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书面表达(满分25分) 一澳大利亚学生代表团将来你校参观,学校安排你班负责接待。...






具体安排:①7月10日早晨8:45 在校门口集中,欢迎来访的澳大利亚客人。


③10:00 在操场进行篮球友谊赛。

④客人11:00 离校。






3.参考词汇:接待:reception; 宿舍:dormitory




One possible version: Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? About 30 students from Australia will come to our school for a visit on July 10th,Friday. Our class was asked to take charge of reception. We will meet at the school gate at 8:45 am, wearing school uniforms and give them a warm welcome .They will arrive at 9:00 am, and then we will show them around the schoolyard, the lab building, the teaching building and the students’ dormitories .Next there will be a friendly basketball match on the playground at 10:00. They will leave our school at 11:00. Everybody should be polite to our guests and communicate with them in English. That’s all .Thank you.  【解析】略








In a national spelling contest in America, 11-year-old


girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her softly

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voice the judges were sure if she spelled the word with letter

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A and E . They talked it over and finally decided to simply        

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ask her what she had said. Immediately the girl knew he had

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mis-spelled the word. But instead of lying and told the judges

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she had said the correct letter, she told the truth which

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she had said the wrong letter, so she had lost the contest.

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As the girl walked off the stage, the audience stood

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to their foot clapping to applaud her honesty.

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Here’s an amazing way to get a hard-boiled egg into a bottle, even though the mouth of the boiled is smaller than the egg! What’s more, you don’t even need to touch the egg to get it to go in!

For this experiment you will need:

·a hard-boiled egg

·a glass bottle with a mouth just slightly smaller than the egg (a fruit-drink bottle works well)

·a 8-cm by 8-cm(3-inch by 3-inch)piece of newspaper

·a match

Remove the shell from the egg. Set the egg on the mouth of the bottle to see that the egg does not fit through the mouth.

Light the paper. Remove the egg from the mouth of the bottle and drop the burning paper into the bottle. Before the fire goes out, set the egg back onto the mouth of the bottle. Within a few seconds the egg will squeeze(挤) through the mouth and into the bottle.

As it entered the bottle, the egg may have broken into pieces. This happens when the diameter(直径) of the egg is more than about 0.5 cm(about 3/16 inch) larger than the diameter of the bottle’s opening.

Why does the egg slide into the bottle, even though no one is pushing it? Because the pressure of the air is pushing it. Before the burning paper is put into the bottle, the pressure of the air inside is the same as outside. The burning paper, however, heats the air inside. This causes the air inside to expand. When the egg is placed on top of the bottle, it seals(封住) the bottle. When the fire goes out, the air inside cools. As it cools, the air contracts(紧缩), and the pressure of the air inside becomes less than the pressure outside. Then, the higher outside pressure pushes the egg into the bottle!

1.The best title of this passage can be      .

A.An interesting story

B.The pressure of the air

C.Egg in a bottle

D.Egg, bottle and match

2.What don’t you need in this experiment?





3.Why will the egg break into pieces while entering the bottle?

A.Because of the burning paper.

B.Because the diameter of the egg is too larger than that of the bottles opening.

C.Because it is cool inside the bottle.

D.Because the pressure of the air inside is larger.

4.What is the most important to get the egg into a bottle?

A.A match.

B.A fruit-drink bottle.

C.The pressure of the air.

D.The burning paper.



Welcome to WeKnowDiets.com. We have compiled(汇集)the most comprehensive database of information for people who are looking for a trimmer body and healthier lifestyle. There are now thousands of Weight-Loss Products and Diet Programs available to choose from-that can be a little confusing. Our goal is to give you a quick snapshot(简介)of what options are available to you. We will inform you of the hottest new ingredients and which products and programs bring you the most quality and best results.

The most popular ones

NuPhedrine-burn 500 more calories per day

NuPhedrine is probably one of the best weight-loss pills ever made. What is so impressive about this pill is that the makers can honestly say that you WILL burn at least 500 more calories per day just by taking NuPhedrine. MORE

Miracle Fat Burning Cream

Imagine being able to target your problem areas for rapid results. Now you can do just that. We have found that Miracle Fat Burning Cream is clinically proven to burn fat and it uses a patented delivery technology that works immediately. MORE

Alli Diet Pill

This diet pill, claims to provide weight loss that “won’t be easy”. This product does not seem to promise particularly fast results, and instead emphasizes gradual weight loss. The accompanying book is intended to act as a companion to the weight-loss product. MORE

Bikini Boot Camp-14 days for a bikini body

It is a customized(需要定制的)back-to-basics system, which, regardless of its name, is actually about putting “fun” back into exercise while eating in a balanced way. The developers of this diet system make it accessible to everyone by bringing it into people’s homes-in both a book and an online-based plan. MORE

1.The passage is intended for those     .

A.with a slim figure

B.with high blood pressure

C.who are very fat

D.who seek for a healthy diet

2.Which of the following emphasizes gradual weight loss?


B.Miracle Fat Burning Cream.

C.Alli Diet Pill.

D.Bikini Boot Camp.

3.Which of the follwing is produced in the form of thick liquid?


B.Miracle Fat Burning Cream.

C.Alli Diet Pill.

D.Bikini Boot Camp.

4.Bikini Boot Camp is different from the others in that     .

A.ordinary people can afford it

B.it is a diet program full of fun

C.you eat less but exercise more

D.it can save you much money



America has been experiencing the longest economic increase in its history. Incomes have risen, unemployment has fallen, and cities such as New York are bursting with new office buildings.

But just a short walk from Manhattan’s skyscrapers, George Brown sits on the side-walk, cooking a lunch of rice and bits of fish over a can of cooking fuel.

Brown is homeless——one of the 2.3 million people in the US who end up on the street.

During the day, Brown collects aluminum cans and sells them for five cents a piece. At night, he sleeps on the street.

“I have been on the street about eight or nine years, something like that,” said the 62-year-old former construction worker.

Brown admits he had problems with alcohol and has smoked cocaine. But he said he still wants a more stable housing arrangement. He could afford it just with the money he earns by collecting cans and small pieces of metal, if only truly low-income housing were available.

However, he sees no hope of finding affordable housing in New York.

With the strong economy and unemployment down, beautiful housing is being built to meet demand.

A US report shows rents in New York City rose more than 27 per cent, from $549 to $700 a month.

One of the side effects of the strong economy is that rents have been going up.

The majority of people who experience homelessness really just need some affordable housing help.

But few housing companies are building for the poor. Many small apartments in the city now rent for $1,500 a month or more.

Brown, the homeless New Yorker, said he has a daughter who lives in the city but he rarely sees her. She is angry about his drinking and won’t allow it in her house.

Smiling, he said he also has seven grandchildren whom he’d like to see more often. “All I’ve got to do is clean up my act,” he said.

1.What kind of life does George Brown lead?





2. It can be inferred from this passage that     .

A.America is short of housing companies

B.the poor can’t benefit from the increasing economy

C.poor people in America will become rich

D.housing companies will build more houses for the poor

3.The underlined part “clean up my act” in the last paragraph means “   ”.

A. remove my cans                B kick my bad habits   

C. make a lot of money             D. see my grandchildren

4.Which part of a newspaper is the passage possibly taken from?







Teresa was born in Yugoslavia on August 27,1910. Her parents were Albanians(阿尔巴尼亚人) and member of the Roman Catholic Church. When she was seven years old, her father was murdered. She decided not to be filled with hate because of this tragedy(悲剧). Instead, she would seek a life of love. This ambition led her to Ireland where she became a nun(修女) at the age of eighteen.

After only one year of training, she was sent to India to teach in a school called Loretto House, where the students were mostly from rich Indian families. After 15 years there, she left her duties as a teacher to “follow Christ into the slums(贫民窟).” Her heart led her away from the rich to the needs of the poor. She was then 36 years old.

Teresa no longer was affiliated(隶属) with the Irish nuns who sent her to Loreto House but worked independently. However, her work was recognised by the Pope in Rome for she still was a nun. He allowed her to set up her own group, which was called the Missionaries of Charity(仁爱传教修女会).

She no longer dressed as a nun in the European or Irish tradition. Instead, she put on a sari, the local dress of the Indian people. At first, people were sceptical(怀疑的) about her motives. Soon, they realised she was really interested in loving poor people, even those who were dying and had no chance of survival.

Soon, other Indian people began to spare time to help Mother Teresa. She had taught everyone that the poor and dying people need love most of all.

In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1.Why did Mother Teresa become a nun?

A.Her father was killed.

B.The hate of her father’s death.

C.She was looking for a life of love.

D.The poor life of her childhood.

2.Why did she leave her duties as a teacher after 15 years in Loretto House?

A.To be a teacher was too tired

B.The students in Loretto House were rich.

C.She was tired of teaching.

D.The poor in the slums needed her care.

3.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.Mother Teresa was a Catholic.

B.“Sari” is an Indian word that means clothing.

C.At first people didn’t believe her motives.

D.She served poor people in the slums as a teacher.

4.Perhaps the most important lesson the world has learned from Mother Teresa is     .

A.regular assistance

B.food and shelter

C.to care for the poor of the earth




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