and animals? (No more than 20 words)





课文填空(共10小题, 每小1分,满分10分,每空填一个词)

  1.  is interesting   2.  look at differences between schools in different countries. In many        3.       countries, for example, the relationship between teachers and students is quite formal. This is true  4.   France, Germany, and Spain, 5.  discipline and respect  6.  the teacher is considered very important. In northern European countries,  7.   , the relationship between teachers and students is   8.  friendlier and 9. relaxed. In Britain, relationships are quite relaxed, but teachers can have big problems    10.  discipline.



翻译句子(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分, 每空可填一个或多个单词)


_____________________________this week that she_______________________.




__________________________________________________our house, his house



________________________________________I ___________ this organization.


I________________________________________ go out, ___________________.





1. After hearing the bad news, he a______          himself to sadness.

2.The police are trained to deal with every situation in a calm and p______   manner.

3.F __________, the traffic wasn’t too bad so I managed to go to the meeting on time.

4.What a ________________(极好的) idea!

5. The look on his face is ______________(令人害怕的).



 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分,每空填一个词)

Man has a big brain (脑) . He can think, learn and speak. Scientists once thought that man was different from animals   1.   they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys, birds can learn, too.

They are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can’t speak. They make noises when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes (类人猿) can understand some things more quickly   2.  man. One or two of them have learned 3.   words. But they can not join words to   4.  sentences. They can not think 5.  us because they have   6. language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language.  7.  child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five,    8.   no animals learn to speak.  9.  do children learn it? Scientists don’t really know. 10. happens inside our body when we speak? They don’t know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.



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