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Teresa was born in Yugoslavia on August ...

Teresa was born in Yugoslavia on August 27,1910. Her parents were Albanians(阿尔巴尼亚人) and member of the Roman Catholic Church. When she was seven years old, her father was murdered. She decided not to be filled with hate because of this tragedy(悲剧). Instead, she would seek a life of love. This ambition led her to Ireland where she became a nun(修女) at the age of eighteen.

After only one year of training, she was sent to India to teach in a school called Loretto House, where the students were mostly from rich Indian families. After 15 years there, she left her duties as a teacher to “follow Christ into the slums(贫民窟).” Her heart led her away from the rich to the needs of the poor. She was then 36 years old.

Teresa no longer was affiliated(隶属) with the Irish nuns who sent her to Loreto House but worked independently. However, her work was recognised by the Pope in Rome for she still was a nun. He allowed her to set up her own group, which was called the Missionaries of Charity(仁爱传教修女会).

She no longer dressed as a nun in the European or Irish tradition. Instead, she put on a sari, the local dress of the Indian people. At first, people were sceptical(怀疑的) about her motives. Soon, they realised she was really interested in loving poor people, even those who were dying and had no chance of survival.

Soon, other Indian people began to spare time to help Mother Teresa. She had taught everyone that the poor and dying people need love most of all.

In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1.Why did Mother Teresa become a nun?

A.Her father was killed.

B.The hate of her father’s death.

C.She was looking for a life of love.

D.The poor life of her childhood.

2.Why did she leave her duties as a teacher after 15 years in Loretto House?

A.To be a teacher was too tired

B.The students in Loretto House were rich.

C.She was tired of teaching.

D.The poor in the slums needed her care.

3.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.Mother Teresa was a Catholic.

B.“Sari” is an Indian word that means clothing.

C.At first people didn’t believe her motives.

D.She served poor people in the slums as a teacher.

4.Perhaps the most important lesson the world has learned from Mother Teresa is     .

A.regular assistance

B.food and shelter

C.to care for the poor of the earth



1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 【解析】略



Mitchell once had a very serious car accident. More than 65 percent of his  36  was burnt. He was unable to   37  a knife at dinner, or go to the bathroom without  38 . But Mitchell never believed he was    39 . “I am in charge of my own spaceship,” he said. “It’s my up or my down. I could   40   to see this situation as a defeat   41  a starting point.” Six months later Mitchell bought himself a plane and he was piloting it   42 .

Later he  43  with two friends and founded a food company that   44  to be Vermont’s second largest food company. Then four years   45  the car accident, the plane Mitchell was piloting crashed. The accident made Mitchell unable to walk anymore. “I   46  what was happening to me. What did I do to get this?”

Mitchell worked   47  day and night to regain as much independence as possible. He was elected Mayor of Crested Butte, Colorado. He   48  the town from mineral mining that would   49  its beauty and environment.

Although he had   50 looks and physical difficulties, Mitchell   51  flying and speaking in public. “Before I   52  walk, there were 10,000 things I could do,” Mitchell says, “Now there are 9,000. I can   53  cry for the 1,000 I lost or focus on the 9,000 I have. I tell people that I have had two big bad lucks in my life.   54  you think you also have bad lucks, you can step back, take a   55   view and have a chance to say, ‘Maybe that isn’t such a big deal after all.’ It’s not what happens to you; it’s what you do about it,”


A. car

B. hand

C. head

D. body


A. put up

B. take up

C. pick up

D. set up


A. help

B. strength

C. spirit

D. pain


A. burnt

B. defeated

C. touched

D. hurt


A. choose

B. learn

C. come

D. manage


A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so


A. yet

B. again

C. ever

D. too


A. appeared

B. cheered up

C. practiced

D. teamed up


A. seemed

B. grew

C. happened

D. hoped


A. after

B. before

C. till

D. from


A. understand

B. asked

C. wondered

D. realized


A. sadly

B. bravely

C. proudly

D. kindly


A. took

B. accepted

C. changed

D. saved


A. ruin

B. produce

C. attract

D. serve


A. amusing

B. charming

C. shocking

D. moving


A. stopped

B. continued

C. began

D. tried


A. could

B. couldn’t

C. must

D. mustn’t


A. only

B. still

C. thus

D. either


A. Though

B. Unless

C. When

D. Since


A. bigger

B. wider

C. louder

D. deeper



— Could I ask you a rather difficult maths question?

— Sure,     .

A.pardon me

B.go ahead

C.good idea

D.forget it



It’s believed that a man’s action should agree with     he says.







Has Henry got used     in Shanghai?

A.to living

B.to live





— It’s so hot! What about a cup of ice water?

     .It’s all I can think of .

A.Good idea!

B.you’re right!

C.Never mind

D.It’s impossible



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